Aoife Gilmore (EH-FAY GILL-MORE)

Aoife Gilmore is a half-dryad girl and the bastard daughter of Seamus Gilmore III, who wanted nothing to do with her. She used her name (sparingly, and with great caution so as not to be caught by her father) to achieve a role as a gardener in Pascol for House Kindellan. While in Pascol to study Laoise Kindellan-Sonder learned of Aoife's work and promoted her to head gardener, eventually bringing her with her back to Miliim when Laoise was betrothed to Landyn Sonder II. There, Aoife has served as head gardener for Ukwam City's castle.  



In Bardholt

Aoife was born in the magical forest of Bardholt to T’Naria Pond, a dryad of the forest who had lain with the nobleman Seamus Gilmore III of Leitho. Seamus III had no interest in a daughter—certainly not a daughter resulting from a tryst he’d had with a seductive fairy—but Aoife kept the noble name regardless, using it to her advantage where she could, while remaining careful not to draw too much unwanted attention to herself. Eventually, Aoife’s mother T’Naria began to experience the mental fog that all fairies experience near the end of their mock lifespan, indicating that her mind was on the verge of resetting.

Move to Pascol

For many years after her mother had forgotten about her, Aoife remained in Bardholt. With a mixture of elven and dryad heritage, she had a very different lifespan from that of her mother, and so found her childhood to be an odd one, given that she didn’t reach adulthood for many years. When she did reach maturity, Aoife so sought to forge her own path. She ventured north to the city of Pascol and used her name to acquire a lesser role as a gardener for House Kindellan.

Laoise's Eye

Laoise Kindellan, having been sent back home to Pascol by her father Jakub Kindellan III for a formal Aerdan education, took notice of Aoife’s work as a lowly gardener. Aoife, despite her lower station, excelled at what she did, and the plants in the garden seemed to respond to her in a manner beyond ordinary plant sentience. Laoise worked to get Aoife promoted to Head Gardener for the castle grounds, and eventually Aoife was given a home on the grounds, rather than needing to commute from the lower city.

Life in Ukwam

After a few years, Laoise was called to return to Miliim as part of an effort to unite House Kindellan and House Sonder. In the year 282, Laoise was to make the long journey straight to Ukwam. To make her abrupt move and betrothal easier on her, she was able to take a few people she had grown attached to with her on the trek. She chose to bring her Mick, Sir Liam O’Connell, and Aoife, the gardener, believing Aoife could help make her new place feel like home by adding Aerdan plants to the garden. And so Aiofe traveled farther from home than she’d ever been, reaching Miliim after many weeks of trekking across Elzveir. For nearly 20 years, she has served there as a gardener.

Sir Liam professed that he wished to learn to garden and tend to Aerdan plants, as he found himself missing his own home. Aoife taught him what she knew, and eventually, Liam had his own section of the garden that was devoted entirely to plants from the tropics of Aerdis. Through their time together, Aoife eventually learned that Liam was the son of a woman from House Gilmore, making them cousins, though Liam was not a bastard as Aiofe was.


The Rooks of Elzveir

The Wedding of Artyom Sonder

Aoife was hired as the florist for the wedding of the youngest Sonder marquess, Artyom Sonder, and so was given the instruction to join the entourage traveling to Makaliim City for the royal affair.
Date of Birth
Erta 32nd, 229
Year of Birth
229 AR 73 Years old

Character Portrait image: by Vittoria


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