Valadreth Rotweaver

Valadreth Rotweaver was a Vaettir from Grotmoria. His father, the city's leader, surrendered to the Scrutan Order and allowed his people to be enslaved while Valadreth and his brother Grafalcon escaped. Valadreth's father became the Darkscar of the Scrutan Order, a betrayal that led to Valadreth murdering his father on the battlefield when he returned to his home with Chaos Legion in the hopes of defeating Zarthilxthe first time.

Valadreth would later meet his end at the hands of Sullivar the Spectacular in the wake of his battle with Muulthim in Secera, though his goddess K'Valme resurrected him that he might complete one final task for her: acquire and protect the Divine Spark of Madam Matrii.

Valadreth then spent an unknown—but potentially infinite—amount of time in Mania. While even a short period of time so close to Urguzuth, the Eldest Evil is enough to twist the mind and body into a vile Dyendeirii, the Divine Spark protected Valadreth's body and mind, slowing the process of its corruption. Still, by the time he saw his old friends Triquiis Fenwyn, Anca Bree, and the rest of Chaos Legion, he was unrecognizable. After guiding them through Mania and back to Prime, he surrendered the Divine Spark to Triq and dissolved into a tar-like substance, finally succumbing to Urguzuth's influence and allowing what remained of his soul and mind to be claimed by the Unknowable.

Lawful Evil
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Orlin 3rd, 372 PR
Date of Death
Saryu 2nd, 22 PR
372 PR 22 PR 350 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Second Son of Vancarth Rotweaver, leader of Grotmoria.
Circumstances of Death
Claimed by Urguzuth, the Eldest Evil after surrendering the Divine Spark to Triquiis Fenwyn.
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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