Session 1: The Case of the Missing Family

General Summary

The Red Hornet recruits received their first mission: to locate a group of missing half elf children in Suorr. Rhy-Ann and Colm decided to stay at HQ while Lucinda Roux, Arnan Bredelul, Ivy Inklass, James West, Kyle Brooks, and Carter Finwick arrived at a tavern outside the Suorran border armed with only names, vague descriptions, a description of the family coat of arm necklaces they each wore, and the knowledge they were seeking a “revolutionary technological experience.” It was there they encountered Reginald "Reggie" Filsa, an orc of strong body and heart who advised the group he was heading north to Vaernebo to transport hardware for his business partner’s new immersive technological endeavor. Reggie brushed off questions of the half elves in a manner suspicious to the more perceptive of the group (not to Carter, who immediately became smitten by Reggie’s jovial nature.) Seeing as how his cart would be headed in their intended direction, the Hornets agreed to accompany him.

The voyage lasted several days, during which Reggie explained his cohort was a Steeljoint with the serial number of “G4-BR137”, who went by “Gabriel” or “Gabe” for short. Gabe had spent countless resources on this project, the likes of which “the world has never seen.” Upon arriving to the pair’s base of operation, a small shack just outside of Skolot, the members not swayed by Reggie’s wiles searched the main chamber for clues of the half elves. The machinery was impressive, with six chairs connected by a convoluted series of wires. Under some of the chairs were locks of hair matching the missing children’s description. When pressed, Reggie admitted the children did participate in a test of Gabe’s simulator. Yet Gabe refused to speak to them until they completed his new game. After assurance of their safety was proven, they each sat in a chair and applied the sensors to their temples, with Reggie flipping the switch after verifying their bodies were all ready.

Each found themselves in a black void, the only sound being that of Gabe, advised them that should they perish within his game, they would die in real life despite earlier promises. The group found themselves in a tavern, with an inkeep and a few other patrons, each of which had an appearance that was disarmingly angular and blurry (Lucinda herself being little more than a white cube.) Among the patrons of the tavern, the common topic of discussion was the “Fallen Prince” whose arrival via an ominous floating castle had brought many ills to the land.

When pressing these folk for more information, it became quickly apparent that none of them were conscious beings, but programs that could only respond to specific prompts. After declining a quest to rid the tavern’s basement of rats numerous times, the group reluctantly accepted. In the impractically designed and maze-like cellar, The Hornets encountered a large group of large rats who seemed to appear randomly out of thin air, making short work of the vermin. The party continued to play along, even though Gabe’s simulated contrivances were a tad bizarre, such as each combatant needing to take turns during fights, a “health bar” to mathematically show their relation to death, and occasional “level ups” making them gradually more adept at their skills.

After clearing out the rats and their leader (an identical rat, but larger) the party was allowed to exit the tavern, at which point the Fallen Prince’s castle came crashing down in front of them. The Fallen Prince’s voice beckoned them to face his wrath. After entering the throne room, it was clear this “Dark Prince” was the main focus of the simulation, with more (unnecessarily profane and edgy) lines of dialogue, higher visual clarity (to show off his hood, ornate shoulder pads, eyepatch, spiked boots, cape, and dual elemental weapons), and hints at a very tragic and mysterious backstory. A long and grueling battle shed much blood, with the tides turning to The Hornets once Arnan harnessed a deep fear within the Prince causing him to turn tail (which Ivy also attempted with her trademark crazy eyes, which were unfortunately mere crazy dots within the simulation.) A well-aimed pistol shot from James ultimately dispatched The Fallen Prince, who immediately melted into a pile of dark goo. The group was then brought back to reality.

Gabe wheeled himself out to meet the party, his torso sitting upon a rusty metal cart. Gabe explained the game (named Voyage of Valor) was so important to him that he used the servos in his lower body to build the machinery to make it possible. He and Reggie then gave a somber confession that while the half-elves did perish in their company, it was not from their game (no one could die within the simulation, this was a fib to keep players invested to world without true consequence.) Gabe’s first simulation was of a virtual board game, intended for friendly competition. The half elven children had helped test this verison of the simulation, however once leaving the game, the half eves began screaming at each other. Very little of the verbal altercation had to do with the game itself (with several references to deeply scarring real-life grievances, such as the theft of stuffed bears between them several decades ago.) Gabe and Reggie had looked in horror as each of them taking out firearms and taking aim at each other. Reggie confirmed the series of events by showing the bodies buried outside. Reggie solemnly handed their family necklaces to Carter, with palpable disappointment in his potential lover’s dishonesty. The Hornets made their way back home and collected their reward.

Report Date
09 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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