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Aenia is a super continent created by the gods of creation at the end of the War of the Gods.




Mountain & Land Formations

  • Claw Wing Isles
  • Endless Dunes
  • Erynthol Mountains
  • Frost Claw Mountains
  • Gods' Steppe Cliffs
  • Ketyat Mountains
  • Screaming Cliffs
  • Skole Mountains
  • Weeping Cliffs
  • White Cliffs
  • Wode Islands


  • Berwit Forest
  • Caern Forest
  • Coldmist Forest
  • Crovass Forest
  • Delmilon Forest (Northern)
  • Delmilon Forest (Southern)
  • Fasskal Forest
  • Followriver Forest
  • Hathan Trees
  • Ice Forest
  • Itoma Forest
  • Malgrove Forest
  • Naal Forest
  • Olym Forest
  • Red Ash Forest
  • Sandental Forst
  • Srayloth Forest
  • Strangled Forest
  • Tovkon Forest
  • Vacia Forest

Seas & Oceans

  • Blood Washed Sea
  • Churning Bay
  • Eternal Ocean
  • Frigid Sea
  • Sea of Teeth
  • Winged Sea


  • Dead Lake (saltwater)
  • Elasayn Lake
  • Ghost Mist Lake
  • Ice Cap Lake
  • Padagon Lake
  • Raklin Lake
  • Silver Lake
  • Solter Lake
  • Thyre Lake
  • Vereen Lake
  • White Iron Lake


  • Agrien River
  • Alixand River
  • Ambend River
  • Broken Straight River
  • Cathul River
  • Chessel River
  • Deep Cleft River
  • Deep Rush River
  • Dylar River
  • Edovin River
  • Frostflow River
  • Goeth River
  • Green River
  • Harsh Hill River
  • Icerun River
  • Illsen River
  • Int River
  • Lake Arch River
  • Leiss River
  • Lightnigng Crack River
  • Lonely River
  • Long Bow River
  • Long Ruby River
  • Matwin River
  • Northcross River
  • Northflow River
  • Palahni River
  • Rana River
  • River Ida
  • Sans River
  • Set River
  • Shortflow River
  • Smallrush River
  • Snakespine River
  • Snow Choke River
  • Tallgrass River
  • Talnor River
  • Tolki River
  • Tur River
  • Wyrm River


  • First Kingdoms
  • Aenia Map
Alternative Name(s)
The Continent

Articles under Aenia


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