Vlakoo Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Aarakocra Paladin Folk Hero God is Shu, Eqyptian god of the air and supporter of the sky. Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 11.10.24 PM.png Shu was the son of the creator god, Ra, father of the twins Nut (the sky) and the Geb (the earth) and married to Tefnut. He was one of the gods who protected Ra on his journey through the underworld, using magic spells to ward off Ra's enemy, the snake-demon Apoiphis. Shu held up the figure of Nut so that the earth and the sky were separated.    
  • Unusually large for an Aarakocra, so much so that he had trouble working in his family's trade: glassblowing. As a youngster learning the trade, he was quite clumsy: tended to break items frequently, trip over tools, etc.
  • Discovered he was a powerful flyer and preferred that to his glass blowing duties. Would sneak off to fly whenever he found a chance.
  • His family's sacred charge is creating the glass vessels that capture the knowledge (spirit/essence/instincts -- whatever it is that allows birds to know when to fly where and how to do all the cool things they do) of past Aarakocra and keep that knowledge safe and available for the race's use and survival. Without it, they would cease to remember information that's been passed down through eons.
  • His family also make glass beads as something popular carried by everyday people, the design of which is unique to his family and the envy of other Aarakocra flocks.
  • Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 10.47.59 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 10.47.38 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 10.47.14 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 11.36.28 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 11.36.03 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 11.35.24 PM.png -Vlakoo was especially good at doing fly-abouts to find the ingredients that would create the colors in the glass. https://geology.com/articles/color-in-glass.shtml -Became known as a protector of his people as demonstrated by several daring saves.
  • Noticed by Amyra Lasslo, war hero and leader of the Mortal Kingdom, on her trip to his city. She took an interest in his future and, given his strength and flying skills, suggested to his parents that he train as a Paladin. Became proficient with two-handed weapons.
  • Returned to his mountain home to find that the glass vessels were breaking down. Old family journals mentioned that the original glass vessels had been created from fusing two types of glass created by nature's elements -- obsidian from a volcano on the ocean floor and fulgurites, tubes of glass created when lightning strikes a sandy beach. It's only been in recent generations that the glass had been man-made because those who knew the locations of the original glass were lost when during the Incursion.
  • -Vlakoo's need to protect his people, his flying prowess, and his newly found skills with weapons led him to leave his home to scour the far reaches of the Aerenal to bring back the glass his family -- and his entire race -- need.     General notes.... Swears to uphold justice and stand with good against evil. Strength comes from Shu, who holds up the sky.Power comes from devotion to his quest and saving his people.Trained for years to master two-handed weapons and armor.Tradesman turned Warrior turned saviorPower to heal the sick and injured and protect the innocent (also read somewhere that I can "smite wicked and undead" --- yes? cool).Loves the adventuring life on the front lines of the cosmic struggle against evil.Based on the Australian wedge-tailed eagle; strong enough to take down kangaroos, foxes, small cate; known to attack gliders. Not sure where I live.....

    Hand picked by Queen Amyra, Paladin proficient with two-handed weapons, and protector of his people, Vlakoo is on quest to find the items his family needs to fulfill its sacred charge and save his race.

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