Radiance Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Radiance Eme Omrin (a.k.a. Radiant)

Eme Omrin was almost not born at al. She is infused with the great powers of the goddess Isis after she was born so she could live. She dedicates herself to her by bringing justice to the living and keeping the balance of life and death. She despises necromancy and hopes to abolish it one day. She is born to a high ranking Navy General in Wright (Giles) and a wealthy socialite and business owner (Yolanda). She is currently looking for her younger sister.

Physical Description

Facial Features

She has burn marks under her eyes and on the side of her mouth that continue down her neck. She no longer cares for them, and doesn't mind when people stare. Her eyes go completely golden when she unleashes her Radiant Consumption as well as a bright light emanating from her body.

Identifying Characteristics

She most times wears her golden face mask and only removes it when she is no longer in battle. Though she tends to keep it on most of the time anyway as a comfort tool.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears the proper armor of a paladin of Isis, but also has a seperate outfit that is much more casual for her random bounty hunter jobs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eme was born to Navy General Gilles and his wife, Yolonda Omrin. When she was born, it was a stormy night. Gilles and Yolanda had been hoping for a child for quite some time as they have been married for many years and known each other for longer. The doctor and nurses delivered the baby, but it was a still born. A flash of light erupted from the child in the room. Instantly she was hot, almost scorching to the touch. The nurse dropped her, but was caught by her father. Gilles looked into the eyes of the child and smiled a grand smile. “Emmille” he whispered. With that, Eme was born. There was cause for celebration as a priest was called in to bless the newborn aasimar as well as the chosen deity that gave Eme her knew life. She was very fond of the fruit her mother grew from her orchards and would often play in them. Her parents had her name changed to Eme eventually when she said that was what she wanted. Eme was always spritely and energetic, but her consumption would get the best of her when there was evil around. One time, when out with her mother, her divine energy spilled out of her mouth and eyes like molten lava. She screamed as everyone watched. With her strength she ran to a man and stopped him from running off with a small child. Often her parents kept her at home so she would not be as afflicted. Eme would always sneak out of the house when she could so she could play in her mother’s orchards. Outside of those few instances, Eme would very rarely let her divine powers spill out. Before her training to become a paladin, Eme would get constant dreams and visions of the goddess Isis as well as her birth. She knew she was pronounced dead but saved by Isis. She took pity on the family and granted these powers to Eme since Gillis and Yolanda were devout followers. Of course, because she had died, she could not become a full aasimar like others of legends told to her through her personal teachers and guides. She does not blame Isis or her parents for her becoming a scourge. She becomes more mindful of her powers and becomes more aware of her purpose. When she was strong enough, her father would teach her to spar and fight with her. Her mother taught her manners, grace, and about life outside the mortal kingdoms as well as letting her roam the woods from time to time within reason. Eme’s purpose was mainly unclear but she had a vague understanding that she must train to become a paladin as well as learn other religions and gods, study healing, understand magic and the role of life, death, and rebirth. But, Eme found a way to still be able to be herself through her studies of playing the odds with life and death. Overtime she misunderstood her purpose and believes that if she were to die, Isis would revive her again. She enjoys gambling, even though she barely wins.

Gender Identity

Trans Female




Highly Educated


Paladin Bounty Hunter

Failures & Embarrassments



Being forced to take off her mask.

Personality Characteristics



Likes & Dislikes

Likes: The color gold, mother and father, the water, travelling, exercising, helping others, family, beautiful things, her pan flute Penny.   Dislikes: Necromancy, secrecy, disrespect, disloyalty, drama, impulsivity

Vices & Personality flaws

Loves to gamble

Personality Quirks

Can play the pan flute.


She showers every day and almost every night, especially after a workout.


Contacts & Relations

Her mother and father, her father's Navy

Religious Views

Isis. Death and Birth can coexist, but only with balance. There are a few times where pushing the boundaries are acceptable but that is rare. She prefers to talk first before she fights to get all the information.

Social Aptitude

Somewhat proper

Wealth & Financial state


Radiance (Eme Omrin) was born in the capital of the Mortal Kingdom: Wright. She is a scourge Aasimar. Her parents are Giles and Yolanda Omrin. She has a younger sister she wishes to find and rescue.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
1st of the Descending Moon
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Dwarven

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Dear Mother and Father,   I forgot to add in my last letter that I got a new normal weapon! I huge battleaxe! I love it so much! Anyway.... We were hired to host a..."stag do"????? Whatever it is, it seemed cultish. Rimaia was instantly against it but...she wanted to eliminate it period? Why? Without the bad there can be no good. Not everything is black and white and without the competition of other religions and cults there would be no reason to vehemently listen to our deities. Also that point made Iltiari less likely to hate me. They loved the bread and cheese I suppose. We are to be paid 100,000 in gold. Usually that is what I would get for my birthday! But anyhow... We hosted them and Rimaia was very cautious. OH I forgot we also had to teach everyone how to sail...Everyone did pretty well except for Rimaia and Glow...they were put on food duty. I was able to sneak away a few times to admire the canons and the maintenance and the First Mate's quarters...Damiel got to sleep in there. I suppose since he is an elf and highly intelligent that it makes sense...also he seems to be highly annoyed by everyone...but also...that room should've been mine. However I slept with Rimaia and Hail. They are fine. They respect my space and I theres. Oh yeah, so...Iltiari and Hail returned from the void. The chicken looked very distressed. Everything was fine at first but...turns out our stag bachelors were up to something after all. They were apparently looking for their god. I felt bad for them so I did not bother them...even though every night they would summon a random creepy eye that Iltiari had a vendetta aginst and was able to lift our ship above the water somewhat. We also decided to keep the ships name to the Joyful Damnation. I love her so much. Even though it's Zsoanas. We did a karaoke session. I did very well with my sea shanties with Nabith. Iltiari...had fun. It was nice. We...had fun all of us. Lots of drinking happened...it made me a little sick but I'll be fine. I had to skip the magic show but apparently I heard Iltiari used their..."father" for help....their father Cthulu. I know I know I put a pin in it for now. My priorities lie with Tazra now. This is just a bump in the road....a large bump....a large...purple...tentacle bump. They liked the show, then was whale watching. They watched whales and i served them copious amounts of alcohol so Iltiari could get information from them while Rimaia and Hail snooped. It wasn't a complete failure. The next day was pirate training. I thought we would make hats and knots but...we did not...they summoned a sea monster to fight Zsoana. She won of course. There was a lot of mess...It was pinned. Finally was the fireworks and dinner. Glow and I did an amazing job with the food. Now...the next day...they summoned a stag god demon thing...luckily i was able to touch the canons! I had so much fun mother! UGH I love when things go BOOM! Oh, we met with the Cult of Damos and I had to tell them secrets and find out where Tazra is/went. I had to tell them of the time I stole your ship father. I am sorry. I also had to tell them about my connection with Tazra. I have to be very careful to make sure my group does not find out. For they will shun me and all of this would be for naught. Also! I got an orbiting moon! Your sun has a moon now! How splendid! I hope it will lower my anxiety. Love, Eme Omrin.   P.S. Can you send me more allowance? I am a bit strapped for cash and would like a new dress. XOXO

I Miss Tazra

Dear Mother and Father,   I have good news and bad news. Bad news...I think everyone is warming up to me but now I am like a "grunt"? Also, the Yuan Ti Zsoana was threatened by other pirates who were massively drunk...Rimaia is very violent and very pushy...she should just learn from Damiel and be a little more calm. Iltiari and for some reason Hail and...a chicken? Went into the void to sulk...I bought them two baguettes and a brie. We are still on the search for Tazra but we put that on pause for now. We investigated who wanted her dead...and Rimaia violently harrassed the pirates who were hired to kill her. I stole some of their coins because...well...they're pirates. Isis forgive me. Turns out the person who hired those pirates to kill Zsoana was her little brother. How sweet! I hope I find Tazra and we can make up like that. She ended up sending him to work at the docks in a shop nearby! And no one died! Good news: We got a ship! It belongs to Zsoana of course but oh how I missed sailing!!!!! I even got a little crown of confidence just in case I feel down. I do have some worries though about our group...and sailing...but you know what, I'm going to put a pin it it.   P.S. I know that when I say put a pin in it it means my anxiety has risen....it has tremendously.

Great Isis, Give Me Strength

Dear Mother and Father,   I have found them...Iltiari smells like the backside of an oxen and I was unprepared. And they were a large group. They had found me fighting off goblins on a patrol. Luckily I have scared them off. But...maybe I should have.   Instantly Iltiari threw up on Rimaia...those two and Hail seem to bicker...that's not usually fun. There is a child that reminded me of myself when I studied. You would love her father she is adorable...but needs assistance.   A Yuan ti. I had saved her life. I was ready for Isis to take me back as fate intended but the child healed me. She also asked too many questions, that small genasi. I think my defensiveness drove her away. Probably for the better.   I think my first impressions of Iltiari were....slightly incorrect. For a fallen Aasimar with a cleric and another paladin! It is such a group pf people. That Bell was somewhat right I suppose. The elf is handsome.   He speaks dwarvish and logical, maybe someone I can confide in if I end up needing assistance and am distrusted by everyone. I despise joining large groups that ask too many questions. They seem to have a strong bond which is good. I may be able to at the very least apologize to Iltiari....if the dragonborn can get passed the smell then so shall I.   Their powers were impressive though. Maybe they are of some help...I just have to make sure they do not harm my sister. I will return her soon I promise.   Hopefully my time with this group is shortened before my death or before they see my face. They have already seen my power and I do not want to loose the only connection to her I have left.   We also helped a druid.   Isis has plans for me, for she has led me to that elf and her friends. It must be her biding. Maybe...   Love, Little Eme   P.S. Isis please don't smite me I am just very confused.

One Step Closer

Dear Mother and Father, After being lost for some time, I seem to have found an...elven girl...with a goblin. I made sure she was ok and not a hostage...the goblin only smoked...she says they are best friends...strange girl. I was able to find information on my sister and M Channail. I'm so close...she told me to write to you both saying her name is Bell.......   She also told me that her group of friends were following him as well. Hopefully they can help me. She said they were all nice but...I don't know. She even said one was like me. I may have to remember that... Note to self: Bell says to the group hi i miss you kiss Chicken for me. CJ says meow...   Love, Little Eme