Skaris Zarshoon Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Skaris Zarshoon

Skaris Zarshoon

Skaris training as an "operator" prepared him to do all sorts of "wet" work for the Karshoon family. While excelling at the work, he often wondered if the targets actually deserved the fate he had forced upon them. This doubt has led him to leave the family business. He has maintained a good relationship with the family but is not entirely trusted by the family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

On the small side for a tiefling. This allows him to blend in better.

Body Features

He has no remarkable characteristics to make him stand out.

Facial Features

His horns are small and the same color as his hair.

Identifying Characteristics

He has spent his life learning to blend in.

Physical quirks

His tail sometimes has a mind of its own.

Special abilities

Trained as an assassin, he can kill.

Apparel & Accessories

While his clothes and gear appears work and ragtag, all are quite well made.

Specialized Equipment

Stealth and hiding are second nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Belonging to a well to do criminal family afforded Skaris a better than average education as well as the "operator" training. He has never failed a misson, although he has refused a couple. The refusal led to his departure from the family enclave.

Gender Identity

He, him, etc.


He likes the ladies. All of them...


Skaris' parents made sure he had access to good tutors although he was more interested in the mechanics of the family business. He excelled in those topics that interested him. History was not one. He liked math and science. Soaking up all he could. He also loved people and learning about how they interacted. Both of these helped him excel with the "operator" training.


His work for the family covered everything from helping with cons and running errands to actual "wet" work jobs. Currently between gigs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Still holds the family record for quickest closer of a contract and the number of successful contracts completed without a failure.

Failures & Embarrassments

His penchant for refusing contracts he was not comfortable with led to his departure from the family enclave under dubious circumstances. The family has spread rumors about why Skaris left.

Mental Trauma

One of the contracts Skaris took involved a child. While he completed the contract, it left him with nightmares for weeks and still haunts him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Skaris likes a good challenge and views contracts and jobs from that viewpoint.

Morality & Philosophy

Skaris is generally a good person. He has no qualms about doing a job if the target deserves it. He requires a reasonable reason for any contracts.


He will not accept a contract on a child and will not willing hurt someone who he feels doesn't deserve it.

Personality Characteristics


The Game. The thrill of playing the game. Money is how you keep score, notoriety is the prize.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Knows urban areas well. Has contacts everywhere. Not good in the forest or underground.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes the finer things when he has the resources. Enjoys the company of friends even though they may fire of his banter. Hates confined spaces. Needs an escape route.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ownership is debatable He trusts his own sense of what is right. He is not risk adverse.


He stays clean even though he may look shabby. After all, it's hard to sneak up on someone when they can smell you.


Contacts & Relations

Skaris is a member of the Karshoon crime family.  He keeps in touch and still does the occasional job for the family.

Wealth & Financial state

He has access to the family fortune but prefers to make his own way.

Born into one of the great criminal families in Wright has been given quite the start in life. Precocious at an early age and given to hiding for hours at a time from his family, they decided to train him as an "operator".

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
The road.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 6in
165 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Money is just a way to keep score." "That should be fun! Let's do it." " I wonder how that got there? "
Known Languages
Common Internal Thieves cant

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