Amyra Lasslo Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Amyra Lasslo

Queen Amyra Lasslo

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amyra was born to a family of low level merchants and she was training to take over the business when the Incursion started. Fearing for her family's life she joined the first force that marched out to fight the demons and survived. Amyra was one of only a small handful of people who came out of the first counterattack alive. She also had the highest kill count. She joined the next force as soon it was organized and there proved her skill in leading. Over the course of the war against the Incursion Amyra became a war hero for her leadership and skill in battle and at the end she was all but handed leadership over the new Mortal Kingdom created in the aftermath.


Amyra had no formal education before being crowned queen.

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