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Battle of Dragon Fall

Battle of Dragon Fall is the name given to the last battle of the Elin civil war, also known as the White Iron Dragon Dance. It was a conflict between the allied Elin forces made up of the Chykov and Ungar armies of 9,050 and fleet of 56 led by Great Jarl Sven I Chykov riding the white dragon Dreadwinter Princess Maude I Chykov, Melonie Ungar, and Jarl Jerat Ungar commanding the fleet; and the rebel Morholv and Barron armies of 7,390 and fleet of 79 led by Jarl Devon Morholv riding the blue dragon Icepick, Jarl Moldrite Barron, and Denton Morholv commanding the fleet, and the Chykov and Ungar.

The Conflict


After months of preparation and travel the Ungar armies, led by Melonie Ungar, finally arrived outside of Froya from the south. The rebel armies were ready and waiting for them.

The Engagement

The rebel armies, led by Moldrite Barron, round the city to the east to engage the Ungar armies led by Jarl Jerat's daughter Melonie Ungar coming up from the south. they leave a quarter of thier soldiers behind and formed ready by the gates of Froya for when the Chykov armies reemerged.   When the battle begins the white dragon Dreadwinter and Great Jarl Sven I, when not biting and clawing at the blue Icepick, ignores the battle and focuses his clouds of fire on the reserves left to guard the gates. Late in the morning, with the enemy outside burning and starting to lose their nerve, the Chykov army, led in the front by now Crown Princess < Maude Chykov >, poured from within the city, attacking and beating the remains of the rear guard.   On the water, with the wind at their back, Jerat Ungar ordered the attack and what was left of the allied fleet emerged from their moors for the first time in months, racing toward the blockade of Morholv ships, led by Denton Morholv, who responded with flaming arrow volleys. Dragonfire plumed against the lake on both sides.   Above them Icepick and Dreadwinter are locked in ther continued fight, both dragons now showing numerous effects of their struggle. Ickepick has lost his lower back leg and a number of spine spikes, while Dreadwinter is missing a horn and has a tear across half of his left wing, and both dragons are covered in hashmarks of healing or bleeding wounds. But still they fought on as Great Jarl Sven I and Devon Morholv hurled threats and insults at one another.   The Chykov forces tear through the siege camp and rush the Barron back lines, cutting down archers and waiting cavalry. Meanwhile the Ungar soldiers hammer the Morholv lines, driving them back foot by foot. The fight was brutal, with bodies piled atop one another, charred or bloddied by axe or spear. And in a short time the allied beat back the rebel forces nearly routing the army by mid-afternoon.   Jaret Ungar, on his ship Lakebeast, were at the head of the allied fleet, and were first to ram into the blockade, splitting the much smaller Morholv vessel in half. The Morholv ships swarmed and began trying to board the larger ships while the allied crews rained arrows down on them from above. The waters of White Iron Lake turned red as bodies splashed down by the dozens.   Overhead the blue and white dragons tore into eachother as fire streaked the clear sky in jets breathed out in all directions. The now slower Dreadwinter tried to keep distance between himself and Icepick, but the other dragon continued to hit him again and again. They became entwined in the fight, and in the flurry of claws Icepick snapped Dreadwinter in the neck hard enough to tear a main artery. Dreadwinter, roaring in pain, lashed out as they fell away from eachother and bit down on Icepick's head, hard enough to pierce the skull into the brain. Both dragons and riders fell limp from the sky, crashing with a tremendous wave into the White Iron Lake.   With the death of Icepick, Devon's rebellion fell apart, his forces, losing ground, began to run or surrender, and before the end of the day the Chykov's were the clear the victor, despite nearly losing thier leader as well.


The white dragon Dreadwinter died fighting at the end of the war. As well as many Great Family members such as the Great Jarl's 3rd son Deiter Chykov, as well as Jarl Jerat Ungar, and his second and third daughters Talia Ungar and Umma Ungar.   On the rebel's side many more Great Family members died, namely Jarl Devon Morholv (and the blue Icepick), his son Denton Morholv, and nephew Anthon Morholv, as well as Jarl Moldrite Barron, who was beheaded for treason along with Jarl Devon and Denton.


The Great Jarl was found, and though badly ingured he was still alive and conscious. He ordered Denton Morholv and Moldrite Barron beheaded for treason in the courtyard outside Briscole Hold in Froya.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Allied Victory



Total Force
  • 6,900 Soldiers
  • 1,560 Archers
  • 590 Cavalry
  • 80 Maji
  • 56 Fleet
Chykov Military
  • 3,700 Soldiers
  • 1060 Archers
  • 270 Cavalry
  • 80 Maji
  • 23 Ships
Ungar Military
  • 3,500 Soldiers
  • 500 Archers
  • 350 Cavalry
  • 0 Maji
  • 33 Ships
Total Forces
  • 7,000 Soldiers
  • 230 Archers
  • 160 Cavalry
  • 5 Maji
  • 79 Ships
Morholv Army
  • 4,300 Soldiers
  • 230 Archers
  • 160 Cavalry
  • 5 Maji
  • 79 Ships
Barron Army
  • 2,700 Soldiers
  • 0 Archers
  • 0 Cavalry
  • 0 Maji
  • 0 Ships


  • 2,200 Soldiers
  • 965 Archers
  • 350 Cavalry
  • 0 Maji
  • 22 Ships
  • 4,600 Soldiers
  • 150 Archers
  • 100 Cavalry
  • 5 Maji
  • 32 Ships


Defeat the rebellion
Defeat the Allied Elin forces


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