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Daedalus Deephunter

  Hailing from a small island off of the fabled Sword Coast near the kingdom of Ygris, Daedalus Deephunter was not born like most other children. Instead, he was a gift from the Stormlord himself, having answered the prayers of his infertile parents and granting them a blessing, a Water Genasi child to raise as their own. For obvious reasons, Daedalus was drawn to the sea from a young age, and due to the unique circumstances around his birth, along with the teachings of his adoptive parents, developed a strong sense of justice and a desire to help those in need. So, when Daedalus came of age, he enrolled in the Ygris Royal Naval Academy, hoping to help those across the world with the skills and abilities he had been blessed with.   During his time in the academy, Daedalus became friends with another student, an upperclassman named Hadel Tidebringer. Over these years, Daedalus developed his skills, and became an efficient, loyal soldier. Eventually, Daedalus graduated, and was assigned to the same division as Hadel, the Royal Navy's 4th Division, which mainly focuses on the search and recovery of any potentially useful assets. Despite not being a particularly skilled tracker or treasure hunter or anything of the sort, his skill, power, and sheer determination made Daedalus a very effective soldier, and with him being stationed relatively close to home, things seemed to be going well.   That is until one day, when rumors of a new discovery just a bit down the Sword Coast from where Daedalus had been born began to flood the barracks of the 4th. According to those in the know, a sunken ship from the Golden Age of Seafaring had been discovered, and with it, an untold number of priceless goods and artifacts. The 4th Division quickly sent in a squadron to retrieve it, among these being Hadel. However, the crew never returned from their journey, the official statement being that the area was "dangerous" and that "the crew must have ran into some misfortune."   Something about this didn't sit right with Daedalus. He'd lived in that area his whole life, and knew that nothing of the sort was around. The worst that his home territory had was the occasional whale, and no whale could have done this. So, he decided to investigate for himself. Searching for days, Daedalus eventually discovered the wreckage for himself, and the bodies of many familiar faces. Investigating further led him a shocking discovery; the ship had been destroyed and sank by cannon fire, the same standard issue ammuniton cannon fire used by the Royal Navy.   Recovering what he could of the crew, including Hadel, Daedalus gave his friend a proper burial, and immediately reported his findings to his admiral. Yet, instead of an investigation coming underway or further statements of the incident coming out, Daedalus instead received a demotion, and was soon reassigned to another division entirely, put on the opposite end of the seas and stationed on a low-end prison ship. With his best friend dead, his trust in the Royal Government destroyed, and even his new admiral seemingly unwilling to discuss the situation, Daedalus decided to defect from the Royal Navy, helping a group of prisoners escape and fleeing, taking the ship down with him.   Now fully disillusioned with the Navy, legally pronounced dead, and with his family on the other side of the seas, Daedalus has set his sights firmly on doing whatever he can to make those responsible for Hadel's death pay.


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Aug 7, 2024 14:57

Very cool write up and I love the pics that go with it. I can't wait to hear what happens next!