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Froya is a city located on the eastern shores of White Iron Lake in the Highland Peninsula region. Founded as a merchant trading post in 910 by Froya the Outcast, Froya quickly became the most powerful city in the region and grew to become the capital of Jarldom of Elin where the descendants of the Outcast, the Chykov Family, holds power.


The city is primarily inhabited by humans, specifically of the Ekron ethnicity.


Being the capital of a Elin, the city itself is administered by a council that the Great Jarl is the head of. Historically this has been the Chykov Family of Briscole Hold.


The inner city of Froya is surrounded by a gated wall. And the Froyan Guard, a unit of the Elin Military, that acts as the city guard to protect the captital and the Great Jarl.

Industry & Trade

  • Banking
  • Beer
  • Spirits/Liqures
  • Lake Ships (fishing, cargo, etc)
  • Blades & Weapons


  • Castles & Keeps
  • Libraries & Universities
    • Whitelance Tower - A university located in the Ghostwalk district of Froya.
  • Financial
    • White Iron Bank - Located in Froya between the Ice Docks and Southkeep districts, the White Iron Bank is the largest financial institution in the northern regions.
  • Temples and Churches
    • Yurtide Hall - Jarism church
  • Dragon Pen
    • Maude's Lock - Dragon pen located on the outskirts of northern Froya.
  • Docks & Bridges
    • Lake Docks


  • Harpin
  • Ice Docks
  • SouthKeep
  • Snowfield
  • Ghostwalk


Early History

Founded as a merchant trading post by Froya the Outcast2 on the eastern shores of White Iron Lake, Froya became a small town within only a couple years as more and more people built around the original Briscole Inn. The town continued to grow and soon a wall was built and streets were paved in stone; a bank was built across the square from the inn; and Froya the Outcast became the defacto leader of the new community. in 909 Briscole Inn catch fire, and no matter how quickly the townspeople worked to drag water up from the lake they couldnt stop the blaze, and by the next morning the heart of the city had become ash. It's said that starting the next day every townsperson began to help in the effort of building a keep on the spot of the old inn, and by 910 Briscole Hold flew new banners of Froya the Outcast, and the city of Froya was born.   Like most of the first cities, started as a city-state. Over time smaller villages and towns sprang up around the city, and as the population of Froya grew, along with it's need for food and supplies, the city-state became the capitol of the growing Jarldom of Elin as the villages were incorporated into the expanding government influence.

Elin Jarldom
Aldvire War of Conquest
Time of a Thousand Kings
Changes hands twice during the wars, then once more for the rightful family to come back into power, then the wars to dominate the highlands started   Ended for the region in whats konwn as the < Convergence Wars >
Aenia Map


  • Froya
Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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