Bellbiniya Syldan Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Bellbiniya Syldan

Binbelliya Syldan (a.k.a. Bell Baybeee)

Hi! My name is Bell! Well, Binbelliya Syldan. But please call em Bell. I am a quarter elf. I am also a monk...even though i got kicked out of monk school. But I've gotten better with time! I've joined an adventurer group hoping to find my lost friend. I put my faith and trust in them...even though we fight a lot. Also they're mostly women so that's an obstacle I'll have to cross. But I can do it! Believe in me! ~Bell

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic slim

Physical quirks

Very excitable face and bright smile

Apparel & Accessories

sexy outfit, jingly longstaff

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Binbelliya was born to a barbarian mother who was a soldier and a half elf father who was a sorcerer (Isabella and Drogo). She lived with her mother as her father did not care about his daughter and only left the elven kingdom on a small quest. Her mother had tried to teach Bell how to battle and fight but Bell just couldn't take to it. This would make Isabella laugh and just love Bell more. She still encouraged Bell to learn and try her best in everything. Isabelle was killed during battle while she was very young. Bell loved her dearly as they were close and very friendly. She had taught her some ways of battle but since she was still young, she wasn't all that interested and hard headed. When Drogo heard of Isabelle's death he had ordered Bell be smuggled into the Elven Kingdom to be near him as he thought that the tribe would make Bell more barbaric and as her father he felt he had to at least keep her. He kept her in the house so no one know that she was smuggled in, and because Drogo was embarrassed to be the father of Bell since she was more human. Once, she was reading a book about relationships between elves and humans and became more interested. She even saw a picture/read a story about a lesbian couple and within Bell she felt a sense of happiness for once in a long time. Drogo found out and punished her and made sure she never explores love or sexuality. Bell would question if Drogo even loved her or was her father at all. Bell would sneak outside into the kingdom to explore when she could. When she was old enough she finally had escaped the Elven Kingdom and had enough. She left in the middle of the night and made it out free. She doesn't despise the kingdom but knows her father is there and doesn't wish to bump into him at any time no matter the circumstance. She had traveled through the desert and stayed with a nomadic snow leopard Tabaxi tribe for awhile who helped her manage her way through the desert and into the forests of the Mortal kingdom. Her father never even noticed she was gone. Soon, she had befriended a wandering Goblin named Clikx. He loved food, especially sandwiches. Bell would share her sandwiches with her goblin friend for years as they became close. She loved to cook and make sandwiches for him. In return he would teach her goblin. While journeying through the woods the two stumbled upon a monastery. The monks offered to take them in and teach them their ways but Clikx disagreed and he and Bell fought. They went their separate ways as she stayed with the monks and he left into the woods. Bell, like when she was young, had a hard time fighting and learning the monk ways outside of education. She was promptly kicked out after almost a year. She said she thought the monastery was cramped anyway and wanted to go back to living in the woods, but she missed living there with a roof over her head and the comfort of the other monks who were mostly men. She even was able to get along with some of the women. She still repressed her feelings towards them. When traveling, she heard that adventuring would bring her great rewards as well as a lead on where her friend would be. She joined in hopes of riches to make her restaurant and to find her friend.

Gender Identity



Gay as hell


Has about a 2nd grade human barbarian education. Educated in most elf history (up till 10th grade ig), monk education until she was kicked out. Gets better with fighting each day tho.


She hopes to own her own restaurant or cafe one day with Clikx.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Can make almost any dish and it tastes amazing.

Failures & Embarrassments

Can't talk to women and can only fight naturally, not when taught. Though Bell is fond of alcohol, and addicted. Her origins are not that bad. Clikx gave her her first beer and she took to it. She only really drinks when drinks are offered but that is usually rare in th woods.

Mental Trauma

Repressed sexuality from father, blames self for mother's death. Has never really had any contact with women outside of her mother. Not used to being around lots of people.

Morality & Philosophy

Bell believes things happen, there isn't much anyone can do to change it. Life changes as does the seasons and has a very monk like philosophy. When sent on a quest, she accepts the rewards but prefers to do them knowing that she will be doing good for others.



Personality Characteristics


Clikx and Clikx Jr. as well as her cafe and restaurant.

Likes & Dislikes

likes: women, food, being liked, Iltiari, Damiel, alcohol, creamsicle orange, adventures, helping people, her dream, dancing. dislikes: talking to women, her father, the elven kingdom, mean people, people who sass her, being talked down to, being called stupid/weird/ etc., mirrors

Virtues & Personality perks

Very optimistic and determined. Can be serious when needed and can talk to women when necessary.

Vices & Personality flaws

alcoholic, can't talk to women (shy and nervous), clumsy, foolish, at times air headed, is worried everyone in the group thinks she's annoying and hates her no matter what.


Washes when she can.


Contacts & Relations

Relationships: Drogo (father), Clikx (best friend), Clikx Jr. (cat and best friend) Damiel (fellow elf and thinks he's really cool), Iltiari (really cool and mysterious as well, thinks that they don't like her but puts up with her anyway, hopes to play catch with Cthulu), Zsoana (pretty snake woman, wants to get to know her but afraid to talk to her because woman), Rimiya (cute, motherly, wants her to stop babying Damiel and her as well also she needs to chill), Glow (still iffy about her, wants to know her too but thinks she has a wall up so won't try, also a woman), Hail (pretty, wants to be friends but thinks she's too serious and quiet, thinks she should talk more, appreciates the help, also thinks she's really cool unfortunately also a woman), Nabith (a woman Bell can talk to because they both are heavy hitters/tanks, loves her scales, wants to teach fighting skills, is sad she always sticks out along with Zsoana and Hail and wants them to be comfortable and happy).

Family Ties

Her father ain't shit.

Religious Views

Monk philosophy of believing things happen and not much a person can do in life. Let things come as they may. Have fun now, work later. Help people. Common courtesy and decency.


Bubbly as all hell.

Hobbies & Pets

CJ the ugly ass cat.


Talks fast and high pitched.

A monk that can't fight, an elf that can't elf, she's done it all.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Bubbly
Date of Birth
29th day of the Frozen Moon
Unknown/Barbarian Tribe
Dark chestnut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
148 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well yeah, I have nothing to really live for anyway." "Shut up you stupid pretty bitch!" “Thank you God...?”
Known Languages
common, elf, goblin

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I'm picking up a few catering gigs! One is for a monastary party too! Maybe they'll take me back. The winds I send to my friends seems to reach them. I hope they do. CJ has a new haircut and a cute bowtie. I have decided to stop drinking so much even though it is my only solice! I heard that the pirate gang fight got cancelled. Aw, I wanted to see it. I wish I was on a ship!


It's been awhile. CJ and I have been travelling for a bit. I visited some random docks for the hot gossip. Apparently it has to do with some pirate gang trying to fight or kill another pirate gang? I hope that doesn't mean Zsoana will get hurt. CJ caught a bird! I am so proud of him. I have been able to work at an inn for free food and rent...I told them I'll just be fine sleeping in the woods...but...CJ would adore being the mascot for the inn! So we stayed for now. I'm still traveling. I hope my friends are ok! I also hope that Chicken is fine...I keep sensing dread from her...I hope Hail hasn't eaten her!

Golden Woman Pretty

OMG I SAW A WOMAN MADE OF GOLD! I was walking with Clikx and we ran into her she was tall and pretty and wore a golden mask so she was easy to talk to! I stopped her and talked to her because she seemed lost even though she said she wasn't! She asked about M Channail and I had to explain how awful a person he is and how I was a capyBARA! I couldn't tell her expression because of the mask but she thanked me and walked off! Her and Iltiari and maybe Rimaia will love her she's very god like and stuff! Note to self: split with Clikx. He's getting too clingy!

Goodbye (For Now)

Welp...we finally caught up with M Channail...I tried using Nile Prime but I guess I wasn't good enough. We found Belch and an old druid that the friends are gonna help. I gave everyone their gift. Speaking of RIMIA GAVE HERS!!! And it was on flower day! I hope he liked it. When we fought Channail I got turned into a capybara...but I bit his crotch so it's cool. Damiel found a cure and we changed all the people back into people. Even Zsoana, who disappeared for a second, was turned into a real snake, and Iltiari was an octopus. I think they prefered it to being themself...I'd rather be Bell. The inn had shitty food. So I left Chicken with Hail as a promise that I won't leave leave. I mean I doubt it. I may have been annoying...and troublesome...and a hassle...but I know they'll miss me a little bit...also I'm gonna travel with Clikx for a bit. I think he's been a bit too mopey and I don't really want those vibes around me so maybe some separation is good for the both of us. Hopefully my friends defeat Channail for good this time and I can make them great food. Oh darn I should've given Rimia a recipe for how to make Damiel's food. Ah well, they'll see my beautiful face again soon.


I FOUND HIMMMMMm! But that stupid Tazra and M. Channail stole BELCH! Clikx missed me! And he saw Clikx Jr. I made a fool of himself but he's the best! He met my other friends. After we rescue Belch I can leave. I mean it was fun and we had a bunch of great adventures but I honestly...want to go on my own for a bit. I hate civilization and miss just hanging out in the woods with Clikx. He definitely missed my cooking that's for sure. We also had to rescue animals that drank green stuff that Clikx was forced to make. I also made Hail a special meal since I noticed she was sad. Zsoana made snake friends! Nabith told me to go fuck myself as I made some ice treats...Did i deserve that? I do wonder one thing...will anyone really miss me?

Don't Drink Large Mugs Of Beer From A Guy in the Woods

Long time no see! And for a good reason. You think Bumble was the least of our problems but NOPE. We got bigger fish to deep fry...along with some steamed vegetables...mmm...anyway the gang got lost but like I was fine I don't know why everyone complained about it, and I played Eye Spy! We ended up finding a tavern in the middle of the forest. Workers rights! And then...we had fun...and was nice...then we got drugged. That wasn't nice. We all woke up without our gear and clothes. Zsoana and Nabith lost their kidneys! I hope they get them back. I punched a bunch of locks and got my friends out. We even saved others who were trapped in here. I helped make Iltiari more intimidating. We even found Hail's father Ink's! He seems chill. We then had to go to the lab to find Damiel's things. Because they were taken...he seemed upset. more than usual whenever he hears me breathing. Oh yeah! Speaking of, Rimaia caught Glow trying to drink...she's younger than we thought. Poor kid...I still think she should drink. And we all had curry! Anyway, we got to the lab and there was a demon. Damiel basically took all my poison herbs I...was saving...for a friend...and he killed the workers. Glow knew the demon um...yeah...we all got bathed in rainbow magic juice but nothing happened to me >:c I want my soul back...Stupid magic users thinking they're so damn cool. Iltiari's arm wasn't working for a bit so they were a battering ram for awhile. It's cool though we're bros now. We also have to defeat some guy named MChnail or something? And also a Tazra...she sounds pretty. Too bad I have to kill her. And we also blew up the tavern! Yay! We also caught the tavern guy for more answers. But yeah the explosion was cool. CJ also was playing in the woods the whole time. Poor thing, he probably missed me. I was able to make Damiel laugh that was fun. We're best friends now. I hope he doesn't find this because one day he will kill me. Actually...why hasn't he killed me yet? Fuckin' coward. TTYL and today's lesson: don't drink tall mugs of beer from random guys who own a tavern in the forest and don't pay their landlords.


After almost 3 decades I finally know the name of the mountain! It's so beautiful. I wish I was that beautiful. I wish I was a full elf...Rimaia tried to get me to speak more, with Zsoana too...I'm afraid of telling them too much. I did apologize though for failing the heist so everything should be fine. Damiel took me aside and we both hate my dad :D. He told me about snow. I missed it. I remember almost touching it once outside the window at night. Damiel also said I was ugly. Well...too ugly to be an elf I look like a human. Everyone else said I looked like an elf. I don't know what I am...I asked to kill my father and Damiel said no. I don't care what he says Drogo Syldan is a dead man when I see him. We went to the town of Bumble but it looked awful. We raised skeletons with a glowing hammer! That was fun! But like...stuff happened...and the skeletons were bad...and killed like...we aren't allowed there anymore. But I got to sleep up in a tree like I used to. I miss Clikx. CJ was a great cat and friend today. He played with Zsoana and her llama. Zsoana is really nice....and pretty...but she probably sees me as a burden like the rest of the group. At least they're concerned but...why? I could just leave and everything would be better. We don't all talk everyone has their own issues. We're not people...people...I like talking to Damiel in elvish it's fun. I like speaking in elvish more than in common or goblin. Don't tell Clikx. I think Iltiari and Zsoana has sympathy for me...or pity...I just want to not be ugly and be one or the other. I'd rather be an elf. Maybe I'd be different. Glow lied about something today...that was weird...why would she lie? I hope everyone in the own is ok...even though we killed a bunch of orphans. I gave them some gold and Damiel gave them a gem. He's nicer than we all thought. have to remember to tell him about his dumb potions or whatever. Nerd. Rimaia seems to be obsessed with him...they'd make a nice couple. I want to fall in love with someone like that one day. Maybe another nicer elf...or Zsoana...that would be nice. CJ didn't see any of the blood and Glow touched some of the blood. I'm kind of worried about her but she doesn't speak...just does...also Iltiari might be lonely...and Rimaia's new cloak is fancy I should compliment it. I wonder if my mother's tribe is stil around and would take me back...that would be fun. Do they miss me? Do I miss them? I hope we find a wishing well so I can wish to be a real elf...

Should I go?

Hey, It’s been a not good day. It started well though. We saved people. CJ bit me but Damiel (who I thought was god) gave me a rabies medication thing . I’m fine. In the morning I asked him about cookies. He looked at me suspiciously. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. He gave me something to wash CJ with so that’s good. He smells much better. He also gave me a pillow. I still am mad at Ramiya. But I made her a sandwich. We went to Red Castle but there was no red castle >:(. It was a red manor and we all entered a contest. Even before that I think something happened to me. I felt weird but it was good. I think I had a cookie? It wasn’t like the one dad would give me but it tasted good. We went in and we didn’t fight but we looked around. I got shot with an arrow but I kept it! Then we continued. Damiel cut out a painting of the pretty mountain. I wanna ask him if I can see it again. We won but before that... I saw his face. I never saw a mirror before and I looked like him and all his dirty features. I broke one. I made Hail and Ramiya upset again. So bad that they tackled me. I don’t care anymore I’m a burden like he said. I don’t deserve to be here. I wish I was like Damiel and not cared. I wish I wasn’t so emotional. I wish I was good. Then maybe Clikx would have stayed. I miss him a lot. I got an elven storybook so there’s an upside. CJ puked I have to clean it up. CJ is a good cat he keeps all my secrets. I’m glad he’s someone I can trust. But maybe I can find Clikx on my own? Should I go?   ~Bell

The Beginning of Bell

Dear Journal, My name is Bell and you are mine! I am a monk and a quarter elf. I'm also an adventurer with 8 new friends! I hope Clikx doesn't get jealous when he finds out I have more friends. I think everyone is warming up to me more! Though I still think they all find me annoying. I've stopped drinking! Hopefully everyone will like me more. I was mean to Rimiya earlier. She said she cared and for the better of the group I should stay alive. I still don't understand. But Damiel gave me a cat so it's all cool. I hope. I appreciate that she cares but she's only saying that so we can finish this journey we all have. Which is fine with me I don't mind. I miss the monastery sometimes. I'd like to go back. I wonder if Damiel wants to go back to the Elven Kingdom...why? What's so great about living there? Maybe it's me because my father still lives there. I feel sick thinking about him sometimes. CJ is the most adorable cat in the world! I love him so so much! I'm gonna make him fishy treats when I can!   We're about to go on a mission again! I'll write in you soon! ~Love, Bell