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Vorwal(?), also known as Mist Wraiths, are a semi-corporeal, carniverous species of predator creature that inhabit the forests of Aenia. The can exist in both a solid and gaseous states within the strange mists of the forest.

Basic Information


When fully corporeal Mist Wraiths are known to be a little more than a meter in length, standing a little under the average human chest height. Long muscular legs built for jumping lead up to a pale, curved forward torso. When standing they hunch and allow thier multiple sets of thin, silky hang down over thier shoulders as a sort of cover. The wings themselves are not very strong, allowing the creature only short stints of flight after a powerful leap from the ground, however, in the dense forest the wraiths can use this combination of jumping and flying to remain in the air for long amounts of time, continually on the move but able to keep to a small area. The creatures have two sets of arms; the top set being longer and more muscular with clawed hands, the lower set are shorter and more angular, ending in sharp bone spikes. The head is bulbos and sits atop a squat, thick neck compared to the shoulder width.   Mist Wraiths can also become completely incorporeal and dissapate into a gaseaous state that blends into the mists of the forest. While in this state that cannot be interacted with or attacked by steel or fire. While in a solid state fire seems to be what they are most susceptible to, quickly catching and bursting into flames that leave nothing but a charred husk of the creature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Known carnivors, Mist Wraiths seem to need an immense amount of meat protein and fat to build and continue to rebuild its body. Mist Wraiths can remain in thier incorporeal state for years and generate only parts of thier body at a time, allowing them to create only the body parts needed to kills and feed on prey to conserve energy. It is thought, but not confirmed, that after feeding the creatures can be seen by thier semi-corporeal digestive organs while they still process the meal.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Mist Wraiths have an elongated, round, almost bulbous head, like someone stretched out a sphere and set it at an angle on the creature's neck. Five blank gray eyes span a line from one side of the head to the other over a long horizontal slit of a mouth. These eyes seem simultaneously dead and active to people who've looked into them, and are rumored to be the only part of the creature that always remains corporeal. Thin leathery ears sprout from behind and just below the two side-most eyes and hang, dangling, to the base of the jaw. The mouth is a long lipless line across the head and opens to reveal three rows of conical spiked teeth meant for piercing the toughest of flesh.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the full extent of thier perception of the world around them is unknown, it is thought that the creatures can not hear overly well, they hear, but it seems that they are following the vibrations of sound instead of the sound itself, and they've never been seen to react differently to different types of sound. Instead they rely more on thier senses of sight and touch to interact with the world around them. While incorporeal, it is thought that the creatures can feel movement through the area of mist that makes up their bodies.   How they see is still a topic of debate. That they see, and see well is well known; however, the manner of which they see the world the the contested point. Without obvious pupils most scholars do not beileve they they see as a human does; some say that the creatures have similar eyes to a bird or a shark, while others think they may see more like an insect, others still posit that they see heat as a source of light, allowing them to effectivley see in the dark of night.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Palid gray, almost white.


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