
(a.k.a. Great Shield, Judge, Peacekeeper, Vanquisher)

A stern but greatly respected deity, and the longest living deity save his nemesis Revansa herself, Behldarrak is a vast dragon with shimmering silver and platinum scales. Behldarrak's expectation of strict adherence to his tenets sets him apart from the other deities who play more loosely with interpretations. While he is unable to interfere in the affairs of mortal beings, Behldarrak's most devout followers will hunt down those who commit perceived atrocities in the name of their god with tremendous fervor, seeing those as the most guilty individuals of all. Even if Behldarrak could interfere, there would be no need to do so—his faithful get the job done with plenty of efficiency.


Divine Form

Behldarrak's divine form is that of colossal dragon, dwarfed only by the prismatic goddess Revansa. The sheer length of his body from tail to snout is said to be so significant that he could wrap around even the greatest castle, and his wingspan could cast a shadow upon half of Aen. The silver and plantinum-scaled dragon shimmers magnificently, even when there is little to no light available.


It is believed that Behldarrak never uses the same avatar twice, always shifting between them. What has remained common in stories of those who believe they have encountered Behldarrak is that he always takes a form that is humble or lesser—such as a beggar, a janitor, or a child—with such effectiveness that many who are believed to have had an encounter with the deity do not realize it happened until after the fact.

Holy Places

While many know Behldarrak—and in fact he is one of the most well-known of all the deities—few are willing or able to give the devotion that Behldarrak demands. This had led to surprisingly few holy places devoted to the deity, though household shrines are common among those who have personally elected to give Behldarrak their life in worship. However, a few significant holy places can be found.

Castle Dracongrsl

Once the site of Draconic Congress before the The Reckoning and constructed in honor of Dragoste, the since-deceased god Behldarrak replaced, Castle Dracongrsl was reconstructed following the Reckoning and has since become a site of the most devout members of the Talon Order. This beautiful castle has since been helmed by Lapxillian ap Caedwaladr III, who guides those who venture there in the teachings of Behldarrak that they might undertake the Rite of the Sovereign Saurian. This is the only place where that rite may be undergone.

Drakewing Rock

A magnificent temple that was, like Castle Dracongrsl, previously devoted to Dragoste. This temple was initially carved by a group of devout gaians and dwarves, then abandoned. In the year 138, devout servants of Behldarrak reclaimed the temple. This vast structure carved into the Spine of Aldur just north of Drekahorn resembles a singular dragon's wing, spread out and curved to guard the temple against the elements.

Castle Erull

Many centuries ago, Castle Erull was the height of power in Zukei. It was later abanonded, however, many years before the Reckoning, as the imperial family relocated its seat of power. After this, it went through periods of being controlled by various royals, then bandits, and finally a brood of vampires. This brood was eradicated by Adalius, Anca, and Peteovar von Lamalet. While they had no plans to do anything with the castle, as they'd only hoped to subdue Peteovar's sister Mirshara von Lamalet, they did give it over to the servants of Behldarrak, who reclaimed it and turned it into a grand temple devoted to Behldarrak. It has since become a haven within Zukei, even for those who are not elven, provided those who would visit can complete their pilgrimage.

Divine Domains

Justice, Mercy, Judgement, and Forgiveness.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A platinum dragon's scale upon a gleaming turquoise shield.

Tenets of Faith

  • Care for oneself and others alike.
  • Punish the guilty.
  • Uplift the innocent.


Night of Reflection. On Erta 2nd, those faithful to Behldarrak celebrate the Night of Reflection. From sunset to sunrise, they do not sleep, but instead meditate through the warm summer night. They are told to reflect on those they have punished, and to request forgiveness for any undeserved punishments administered by their hands. This meditation typically takes place outside, beneath the light of the moons. In some areas of the world where worship of Behldarrak is prominent, it is not uncommon to see many of his servants in quiet meditation in the fields on this day, each bathed in moonlight.

Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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