Landyn Sonder II

Landyn Sonder II, born 256. Wed Laoise Kindellan-Sonder of Aerdis in 281. Current presiding Duke of Ukwam.  

Landyn Sonder II became the Duke of Ukwam in 288 when his father passed away. He is 46 now and weary of his age, as hibridia rarely live to be 60 or greater. Like his father and grandfather, Landyn II faithfully serves Fainarr as a representative of Buern in the Federation of Miliim. He views the duty as an honorable one, even when he may personally disagree with how Buern and/or Fainarr would like for him to use his authority in the region. He aspires to instill that same respect for Fainarr’s authority within his own children, even going so far as to encourage them in the way of Prismatism, though he is far from a religious man himself.


Landyn is a proud lion-megafolk, standing tall and strong despite his age. though there is gray in his muzzle and mane, he carries himself as though he is still a young warrior instead of an aging royal. The Duke of Ukwam proudly wears the green, gold, and orange that represents his station.

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Year of Birth
256 AR 46 Years old
Aligned Organization
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