Aerdis (AIR-DISS)

This article is about the geographical region. To learn about the nation that occupies this region, visit The Kingdom of Aerdis.


Aerdis is a region with very few settlements, allowing it to boast greater expanses of undeveloped land than most other nations in Aen. While it has embraced modern industry with as much fervor as other nations, the sparsity of its cities allows Aerdis to remain a mostly-untouched, allowing for gorgeous views of its landscape from within the comfort of a modern-day penthouse.

With its beautiful and diverse landscape, Aerdis is among the most beautiful places in all of Aen; some have compared the region to the continent of Hrol due to the density of its forests and the presence of enormous spires and pinnacles scattered throughout it rather than standard mountains.


Aerdis is a vast tropical landscape that graudally bleeds into the plains of eastern Buern. Most of the rainforest that propagates much of Aerdis, dubbed the Glassar, is on its western side. The Glassar's unruly jungle eventually gives way to a smaller forest with more even terrain, Tengoshi Forest, which it shares with Zukei.



Bardholt is a beautiful forest filled with multicolored trees. Despite its beauty, however, the forest is incredibly dangerous and often requires an escort to pass through, prompting most to avoid passing the treeline, simply admire it from afar instead.

Bay of Intaer

A large, stony bay where most of the ships arriving in southern Elzveir arrive. While still a large cliff side, docks have been built and underground tunnels carved to slope upward to level ground beyond the bay, allowing for easy and smooth transportation to the upper mainland.    

Divine Wall

A range of tall, tree-covered mountains that form a semicricle along the border between Aerdis and Buern.


A vast tropical rainforest.

Lecaille's Ridge

A towering cliffside, the top of Lecalle's Ridge is an incredible 1,200 meters above sea level at its highest point, making it the tallest seaside cliff in Aen.

Miru Pass

A field of grass that passes through Tengoshi Forest, unobstructed until it reaches the border wall that Zukei built along its border.  

Nathair's Prairie

A beautiful prairie of rolling hills and green grass.

Tengoshi Forest

The Tengoshi Forest is a deeply disconcerting and eerie forest where mist blankets the ground unyieldingly. Myths suggest that the forest is where the veil between Prime and Spectra.
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