Memorial / Deed Tattoos
The tradition to immortalize memories and deeds on their skin is dating back to presumably times even before the origin families of the now alive Rhons entered the world of Aerion through the portal in Valderin's Gate.
Depending on the meaning and depth of the connection to the event or person, the location on the body is chosen:
Finger and hands are for 'minor' things, like a great craft, a tavern wrestle or even a good night drinking with close friends
Lower and upper arm stand for more important events, for example the win of a tournament
Shoulder and around neck are major events, overcoming great fears, saving a life or if your life was saved by someone, a life or death fight won, a new invention or anything alike
Chest tattoos are reserved for the death of persons or animals close to your heart, to never forget
The motive doesn't have to represent the event or person directly, more the feeling that ties you to them, or the first image that comes into your head when you remember them.
tattoos on hand/lower arms would fade to remember that old deeds, even though they have a meaning, are forgotten if no new ones are following them. the higher up the arm they would go the longer they would last
important deeds would normally be tattooed like a shawl around the shoulders and neck