Zsoana Character in Aerenal | World Anvil
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Zsoana Esashia (a.k.a. Sneaky Snek)

Ahoy there! I'm Zsoana, a Rogue Yuan-ti. In the process of figuring out who I am!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Physical quirks

Can sometimes turn into a full snake.

Apparel & Accessories

Studded leather armor and a pirate hat!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zsoana was born deep in the southern jungles of Arenal. Since Yuan-ti's are notorious for being conceived via orgy, Zsoana grew up in a household with dozens of siblings, all of whom, share the same father. Growing up she was closest to her brother Zihu and they would often hang out together, avoiding the daily prayers of Apep. Zsoana knew growing up that she was different and was not like the rest of her family. She was more kind and compassionate than her siblings (which doesn't say much). She was often reprimanded by her father for this "weakness" and her disobedience when it came to her studies of Apep. Apep brought nothing but destruction and chaos, and therefore Zsoana grew up in a very chaotic environment. Everyday she would see innocent people being sacrificed for the "greater good" of the Yuan-ti people and this further developed her hatred for Apep and her family. At the age of 16, Zsoana had finally had enough and decided to run away. To where? She had no idea. All she knew was that she needed to head North. Without saying goodbye to her mother and brother, she fled in the early morning and started her journey Northbound. She heard of the city of Wright and was convinced that this was the place she needed to go. What she did not expect was the level of animosity that she would face as a malison. After hearing from multiple people that life would be no better in Wright, Zsoana began to travel from place to place, never truly finding a home. At one point in her travels, she would meet her very first friend, Tuski. Tuski was an older pureblood Yuan-ti who helped Zsoana adapt to the real world and deal with the repercussions of being a runaway Yuan-ti. She mostly helped with Zsoana's emotionless and manipulative learned behavior. Tuski also helped Zsoana develop her skills as a Rogue. Eventually, Zsoana was stealing and speaking in Thieves Cant in no time. Unfortunately, her friendship with Tuski would be cut short, as Tuski would suddenly leave Zsoana without a trace one day. No note. Nothing. After several years of stealing and moving around, Zsoana would meet a new group of acquaintances. Hoping to find happiness through money, Zsoana willingly joined the group, but has begun to feel that these people may be more than just meat... I mean acquaintances. However, not knowing what has happened to her family after 7 years still preoccupies Zsoana's mind. At this point, she is mostly concerned with finding out what happened to her younger brother, Zihu.


Worship of Apep 24/7. That's it.  Literally all I did growing up was serve Apep and my literal abomination of a father.


Ehh... well I used to borrow things and sometimes sell those things for a profit. Now I'm a pirate.

Accomplishments & Achievements

I escaped a cult.

Failures & Embarrassments

Back in the day I probably would have said befriending a group of people who I would have previously referred to as "meat," but now I would say my most embarrassing moments are when I fail my sneak attacks.

Mental Trauma

Brainwashed since an enfant. Saw a lot of people get sacrificed for the "greater good."

Personality Characteristics


Wants to be reunited with her brother Zihu. Also, money.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Money. Making her friends laugh. In the process of figuring out what she likes.  Dislikes: Her dad. Apep.

Virtues & Personality perks

Doesn't see herself as having any.

Vices & Personality flaws

Driven by money/materialistic. Isolates herself. Sometimes reverts back into her self-righteousness. Manipulator.


Family Ties

It's complicated.

Religious Views

Ehh Idk? Just not Apep.

Wealth & Financial state

I've got some money, but I could have more.

THE Sneaky snek. Part-time pirate.

Current Location
Right behind you... or am I?
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Southern Jungles of Aerenal
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green
7 foot
Known Languages
Common, Abyssal, Draconic, and Thieves Cant

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FUck this... I just wrote an entire entry post for the last twenty minutes and it just got deleted. OKay COol. Basically my feelings are I want to help Belle out, what is going on between Damiel and Raimaia (I'm rooting for you guys), and also AllCrims night was kind of a disaster, but also what a cool event. I hope I can participate in the future. This post is a lot less elegant than the one I was writing, but obviously Apep, being who they are decided I didn't need to write a journal entry, so there's that. Anyways, now that I'm fuming, I'm gonna go take a nap.   Until next time, Zsoana the very pissed off snek