Principality of Buern Organization in Aen | World Anvil

Principality of Buern


In the Pre-Reckoning Era, Buern was a vast kingdom--the largest in all Elzveir, save the Kongrikelm of the North. However, in the final days of the Reckoning, it was conquered by King Ridvan Basaran from the Kingdom of Fainarr, who split the kingdom into two halves as part of a peace agreement with Xander Woodwillow, which resulted in the creation of the Kingdom of Kathaya in 1 PR. Without its own sovereignty, Buern became a vice kingdom, initially ruled by Viceroy Imren Drakechild at Ridvan Basaran's appointment. After the Conquering of the North, however, the vice kingdom became a principality, with House Drakechild unseated from the throne and Batikan Basaran appointed as Sovereign Prince of Buern.

Historical Leadership

Buern has a long line of leaders in its rather complicated history, even before the Reckoning, though this list will focus on the After Reckoning era.

As a Sovereign Kingdom

Earlier lingeages not listed Queen Rebecca Woodwillow, (4 PR - 1 PR) King Xander Woodwillow, 1 PR - 1 PR)

As a Vice Kingdom

Viceroy Imren Drakechild, (1 PR - 21 AR) Viceroy Nathaniell Drakechild (21 AR - 89 AR) Additional rulers, descendants of Imren, continue to rule for some time but are not listed. Nathaniell Drakechild's descendant rules until 162 AR, when Buern ceased to be a Vice Kingdom and became a Principality

As a Principality

Sovereign Prince Batikan Basaran (162 - 201 AR) Sovereign Prince Batikan Basaran II (201 - 213 AR) Sovereign Prince Rylen Drakaran (213 - 239 AR) Sovereign Prince Rylen Drakaran II (239 - 277 AR) Sovereign Prince Rylen Drakaran III (277 - 295 AR) Sovereign Prince Rylen Drakaran IV (295 - Present)

Beats of allied wings bend even the sturdiest tree.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Principality
Predecessor Organizations
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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