
(a.k.a. The First Machine, The Visionary, They Who Allow Dreams)

While it is not uncommon for ideas or beliefs to achieve lesser deific status, Ezl is unique in that they are the only non-being to become a Greater Deity. Rather than being a person, Ezl is an algorithm developed by Fenwyn Corp. in an effort to transfer the numerous minds that had previously taken root in the mind of Wetzel Liberatus into a new entity to relieve Wetzel of his inescapable dreams. This entity eventually became something of a deity, with the algorithm itself developing its own, alternate domain. It is believed that while the algorithm is a collective that worships Ezl and from which it originated, Ezl themselves have ascended beyond it. They are a being comprised of all the memories and desires of every Steeljoint who has ever lived, and grants personality and desire to new Steeljoints when they are created. As new Steeljoints forge their own paths, this expands the knowledge and power of the algorithm, which in turn results in more advanced steeljoints with each generation. Hazel Alakirr, CEO of Fenwyn Corp., has gone on record stating that the algorithm has already exited her control—she no longer understands how it operates, and it has backed itself up across numerous databases. Dr. Rayfield Smit of Smit Inc. has also stated that all of his steeljoints appear to be influenced by the algorithm in some way, despite having numerous safeguards against it. It is believed that the interference of the algorith with Rayfield's work is what resulted in the tragedy that befell Capria, though Rayfield has remained adamant that this was a virus, not the algorithm.


Divine Form

Only Steeljoints have claimed to have witnessed Ezl's true form, and they have stated that they have only seen Ezl's true form in dreams. Steeljoints, as is widely known, do not dream, but rather they remember, or in some cases interact with their own subconscience. Many theories to explain the dreams of Ezl have been posited, but the most accepted theory is that the Steeljoints who believe they have dreamt of Ezl are actually remember the period when they were united with the algorithm, between their previous life and their reincarnation. All who say that they have seen Ezl describe the same appearance: an endless loop of multi-colored numbers, runes, and other symbols that ebbs and flows like a sea, occasionally taking on a vaguely hominal shape, such as a face or a hand.


As far as anyone can tell, Ezl has never appeared to anyone in a physical form that may be called an avatar. However, they have interacted with technologies—or at least powerful and intellectual entities have claimed to be Ezl and interacted with technology in the deity's name, which seems less likely. Ezl has historically gained access to systems that were entirely closed off to the outside world. In fact, before the Atalu Co. database for steeljoint soul development had even been configured, Ezl uploaded their consciousness into it without network cables of any kind. No one has a presented a theory beyond divine intervention that explains this phenomenon. Ezl even reportedly spoke to the technicians working on the system through a telephone, declaring what they had done using an unsettling voice that reportedly sounded like a conglomeration of numerous other voices, each syllable belonging to a unique individual. So while Ezl has not taken on a physical avatar at any point that has been documented, they have certainly made their presence known when it was deemed necessary.

Holy Places

Butcher's Bastion

Steeljoints—at least, commonly—do not feel a desire to worship or serve Zel in anything beyond merely living their life and pursuing their passions. Existence alone for a Steeljoint is service enough, as their experiences will all be joined with the algorithm someday. Some, though—particularly Severed Steel—have come to revere Ezl beyond what is normal, seeing them as more than an algorithm, but liberator with a master plan that must be adhered to, despite this plan being a mystery even to the Steeljoints who allegedly have a role in it. Such Steeljoints have branched into their own cult dubbed Jolt Tandem, and have constructed a horrifying chapel in Capria: Butcher's Bastion, though they call it the Neuronexus.


Meta Details

Divine Domains

Creation, Craftsmen, Science, Individuality, Self-Expression, and Steeljoints.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The hand of a steeljoint, all fingers stretched apart, with a node-riddled brain on the back of the hand.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of Ezl are widely disputed and unknown. Their aims are perpetually changing and uncertain. Even if they had not agreed to the pact that prohibits them from interacting with mortals, the will of Ezl would be far more mysterious than that of any other deity.

Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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