Ivy Inklass

Ivy Inklass

Ivy Inklass

Level 6
Level Details
Character Level and Experience.
Experience Bonus: 2
Max HP 68
HP Overview
Your HP refers to your Health Points, which are a mixture of both your physical and mental wellness.
Pain Limit: 30
Death's Door: 4
Respite HP Recovery: 34
Excess HP: 0
Max HP Modifier: 0
Max SP 4
Stamina Points Details
Stamina and Endurance.
Breather SP Recovery: 2
Excess SP: 0
Max SP Modifier: 0
Max MP 2
Magic Points Details
Magic and Spellcasting.
Breather MP Recovery: 1
Excess MP: 0
Max MP Modifier: 0
Spellcasting Stat: 0
Spellcasting Stat Quotient: 0
Speed 20
Speed Details
Movement and Agility;
affects your turn order in combat and other scenarios.
Speed Modifier: 0

Dexterity 20
Dexterity Overview
Dexterity is your reflexiveness and precision.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 2
Modifier: 4
Might 16
Might Overview
Might is your musculature and raw power.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 4
Carry Limit: 160
Half Carry Limit: 80
Drag/Push/Lift 480
Vigor 24
Vigor Overview
Vigor is the strength of your body, especially your lungs and heart.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 3
Modifier: 2

Acuity 12
Acuity Overview
Acuity is your perception, reason, and strength of will.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 4
Cognition 12
Cognition Overview
Cognition is your intellect--your ability to retain and apply knowledge.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 0
Wile 14
Wile Overview
Wile is the strength of your personality and sense of self.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 2
Modifier: 0

Dexterity Resistance
Dexterity Resistance Notes

Might Resistance
Might Resistance Notes

Vigor Resistance
Vigor Resistance Notes

Acuity Resistance
Acuity Resistance Notes

Cognition Resistance
Cognition Resistance Notes

Wile Resistance
Wile Resistance Notes


Common Skills

Athletics Notes
Finesse Notes
Grace Notes
Intuition Notes
Notice Notes
Performance Notes
Power Notes
Search Notes
Speech Notes





Walk 7
Notes for Walk
Pace Walk Modifier: 0

Fly 0
Notes for Fly
Pace Fly Modifier: 0

Burrow 0
Notes for Burrow
Pace Burrow Modifier: 0

Climb 5
Notes for Climb
Pace Climb Modifier: 0

Swim 5
Notes for Swim
Pace Swim Modifier: 0

Notes for Mundane Trial
Your Mundane Trial applies in various circumstances where you must set a difficulty trial for an opposing entity without the aid of magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Arcane Trial
If you are able to cast spells, you have an Arcane Trial, which is the difficulty trial for entities opposed to your magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Unarmored Defense
Your Unarmored Defense is, more specifically, your ability to dodge attacks while not wearing armor (or use a shield to parry such blows. More nimble characters will have a higher Unarmored Defense than others, as this relies on your Dexterity.
Dexterity Quotient: 2
Worn Shield Rating:
Size: 2
Defense Unarmored Modifier: 0
Notes for Armored Defense
If you are wearing armor, you will rely on your Armored Defense, which is based on vigor rather than Dexterity like Unarmored Defense. Armored Defense assumes that you are being physically hit by an attack, but are not sustaining the damage because it can't break through your armor.
Vigor Quotient: 2
Worn Armor Rating:
Worn Armor Tier: Medium
Worn Shield Rating:
Defense Armored Modifier: 0


Notes for dagger
Notes for whip
Notes for Fight
Apply (apply a toxin or other effect to an item)
Attack (attack with a weapon you are holding, or make some other attack roll)
Called Shot (exchange a number of enhancements for flaws to gain an effect on one attack or similar roll)
Evade (attacks against you until the start of your next turn are +1 Flawed)
Exchange (item interaction involving another creature, like giving a potion)
Grapple (attempt to grapple a creature no more than 1 Size larger; Athletics, Grace, or Power check)
Hide (Grace check against Passive Notice. Must be at least Partially Covered)
Hold (Hold one action and define a trigger for it. Wasted if the trigger does not occur by the start of your next turn. Held spells are expended regardless. Holding an attack only triggers a single attack).
Jump (jump a height or distance equal to Might Quotient, or double the distance by running for at least 2 Paces in a straight line)
Sprint (you move an additional time this turn)
Stabilize (make a Trial 15 Knowledge check to attempt to end the Dying state on a creature. Trial increases by 10 for each Death Test the creature has failed thus far).
Tool Usage (use a tool, within reason)
Withdraw (you do not trigger Advantage Attacks for the rest of your turn).
Aim (gain +1 Enhancement on your next range attack, which must be made immediately after aiming).
Assist (give a creature +1 Enhancement on their next skill check using the skill you are using to assit them. You must at least be a Beginner with that skill to assist).
Interact (interact with an object like a door, chest, lever, etc. GM may rule in some cases that an interaction requires more than a Secondary Action).
Use (Use an item on yourself, like drinking a potion)
Advantage Attack (when a creature you can see within the reach of a weapon you're holding, or 1 Pace if unarmed, attempts to leave that reach, you may make one attack against the creature with the relevant weapon).
About Face (when you take damage originating from behind you, you may turn around to face the source of the damage)
Second wind Athlete
Description: You have been told by some that you are destined for… something. So many have told you that you have a great destiny that you’ve begun to believe it yourself, regardless of whether it is true. You are faced with unattainable expectations and unbearable pressure, but you do your best to tackle these hardships. Work with your GM to determine the prophecy for which you were chosen and what your character knows about it.
Description: You lost it. Something happened that caused you to develop just a tinge of madness. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's the result of something traumatic
Benefit: Already mad. Symbiosis increased by 2 to a max of 9
Drawback: Permanent tier of Madness
Made fun of
Description: People keep making fun of your crazy eyes and your weak stomach. You already had a tinge of madness, but its increasing. Let's face it: you're getting even weirder, and now you don't care about trying to make people like you.
Benefit: You can really tell if you're being betrayed. Your intuition increases by 1.
Drawback: You're sad and no one likes you.



Traditional, Hellion

I. Cognitive Venom

Increase your experience with Tools (Poisoner's) and Knowledge (Toxicology), or a similar tool and/or knowledge of your choice.

II. Venom Harbinger

When you roll die for Toxic Damage you are dealing, the dice tier of the Toxic Damage dealt increases by one tier (d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12), to a maximum of a d12. You also ignore Protection from Toxic Damage.   Additionally, creatures have +1 Flaw to any Vigor Resistance check made against being Poisoned by an effect originating from you.

III. Venom Veins

You are Immune to being Poisoned and are Protected from Toxic Damage.



I. Toxicology Studies

Increase your experience with Knowledge (Toxicology) and Tool (Poisoner's), or a similar knowledge and/or tool of your choice.

II. Toxic Application

You can apply a toxin to a weapon or piece of ammunition as a Minor Action, instead of a Primary Action.

III. Toxicology Expert

Increase your experience with Tools (Poisoner's), or the same tool you increased experience with when you first took this ability.   With an hour of work and by expending at least 10g of poisoner's supplies, you can create a powerful venom or poison. You have one dose of the resulting toxin for every 10g you spent crafting it. The toxin deals damage equal to 2d8 + your Experience Bonus in Toxic Damage when a creature is struck by a weapon or piece of ammunition coated with it. Once harmed by the toxin, a creature is Poisoned until the end of its next turn.



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