Session 3: The Case of the Kidnapped Traitor

General Summary

Carter Finwick, after coming down from his mushroom trip, was just beginning to enjoy some newfound healing through some questionable counseling by Vorji Skullreach when he saw Reggie’s face crudely sketched in a missing persons job. Determined to demonstrate that he was in a good place he insisted the group take this job, and voiced his determination to be a better leader again than he had been in the wake of his heartbreaking experience on the group’s first job. Armed with Vorji’s treasure trove of wisdom, he was confident that he was ready.

The missive indicated Reggie’s last known destination was Sala dos Segredos. Lucinda and Carter knew this to be a popular destination for business, particularly business of a morally questionable sort. The Tavern’s proprietor ran it as a sort of safe neutral ground for the kind of unregulated commerce that Suorr is known for. The group decided this was as good a place as any to begin their investigation.

Unfortunately, Rhy-Ann Stonemantle had absentmindedly consumed one of the bottles of brew and was now taking her turn playing the role of a thunderous chocolate fountain, and so as she sprint-waddled toward the outhouse for the fourth time that morning the rest of the crew made their way overland to the border of Suorr to save some coin, and then boarded a train there for safer and faster travel to Ninhar. After meticulously filling out expense reports for their transportation costs, they made their way to the tavern.

With some effort, Colm Keogh was finally able to get the Proprietor's attention behind the bar, and ask him about Reggie. After a few stingy attempts the man finally took pity on him and pointed him at a patron named Tiago Sousa at a table nearby, who was himself waiting on a contact.


Encounter with Tiago

Keen to demonstrate his leadership, Carter slid into the seat across from Tiago and asked him about Reggie. Through this conversation they learned that he had indeed met with Reggie recently, as a client of his had asked him to arrange a meeting. He had negotiated the deal, and escorted Reggie to his client - that was the last he’d seen of him. When pressed, Tiago was unwilling to divulge the identity of his client. The conversation came perilously close to danger, but Tiago’s client was a no-show, and Carter’s 10 gold, while paltry, was better than nothing. Tiago excused himself to contact the client and upon returning informed the group that his client had agreed to meet with him. Tiago was annoyed to discover the already meager payment had been swiped, but as he told the group, his client had agreed to pay Tiago for his pains if he brought them to him.

They left together, and Tiago regaled them with stories of the parts of Ninhar they passed through as they went, acting as a tour guide of sorts. Lucinda was familiar enough with the region that she knew he was embellishing some of it, but he was pretty clearly doing it for entertainment. None of it seemed to really matter for where they were going.

Eventually, his constant talking led to them not really paying that much attention to his words, and thus he was able to deceive them all with a grand gesture and announcement that their destination was a building ahead - when in reality it was not the name of the building, but rather a spell on a delay. A few seconds later, a portal opened under his feet swallowing him, and as almost everyone looked at where he’d gone, it closed and a gem he’d thrown as he fell shattered, blinding them. James West, in the back, had just noticed that the whole street was oddly empty, unlike the others they had been on. His suspicions raised he had turned to look for danger just as the light went off. While not fully blinded, his vision was still purple, and it took him a second to clear it. When he did, James saw Tiago a short distance away, now flanked by two women, both casting spells and he drew his weapon to fire. Before he could get a shot off his gun arm was seized and he was on the ground, knocking the breath from his lung. His arm, already painfully bent was sharply twisted and he cried out as he felt the shoulder dislocate and the ligaments tear.

Through eye-watering pain he saw another person, possibly a woman, grab Lucinda and Colm and put them in a cage. Kyle had started to fly up when suddenly all of them went very still and she fell to the ground. In short order, the woman and two hairy Gaian men had manacled all of them.



As everyone’s sight returned, Tiago introduced them all to his crew: Ana Silva, the taller mage, and Sofia Silva her sister. Luminara Caelum, the woman who held the cages, and Lucas Santos and Mateus Costa, the Gaians. Collectively, Compañía de la Rosa.

Ivy Inklass scanned the group to see if any of them were goth (to her disappointment, none of them were) as Lucinda screamed barely comprehensible demands as she threw herself against the bars in rage. Tiago motioned for calm and explained that he had no desire to hurt them. The crew was understandably doubtful, given the state of James’ arm. Tiago expressed his regret, but noted that while he would prefer there not be injury, they would take whatever steps were necessary for their own safety. On hearing this Ivy demanded to know if they were being human trafficked, which took Tiago by surprise. He reassured them this was not the case, and showed them a contract for their arrest.

Tiago explained that one of the few universal principles agreed upon in the Free Cities of Suorr was a commitment to not initiating aggression. If this is violated and you have the means to do so, you can issue a contract to your security team, or hire one to this end, to enforce it. The group initially objected to this charge, but Tiago explained this was not issued today, but was in regards to the destruction of property some months back. While nobody was particularly happy about this situation, they could not really deny it, and bound as they were, they had no real other options than to go with them.

After taking a detailed inventory of their possessions and locking them securely, Tiago’s team gave Jim some basic medical attention and put his arm in a sling and then loaded them into a truck and drove to Cidmolha. Tiago seemed in a hurry, with he and the mages expending considerable magical resources to speed their journey through Suorr on a direct, but difficult route.

In Cidmolha they were taken to Gilded Cage—a private detention facility the team had a contract with. Inside, the inventory was confirmed with the jailor, and the group was escorted into a cell while Tiago handled the business arrangements.

Shortly after Tiago rejoined them and informed them that they wouldn’t have to wait long, as the attorney is nearby and will be there soon. Just before parting he wishes them luck, saying “No hard feelings I hope. It wasn’t personal, just a job. Seems like you made an enemy with someone who has deep pockets.”

True to his word, a Steeljoint Attorney named Hargraves Steelcroft showed up not long after Tiago left. Hargraves explained that he represents a business interest, an investor in the project they destroyed. This was a significant setback to their plans for the technology, and he has been sent to dictate terms for their restitution.


Negotiation and Coercion

In the ensuing discussion, it is revealed that the project in question was the machine built by G4-BR137 "Gabe" and Reginald Filsa. They were unaware of the identity of the investor. It also quickly becomes clear that the “business interest” is a criminal syndicate of some sort, one which wishes to remain anonymous. When destroying the machine, they also destroyed a key artifact - one which is quite rare. The only other one known to exist has already been purchased, and is currently on its way to Cidmolha, to a different organization. They will make restitution by obtaining this artifact and delivering it to the attorney. The team objects to the idea of being forced into a job and Hargraves explains that the only reason they are still alive at all is because they were unaware of whose project they were destroying.

When Carter asks, the attorney reveals that they do indeed have Reginald in custody. Reggie was unwilling to give them their names at first, but in time and with the proper application of pain, he was persuaded. They were assured he was still alive, but if they failed in their mission he would not remain so, nor would Jim who would remain behind to ensure their cooperation. He explains to them that they will still be paid for the job, as it is important they be able to return as if nothing abnormal has happened so that there is no trace of any reason to investigate those behind this operation. If they reveal anything about what happens here to anyone, there will be dire consequences for all of them, and for anyone they are associated with.



Once their situation has been made clear, Hargraves introduces them to Elaric Silvash. His employer had expected the team to come looking for Reggie sooner than they did, so time is of the essence. In an effort to ensure the success of this mission, Elaric was hired to scout out the route the delivery truck would be taking and obtain a truck and anything else they might need.

Before he departs, Hargraves informs the group that neither he, nor his employer have any specific requirements about how this gets done but they do require that it not be possible for it to be traced back to him or his employer. Further, given what they are about to do, it is probably not in their best interest for there to be witnesses that can identify them. If his employers believe they have been exposed and are a risk to them they will take steps. The group objects—particularly Ivy, believing they’ve now been told they have to murder people. Hargraves reminds the group that is not what he said, but if that is the limit of their imagination, then yes—that is probably what they will have to do. Hargraves reminds them one final time that they have 24 hours to return with the artifact, and leaves.


Swamp Prep

Elaric wastes no time, pulling out a map of the area. On it, a route from Cipex to Cidmolha has been highlighted with two areas circled. Elaric explains that he was only able to identify two likely spots for an ambush, and indicates the circled areas.

The first is further away, and they will need to work fast to get there in time. It is an extremely dangerous area, with thigh-deep swamp that suddenly drops off to unknown depths, or alternately opens into deadly quicksand. There is a lot of dangerous wildlife in the area as well, and all of this makes it rough going for a truck – and hard on any would-be ambushers. It’s unlikely they would expect an ambush here as a result.

The other area is a blackwater with an old narrow bridge that was built before trucks became commonplace. It’s difficult to navigate for trucks, and they have to take it slow, making it a great place for an ambush. This is also why the trees around this area have been cleared out around it to make a fairly large clearing. We can get here quickly, which would give you more time to set up an ambush, but they will be more on guard here.

After answering a few questions, Elaric leaves to load up their gear, leaving them to discuss their options and come up with a plan of action. After some deliberation, a decision is reached to take their chances on the more dangerous option. Upon his return, Elaric raises an eyebrow at this, and reiterates the dangers they face - but the team is undeterred. He then raises the question of what they’ll do with the truck. Will they leave it there or bring it back? They discuss this and decide they want to bring it back, as Lucinda has a contact that can fence it for them. They brighten a little at the prospect of gaining more profit from this unfortunate venture. Elaric asks who is going to drive the truck, as he knows someone who could do this for them for a small fee. When they inquire about the fee, they decide Ivy will drive the truck, as despite their recent successes, between their expenses and the economy being in shambles they don’t have the 150 gold between them to hire her.

They get into the truck and head out, and just outside the city Elaric opens the lockbox and returns their possessions to them so they have time to prepare. Arnan is riding shotgun, but is focused on the driver, so it is Colm who is up on the dash watching the road that spots the ambush at the bridge first. Elaric pulls over at the team’s request and they survey the scene. It seems like there is a group of somewhat incompetent bandits looking for a target at the first ambush location, possibly the same truck they are looking for.

Elaric recognizes the group as Amos Raker's "Rough Riders", and when he mentions the name Carter realizes he’s heard of them before. They are a frequent butt of jokes among mercenaries. Amos was a deserter, having fled the battlefield when the fight turned against them and his best skill ever since has been running (typically to the detriment of whatever poor souls have joined his crew). It is a topic of some speculation how he manages to continue to convince people to take that risk given his reputation – but here he is with more of them. One or two of which Carter is pretty sure he recognizes as rejects from the tryouts that brought this crew together.

After some discussion the crew comes up with a new plan. They’ll spread out further back in the forest and wait for this group to attack the truck, then after that battle they can take out the survivors. Arman is assigned to ensure Amos doesn’t get away, and the rest take up positions around the mouth of the bridge – easily evading notice from Amos’ untrained crew.


TWO Ambushes!?

Amos was unreasonably early, but eventually the truck came around the bend. As it slows up to navigate the bridge the Rough Riders run screaming out of the trees to attack. The truck’s crew is ready though, and easily dispatches the first as it approaches the passenger side with a shotgun blast that obliterates his upper torso. They know immediately who to blame, and the leader riding shotgun curses Amos from inside the truck. Two guards pop out from the back and engage the rest of the Rough Riders, dispatching them easily - while Amos turns tail to run.

Before he can take a step, Arnan pops out behind him with a brutal slash of his knife across his back, sending a spray of blood across the nearby trees. He attempts to finish him off after, but this time is deflected by the Armor and Amos suddenly teleports away himself, and before Arman can blink he’s gone, moving faster than it would seem possible. The Red Hornet Brigade can only shake their head in wonder, but now they all understand how he always manages to survive. He might be a terrible fighter, and a worse leader, but boy can he run.

Arnan makes the decision that the truck is more important, leaving Amos for later. As soon as the truck starts moving and the crew seems relaxed, Lucinda attempts to take out the driver, and manages a perfect throw of her dagger through the window and straight into his neck – but narrowly misses the critical vein she was aiming for. The driver yelps in pain - but mistakes the dagger for the insanely aggressive insects that inhabit the swamp. Colm moves into position and prepares to manipulate the earth at the end of the bridge to grab the truck and keep it from escaping. Kyle, Ivy, and Carter take up positions around the truck to move in. A bit of mocking happens between the driver and the man riding shotgun when suddenly Arnan is between them, teleporting into the cab and eviscerating the leader, then jams a dagger into the driver’s kidney and opens the driver’s side door for Ivy, and on cue, her whip lashes out, wrapping around his neck before she yanks him out of the truck into the muck of the swamp. The driver rolls over gasping for air as Lucinda swoops in, driving her dagger home before he can cry out. Colm holds the truck in place as Ivy leaps into the driver’s seat, and through sheer confidence alone is able to keep it rolling forward. In the back, the two guards chat away, unaware of the danger, when Carter comes into view, throwing a spell into the back of the truck that blinds one of the guards.

The other, unaware, leaps out, charging Carter and delivering two harsh blows, while his compatriot attempts to follow, but still blinded, stumbles and falls out of the truck. Lucinda joins Ivy in the truck as the crew rushes to Carter’s aid - Kyle’s daggers filling the air as Carter maneuvers for position and grapples the guard, shoving him face down in the thick blackwater river of the swamp as he thrashes in a desperate attempt to get free. Colm raises his dagger to strike the guard down when he is struck by the memory of his failure in the garden, of the harm he did to another mushroom and falls to the ground in shock. The guard’s eyes start to clear, and he rushes Carter in an attempt to help his friend, but Carter dances out of the way easily, still cheerily drowning his friend, as the guard struggles to blink away the spots from his eyes. Colm recovers, and he and Arnan arrive, Arnan slices open his armor and Colm drives his dagger into his foot as Kyle arrives to finish him off with a vicious blow from her baton. In the water, the guard finally wriggles free, and seeing everyone dead makes to flee himself but is brought down easily by Arnan – too easily, since Carter had wanted to question him.

After using some healing potions on him, the guard comes to, and Carter promptly punches him in the face to dissuade him from any temptation to try to run again and begins to interrogate him about the shipment, and who the artifact is going to. The crew is dismayed to learn that they are just a crew working for a shipping company. They have no idea what’s on the truck or who it’s for really – they are just responsible for driving between depots. Despite their misgivings about the harm already done, they can’t allow him to live, so with a nod from Carter, Arnan steals his remaining life, dispatching him without further violence or pain as the only mercy they can offer him.

The decisive victory feels hollow for some as they survey the scene and discuss what to do next. In the end, they decide to leave things as they are, hoping to point the finger of blame at Amos and his Rough Riders. They take the time to loot the bodies of the guards, but leave the Rough Riders alone to help sell the idea and expand the guild’s armory.

The crew quickly catches up with Ivy and Lucinda who are waiting with the other truck and Elaric. They locate the Artifact and a box of fine silverware which they load into the other truck. After a brief discussion, they caravan back to the city and pause not far from the gates to hide the delivery truck and then headed to the jail.


Return to the Gilded Cage


They arrive with plenty of time to spare, but upon entering The Gilded Cage they discover a room littered with bodies. The walls are dotted with holes and scorch marks from the fierce but likely brief combat. There are a number of Steeljoints, a mercenary crew and the jailor all dead. Before they can really decide what to do, Tiago and his Compañía de la Rosa arrive and instantly spread out to cover the room with weapons drawn.

Carter and his crew prepare to fight but try to forestall a second round of violence. Tiago also motions for calm, and surveying the scene misunderstands what has transpired. Believing them to possibly be responsible, and himself not having any contractual obligation to do anything about it, he offers a deal. He’s just here for the payment for the job they did. He opens the attorney’s briefcase, and suggests he take what he’s owed from the stack, and then they get the rest, and both go their separate ways. They won’t look for the Red Hornets, and vice versa. After some silent agreement among the crew Carter agrees, but asks for some information as well. Tiago is not able to be helpful however. He confirms that he located Reggie for Hargraves, as well as that Hargraves was the client that he was taking them to, as that had been the plan all along. His involvement didn’t extend any further than procurement however, so he had no idea what happened to Reggie after he handed him over to Hargraves.

With Carter satisfied there was nothing further to be learned from them, they left as quickly as they came in, leaving the crew with their payment and unsure how to proceed. They poke around a bit, attempting to try to understand what happened here, but the scene was too chaotic. The only clue they found was a blood-stained warrant that seemed to indicate Amos Raker had hired a mercenary team and taken out a Warrant for the Red Hornets, claiming they had made an unprovoked attack on him and his team. After some debate, they opted to heal the Attorney and attempt to interrogate him, but this also turned out to be fruitless. He could not be intimidated, even when they removed his leg, and really only proved to be more infuriating the harder they tried. He was clearly far more concerned about what his employer could do to him than them. Ultimately doing them a favor by not burdening them with knowledge that would have only sealed their fates.

He could not make any assurances about Reggie, but did believe he would likely be returned to the project, as long as the artifact was delivered. Eventually, frustrated, the team handed over the Artifact and left the jail, putting his leg 50 paces away from the building in a final attempt to get to him. Lucinda waits outside to see where he goes, having found the perfect vantage point to observe the building. Unfortunately her patience is not rewarded, and eventually she flies over to get a peek and finds all trace of the steeljoints has disappeared, including the attorney (minus his leg). Presumably he had another means of traveling.


Meanwhile, Back at the Brigade...

Lucinda flew off from here to make arrangements with a fence she knew in town to unload the truck, and then caught up with the other members of the brigade on the way to the train station. Kyle happened to see something down an alley, and upon further investigation found Amos, or at least what was left of him. He had clearly been nailed to a wall and the flesh flayed from his body. Judging from his expression, probably while he was alive. The lack of blood at the scene suggested it probably didn’t happen there, but was rather moved here to be displayed.

Lucinda finished relaying word of what she'd seen of the Steeljoint to the still-shaken crew, but thankfully had some good news as well. She was able to get enough for the truck and the goods in it to not only cover their original expenses coming out that were clearly not going to be reimbursed, but also the ride home, so they wouldn’t have to walk as far coming back.

When they arrived back at HQ, their minds were still whirling from these events—still processing the implications of all that had happened, so they were understandably dismayed to see a column of smoke rising from the structure. To their great relief, Vorji strode out to meet them and upon seeing their faces reassured them it was just the outhouse. After the prior weeks of destruction Kyle and Ivy rained down on it and now Rhy-Ann throwing her soup grenade on top of that... well, the building had to be imploded for everyone's sake. Vorji looks at the smoldering ruin and says, “Thank goodness for Aeromancy right? Can you imagine what burning it down would smell like without it?” It was going to mean some backbreaking work to dig out a new one, but he assured them that would still be better than using the old one after Rhy-Ann was done with it. The crew made a request, asking if maybe this time they could build it without two toilets facing each other, especially so close. Vorji and Carter expressed surprise that this was not a popular configuration, but agreed to at least consider their request.


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