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The world is divided into three main continents: Aerenal, the Border Continent, and Dragon. Aerenal is the home to most who live in this world. It is divided into the Elven Kingdom to the north, the Mortal Kingdom to the south-west, the Holy Plains to the south-east, and the Southern Jungle in the far south. The border continent stands between Aerenal and the Dread Isle, where there is a reality scar. The continent of Dragon is far to the east of Aerenal and no one from Aerenal has ever seen it. It is home to the Dragons, mighty immortal beings, who occasionally make trips to Aerenal as a sort of vacation. Nearly a thousand years ago a mighty demon lord tore open the fabric of reality and led a demonic incursion against the world of Aerenal. The incursion first took over the kingdom that then existed on the west coast of Aerenal and forcibly turned the people there to their will. They then began marching against the rest of the continent. In an effort to resist the incursion the other kingdoms banded together and created the Navy to fight against the demons. A contingent of Dragons even made their way west to aid the other races. Despite this the peoples of Aerenal were losing, so the different pantheons of gods put aside their normal squabbles and worked together to stop the incursion. A group of earth gods, including Geb, Gaea, and Moradin, broke off the piece of Aerenal that the demons were stationed on and pushed it away from the main continent and out to sea, creating the Border Continent. The rest of the gods worked together to force the demon lord back through the reality tear it had created and closed the tear behind it. There is now a reality scar on Dread Isle and the Navy holds a watch over it and what remain of the people taken over by the demons who now live on the Border Continent. It has been long enough that now only the Elves and Dragons truly remember the horrors of the incursion and to the rest of the races the incursion has faded into a strange story of long ago.

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When last we left our "heroes"...

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