Damiel Morgethai Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Damiel Morgethai

Damiel Morgethai

Adapted from Pathfinder. I do not own this character or design.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Identifying Characteristics

Damiel has scars on the insides of his elbows, along the veins.

Special abilities

Immune to poison

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a long brown leather trench coat and large brown leather backpack, both with seemingly endless numbers of pockets. They are both enchanted to keep the volatile chemicals stored inside safe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Damiel Morgethai was born in the Elven Kingdom. One of innumerable scions of the prestigious Morgethai family, he grew up in the picturesque town of Riverspire.   When finally old enough to pursue a trade, the exceedingly precocious young elf was loaded up with what funds his family felt he needed and packed off to the shining capital of Iadara, to study alchemy under several of the art’s great masters. Damiel took to alchemy immediately, reveling in the idea of transmutation—the changing of one thing into another, by means chemical or arcane. “Alchemy,” he was fond of proclaiming to his friends, “is pure magic, even when it isn’t.” Within a few short years, the brilliant and studious Damiel had learned enough from his instructors that they set him loose to pursue his own studies, becoming advisors and respected colleagues rather than true masters.   Yet he had learned more than just strange formulae in Iadara. As cheerful and innocent as it seemed on the surface, Damiel’s obsession with what he called “the Change” went beyond the simple curatives of an apothecary, beyond even the magical and explosive concoctions of those alchemists trained for battle. In his eternal quest to understand his theories better, Damiel gave himself literally to his studies, and began to use his concoctions on his own flesh, striving to unlock the full potential of his body. What emerged from those long, sleepless nights was someone new. Someone dangerous.   In his thirst for ever-greater secrets, he had unlocked enormous potential—strange tinctures that quickened his movements to a blur, or twisted his constitution to survive any poison or malady. Yet while he gained ever-increasing control over the vagaries of his flesh, these discoveries took their toll on his mind. One night he fell especially deep into addiction and would lost himself to the Change, only to wake from a maddened stupor and find that he’d done something that, to elves, was unforgivable. For his crime Damiel received the ultimate punishment in elven society, banishment.   Since his banishment Damiel has grown further, into a man of two minds. The first—the greatest remaining shadow of the Damiel Morgethai That Was—truly repents for the crime he committed and refuses to give in entirely to the Change or addiction again. The second is the man still obsessed with alchemy, the mad and capricious soul that holds all other creatures in contempt, and exists only to feel the heat of the explosion on his face or see the shifting colors of poisoned flesh.


Asexual and Demiromantic


After leaving the Elven Kingdom and seeking to utilize his secret knowledge, he traveled to Daggermark in the Mortal Kingdom, joining up with that city’s Poisoners' Guild and took side jobs with the Cult of Daimos. For a time, his unique concoctions made him a minor celebrity in certain circles. But as the months passed, Damiel’s control over his base nature slipped, and the old lust for the beautiful chaos of unfettered experimentation took over. In the end, the Poisoners’ Guild took terminal offense to Damiel’s “exploits,” and though the elf argued hard that his deviant handiwork—being unpaid—was none of the guild’s concern, he was forced to go his own way once again.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Damiel completed his apprenticeship in only a few years, when normally such a thing requires decades of study.   Most of the potions he uses now are of his own invention and generally superior to the goods on the market, even in the Elven Kingdom.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to earn his way back into the Elven Kingdom and believes he can do so if he just manages to perfect his project.

Virtues & Personality perks

When he sets his mind to something it will get done.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is extremely obsessive and will ignore everything else in favor of what catches his interest.   He has a hard time comprehending the emotional states of those around him and so generally elects not to deal with them.


He is fastidiously clean and insists that those around him attempt to maintain some form of good hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

He maintains a good reputation with the Cult of Daimos.

Family Ties

He is the youngest member of the Morgethai family, but has had no interaction with them since his banishment.

Religious Views

Elves in general are not particularly religious and Damiel even more so, but if pressed he would choose Thoth as his preferred deity.

Social Aptitude

He finds mortals difficult to relate to (and has no particular interest in trying) and most people find him threatening.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a small mechanical dragon called Willow.


He has an excellent grasp on all of the languages he has made the effort to learn. However, due to the cultural differences between the elves and the other races there are often slang words/phrases which he does not understand and he finds the existence of multiple pronouns to be extremely confusing.

Wealth & Financial state

He was allowed to bring some wealth with him out of the Elven Kingdom and makes additional funds selling his potions.   Due to the conversion rate between the elven currency and the currency used by the rest of the world the amount of money Damiel was given by his family to last a few months put him in a good place to buy the Mortal Kingdom if he wished. Luckily for everyone involved he wants nothing more to do with the rest of the world than he absolutely need to.
Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
6' 2"
150 lbs
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Infernal, Dwarven

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Garland Moon

M. Channail is an idiot of an alchemist. He must just randomly throw ingredients together. The moron probably still uses a cauldron to brew, like a first year apprentice child. It should have been simple to deconstruct his "elixir" and create and antidote, but there were so many random, and often contradictory ingredients, thrown together that it took a day instead of mere hours. However, it does appear that I was correct about the "elixir" being a scheme to secure funding for a larger project, perhaps the magic lab when it was still in operation, though I am sure that the money has since been diverted elsewhere.   On a side note, it appears the group can not be left unsupervised for a minute before some disaster befalls them. I took my eyes off them for one afternoon in order to synthesize an antidote and when they come back, half the part has been turned into animals and the other half is bleeding out. And Channail escaped. But at least the got the goblins little weasel. Joy.   The annoyance has finally taken her leave, with the goblin and its pet.   Rimaia has decided that she wishes to court me. I find this odd, but she is one of the most tolerable mortals I have met, so I see no harm in it for now. She may even prove to be a decent companion. To that end I have given her a trial period of a few months so that she might find her footing and work through any lacking or incorrect information that idiot Bell gave her about proper elven courting. After the trial period I will expect her to be able to court me properly, at which point we shall determine whether this relationship is feasible. Everyone is acting very strangely about the whole situation, though I suppose there is no accounting for mortals and their odd emotional reactions to everything. As an aside, I did not notice any signs before now that Rimaia was interested in this, but perhaps I missed them? It is so hard to tell in this ridiculous kingdom, everyone walks around with their sex on full display as though they were preparing to court. Their language has far too many pronouns as well, I still do not fully understand the purpose of them all.

Summer Moon

Our little recruitment attempt has gone better than expected. We got the Navy on our side, which was the most important thing, so we have out fleet. We also have Risf now. He is ... not that different than he was the first time I met him, just a change in coloration. Rimaia is acting oddly about him, so perhaps I am simply not privy to it. I shall have to get him alone and have a proper conversation to see if he really has the knowledge we need. Zsoana and Glow brought back a stray with them after their trip to the commercial district. He is a fallen aasimar who calls himself Dagon. There is something extremely ... wrong about his sword. I do not think it is safe to be around, not that anyone else seems overly concerned. They never do. One day that's going to come back to bite them.   Radiance might become a problem. She insists on putting making up with her sister over the fate of the world. I do not think she quite understands what is happening right now. Even if her sister was a saint not doing this of her own free will, her life means nothing in comparison to OUR ENTIRE REALM. Perhaps she and the rest of these mortals do not remember the horrors of the first incursion, but my people do. My parents and eldest sibling fought in that war and I will not let them go through that again. If she threatens this mission I will kill her. Does her goddess know how selfish she is? I imagine if her goddess did know, we would have three fallen aasimar on our team. Perhaps she needs reminding of that.   There is something off about Lt. Gore. He looks like a human, but he does not feel like one. The feeling I get being around him is not dissimilar to that of Lady Aurilandir and the fey, but it is not the same. No, he is no fey, but he is something. The man is no simple mortal.   We will leave for Dread Isle tomorrow. There are all sorts of stories about the dangers of making the journey there. I suppose we shall see how many of them a true.

After Returning Hyrsam
Summer Moon

We have returned Hyrsam to his mother and learned more of our enemy. It seems Tazra and Margoth already have an army and a fleet at their disposal and are now headed towards Dread Isle. This is ... unfortunate. Lady Aurilandir is right, our little group alone is no longer enough. We cannot fight an army. If I had my way I would take this information to the Elven Kingdom and gain their aid, but we do not have the time to convince them to listen to me. Instead it seems we must head to Wright and hope that these mortals can be of some use. The little aasimar will be of some help in this I think, she has Naval connections and we need a fleet. The Lady also mentioned Risf. I believe that is Rimaia's little kobold friend from Mistmire. He seemed unremarkable then, but apparently this is a case of "more than meets the eye." I look forward to seeing what knowledge this tiny mortal holds.

Near Margoth's Encampment
Summer Moon

We had the honor of meeting the Winter Queen. An entrance to her realm was placed here in this godsforsaken jungle and it allowed me, and by extension, the others, in. I had the opportunity to see snow again, and pine trees. The queen and her Eladrin brought me directly into her court where I was invited to speak with and learn from them. This is the first time since the early years of my apprenticeship that I have met anyone with enough knowledge to truly teach me. The fey are true immortals, they need never worry about death and so their access to knowledge is nearly unlimited.   I want that. I want for my people to have that. To never again mourn and to be able to discover all there is to know.   I will make it happen. My work is starting to show real progress and when it is finished I will have stopped death. I will have made up for my mistake. I will be allowed to return home.   I want to go home.

Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
Summer Moon

We have seen now why Tazra was taking more than just magic in her facility. It is not something I had ever thought to try, to grow new creatures out of the flesh of others, but it is a fascinating concept. We have her notes from the cloning facility and I will study them carefully to see what new knowledge I can uncover. It really is a shame that she seems so invested in working with he demonic hoards for some of her work is quite good and I would have loved to spend some time discussing it with her. In the end though it seems she is just one more mortal poking her nose into matters she can not hope to comprehend.   Just as before, Tazra was not here. She seems to be constantly just ahead of us. I wonder if she has some means of tracking us. Perhaps it is Radiance? The two have past, the paladin has said as much, but it is clearly much more than she is letting on. They were close is some way in the past.   Willow was damaged in the last fight. I will need to repair her at the next opportunity.

Garland Moon

Rimaia owns a mansion now, which is nice? She seems rather upset about it though. This seems to be about her connection to the Demon Lord and what her temple did to her family. I suppose that makes sense, I noticed that people tend to be upset when those they know or are related to die. I never did quite understand why they care when it is someone they have never met, but blood relation always seems so important for some reason. I think she is also upset that her religion lied to her? I do not know what she expected, that is all religions ever do. They are just as self serving as every other organization, only they have to pretend otherwise. Then again, she seems very naive about the world. She struggles with trees...   If Rimaia is related to the Demon Lord I wonder if her blood might be of any use for my project. Demons are functionally immortal so maybe it might be a step in the right direction. Tiefling blood has never been particularly helpful in the past, but Rimaia's bloodline stems from a much stronger source. Asking her might upset her though. Maybe it would help if I told her the connection she holds to the Demon Lord was being used to help people? She seems to like that sort of thing and it is technically true.   I have done my best to offer her some sort of comfort as it is my duty as the one she is courting, but this is not my strong point. I find emotions to be generally confusing, especially strong ones. I have not yet made her cry more so I must not be making it worse, which is some form of success. I hope she gets over this soon, it is very uncomfortable.

Aboard the Joyful Damnation
Garland Moon

Sailing is an awful experience. I, and Rimaia as well, seem to suffer from seasickness. I have crafted a potion which suppresses the symptoms but it unpleasant all the same. We, or more specifically Zsoana, have come into possession of a ship.   I believe we have slain a god? It is a shame its body sunk beneath the waves, for I would very much like to study it. The things one could create from the flesh of the divine! It would be excellent to compare should I ever get to study a demon, which is seeming more likely as we continue in this little quest of ours.   We are currently in the middle of the ocean and the nearest port is this Necropolis on Sea place. The name is not particularly promising, but perhaps it is another one of those strange things the mortals seem to enjoy doing with naming. One can but hope, I suppose ... this is going to be a disaster like everything else...

Caster Falls
Garland Moon

We have taken magical storage devices from Channail's mechanical device. I have also acquired the blueprints and notes about the machines. This is not my area of expertise, but perhaps I can make something of them.   In Caster Falls there is an interesting pair of small mortals who create rather interesting weapons. They could be interesting to work with in the future. Their engineering and my alchemy could pair well, I have already improved the weapon Zsoana bought from them. While we are in this town we must visit the Cult of Daimos to obtain information on the possible location of Tazra.   Also, I suppose we have a ship now? I hope one of these idiots actually knows how to sail it.

A Week North of Damerel
Garland Moon

M. Channail is dead. This is pleasing. We also found one of his and Tazra's little projects and put an end to it. They seemed to be building mechanical weaponry, which leads me to wonder what they need it for. I doubt the others will think to wonder the same. Large amounts of magical energy, strengthening potions, and mechanical weaponry. Alone they are concerning enough, but together ... what if ...   We had only just managed to get rid of Bell and now they've picked up another stray. This one at least seems to be better behaved, though the odd overreactions from the rest of the group may prove to be just as tiresome. On second thought, that seems rather unlikely. I have yet to decide this new one's usefulness. She has the ability to pour damaging light from her body, but it seem to tire or weaken her greatly. I shall be sure to study it and her thoroughly; perhaps I can harness the power for myself or at least stop her negative reaction to it so she becomes less of a liability. She too is after Tazra. I suppose with an operation this large, even if it has been kept relatively secret, it would be impossible for Tazra to not have made a few more enemies. So long as this new addition does not hinder us I do not particularly care what her motives are.

Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
Fawn Moon

Analysis of the runoff from the still suggests that drinking the liquid would enhance physical strength and speed. However, the composition seems sloppy and amateurish. Consuming the liquid for extended periods will likely cause serious side effects that include loss of time and bouts of uncontrolled rage, culminating in permanent brain damage and a general loss of self. I find it unlikely that, despite the amateurishness of the execution, this was the result of an accidental combination of chemicals by those imbeciles who were running the still. Someone made this, and for a very specific purpose. The annoyance's goblin said that M. Channail is involved, suggesting the involvement of Tazra as well. This liquid, plus the magic collection lab suggests that the two are preparing for something larger and I do not appreciate being left in the dark about it. Perhaps finding the location of the goblin's little pet will provide more information. At the very least it might finally rid us of the annoyance.   Rimaia was right to warn the Navy, assuming they are competent and can be trusted. This whole situation has every indication that it could very easily become a much bigger problem.

Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
Fawn Moon

Important: Notes have been looked through, check for damage, changes, etc. Check Willow.   Someone had found information on how to bring a demon to this plain. Concerning. Look into. -Said that the veil between plains has grown thinner. Why? How? Something on their side or ours? -Smaller one-capture? May have what I need. Further experimentation necessary.   Tazra and M. Channail -Dealing with forces they can not possibly understand. Like children in a lab, dangerous. -Only Rimaia seems to understand the overarching danger. Do the others know nothing of the Incursion and its horrors? This may prove problematic. -M. Channail just underling. -What are they after?   Coming across many questions with no answers, would be easier with proper library.  

Redcastle/AllCrims Night
Fawn Moon

2 x (N + (4 x H)) + 1 x S + 4 x O beneficial for plants - boring find better use - effect on plant based sentient creatures   H2SO4 enchant cork before stoppering   1 x Cu + 2 x (O+H)   2 x H2 + 1 x O2 → 2 x (H2O)   F2 good for teeth   C9H8O4 medical use, check for side effects   Someone has been smuggling mortals into the kingdom - look into, maybe use C11H17N2NaO2S   CH3COCH3 solvent, good cleaner, keep around for lab work   (NH4)2Cr2O7(s)→Cr2O3(s)+N2(g)+4H2O(g)   C7H16(l)+11O2(g)→7CO2(g)+8H2O(g)  

Town of Bumble
Fawn Moon

C8H10N4O2 easily distilled for quick stimulant, use on more delicate subjects unsuitable for stronger substances     C10H14N2     C4H10 combine with C7H16 for better effect     When at next large town send letter home about Drogo Syldan, minor courtier. Smuggling mortals into the kingdom. Advise questioning and imprisonment.     N2H4 unstable alone - wear gloves     The project is showing promise, but something is missing. I suspect I know what is needed, but it will be hard to come across. I will attempt to find a suitable workaround for now.


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