Hafsah Setep-en Usir Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Hafsah Setep-en Usir

Hafsah Setep-en Usir

Hafsah was chosen by Osiris as High Priestess . In order to wield the magic talisman of the office she must go out and discover the rest of Aerenal and its peoples and her own hidden strengths. Being the champion of death may not be the most glamorous job but that is no reason one can't look fabulous doing it!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hafsah was born into the Setep-en-Usir family in the Temple lands. Generations of Setep-en-Usir had served in the Temple of Osiris in many capacities, and more then a few Hem and Hemet netjir tepi were of that lineage. Hafsah knew from a young age that her interest lay in serving her God and spent a good portion of her youth in the Temple. She was happily studying to be an under-priest when word came that her Uncle had been killed while on business to the southern jungles. For reasons that escape Hafsah, Osiris chose her to become Hemet netjir tepi. With the position came the ancient and magical scythe of Osiris. This weapon is the mightiest artifact in the temple and grants the wielder enormous power, but only in proportion to the bearer's own skill and wisdom. So to fulfil her role as Osiris's champion and high priestess Hafsah must leave the temple lands and learn about the rest of Aerenal and her own inner strengths.


Hafsah was brought up to be a cleric and as such learned to read, write, and speak a variety of languages. She also knows a few cantrips and spells and many rituals used in the worship of Osiris.

Personality Characteristics


Finished with training Hafsah must go out into the world to destroy the undead, put wandering spirits to rest and gain the experience needed to help her khopesh

Hafsah was chosen by Osiris as High Priestess . In order to wield the magic talisman of the office she must go out and discover the rest of Aerenal and its peoples and her own hidden strengths.

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Chaotic Good
Temple city to Osiris in the Holy Plains
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
132 lb

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