Border War with Aerdis

Military: War


Now Viceroy of Buern, Imren Drakechild continued the war that King Ridvan had started, as Aerdis was still actively fighting with Fainarr, specifically over sharing a border with the warmongering nation. Imren fought a hard campaign for three months before Aerdis finally gave up and surrendered some of its territory to Buern in exchange. Despite this surrender, occasional skirmishes would continue to break out between Aerdis and Buern for many years to come, and the two would be perpetual enemies for centuries.

Aerdis, still led by King Milas Ahren, had not relented in its war with Fainarr. This was now less about avenging the death of Queen Rebecca and more about concerns regarding sharing a border with a territory owned by the warmongering kingdom of Fainarr. The spread of Fainarr's religion of Prismatism was also a concern for Milas and his advisors. Milas was a fine tactician, but he lacked the experience Imren commanded. Despite not being terribly old, Imren was quite the tactician and had a great amount of battle knowledge earned in the field during his time spent fighting in Grozav and then again in the Buern. Milas used his knowledge of the environment to his advantage as best he could, fending off Imren's advances for quite a while, until he realized it would be more fruitful to surrender some land to Imren to preserve the lives of his soldiers to fight another day. Several kilometers of Aerdis past the Divine Wall given up in exchange for a tentative, shaky peace.

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