Artyom Elliot Sonder (ART-YUM SAWN-DERR)

The younger brother of Eoghan Sonder, Artyom (or Artie) is the second born of Landyn Sonder II and thus unlikely to inherit the title of Duke. Instead, he has been pledged to Indira Sigrendottir to unite the Duchy of Ukwam with the Duchy of Kilm, as well as reduce the negativity between the Buernish and Aldurish houses.  




Artyom was the second-born son of Landyn and Laoise Sonder. This came with its own set of downsides, one of them being that he was perpetually in the shadow of his younger brother, the successor of Ukwam’s throne. However, the fact that no one paid much attention to Artie did mean that he could easily be in places he didn’t belong, like important meetings between federation members. It was easy to be overlooked when you were the second-born of a duke, and your nose seemed buried in a book.


Of course, Artie’s nose being in a book often meant he actually was reading it rather than paying attention to his surroundings. Any chance he got, Artyom Sonder would head to Kasri Sonder’s library, grab the next book on the shelves he hadn’t read, and finish it within the day. Artyom has become so well-read that he has started to form thoughts of his own—a dangerous thing for a young noble.


At the funeral of Aisha Mhiina in the early days of the year 300, Landyn Sonder II made arrangements with Dremma Sigrendottir (the Duchess of Kilm) and her wife Katelyn to have their daughter Indira wed Artyom as a means of unifying their houses. The duchesses agreed and Indira was promptly introduced to Artyom. She seemed kind enough, though she was also quite intimidating, being taller and more muscular than Artie himself, as well as covered in the traditional tattoos that also adorned her gaian mother Dremma. Artie had not expected to depart from a former queen’s funeral with a wedding on the horizon, but that he did.


The Rooks of Elzveir

The Wedding of Artyom Sonder

The day finally came for Artyom and various members of the Duchy of Ukwam to travel to Makaliim City for the wedding between himself and Indira.
Date of Birth
Urbai 10th, 285
Year of Birth
285 AR 17 Years old

Character Portrait image: by Vittoria


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