Risf Sandscale Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Risf Sandscale

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Risf was born to a pious family and joined the Order of Thoth at a young age. While serving in the temple he discovered a deep respect for the gods and a deep curiosity for the nature of the divine. Once he felt that he had learned all he could from Thoth's order Risf left and traveled to the Order of Sekhmet, where he met and befriended Rimaia. When the order sent out some of its members in search of the aegis, Risf was among the them. His search brought him to the city of Mistmire where Risf met the Paladin Order of Amun-Ra. Giving in to his curiosity, Risf stayed in the city to learn from the order. He has since finished learning from them and moved on in search of new knowledge.

Personality Characteristics


Risf wants to understand how gods come to be so that he can learn how to make mortals into gods.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sandy Golden

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