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The Unbreakable Anvil


Mountain Dwarves: The stoic backbone of Baerdid, mountain dwarves dwell in the Iron Mountains, their ancestral home. Hardy and strong, they are master miners and smiths, their fortresses carved into the very rock itself. They revere tradition and honor duty above all else.
They say Baerdid's mountain halls are crammed with gold, gems, the works! Generations of dwarven diggin' have unearthed a treasure trove that would make a dragon blush. Of course, good luck getting your hands on any of it. Those dwarves are as possessive as a mama bear with a cub.
Hill Dwarves: Living in the rolling grasslands to the west, hill dwarves are more adaptable than their mountain kin. They are skilled hunters, ranchers, and brewers, renowned for their cunning and tinkering ingenuity. Their underground warrens, interconnected and vast, are both homes and defensive networks.   Halflings: A small but respected minority, halflings live alongside the dwarves, bringing a touch of lightheartedness and a talent for agriculture to Baerdid. They act as scouts, messengers, and skilled cooks within dwarven society.   Gnomes: Even fewer in number than the halflings, gnomes are seen as eccentric geniuses by the dwarves. Their love of invention and tinkering meshes well with dwarven craftsmanship, leading to innovative machinery and magical contraptions.


Strength and Community: Dwarven culture in Baerdid revolves around strength, loyalty, and a deep respect for tradition. Community is paramount, with extended families working together in mines, forges, and farms. A strong sense of shared history and shared purpose binds the nation together.   Legacy of Aerith: The dwarves hold the memory of the ancient human nation of Aerith in high regard. They remember Aerith as a beacon of civilization and a worthy ally against long-forgotten foes. This fosters a deep respect and friendship with the newly formed nation of New Aerith.   Pride and Vigilance: Dwarves take pride in their independence and military prowess. They have a long history of repelling invaders, and their well-trained army and intricate network of underground passages make them a formidable foe. Their vigilance is particularly focused on the ever-present threat of the expansionist Sharapovan Empire.


Clans and Guilds: Dwarven society is organized into clans based on lineage and profession. Each clan has a Thane (leader) who answers to the High King, a position traditionally held by a mountain dwarf. Guilds of miners, smiths, brewers, and other craftspeople hold significant power within dwarven society.   Respect for the Earth: Dwarves have a deep respect for the earth and its resources. They believe in responsible mining practices and revere the spirits of the mountains and the deep places.   Warfare: Dwarven warriors are renowned for their discipline and unwavering courage. They favor heavy armor, axes, and hammers, forming a near-impenetrable shield wall in battle. Their subterranean warrens are often rigged with traps and secret passages, making them a nightmare for any invader.  

Geopolitical Landscape

The Iron Bulwark: The Iron Mountains form a natural barrier against Sharapovan aggression. The mountain dwarves are constantly vigilant, maintaining a network of watchtowers and fortresses along the border.   An Uneasy Alliance: The friendship between Baerdid and New Aerith is a source of both strength and tension. While the dwarves provide vital military protection, some in Baerdid fear that New Aerith's human ideals are a weakness, and that relying on them puts the dwarven way of life at risk.   Trade and Diplomacy: Baerdid maintains a network of trade routes with other nations, exchanging their famed weapons, armor, and crafted goods for food, wood, and other resources. They also maintain diplomatic ties with other races who share their distrust of Sharapov, hoping to build a strong alliance against the growing empire.   The Secrets of the Deep: Rumors abound of ancient ruins and forgotten magic hidden deep within the Iron Mountains. Some believe these secrets could hold the key to unimaginable power, while others fear they could unleash a terrible curse.  

Points of Interest

There's whispers of somethin' dark lurkin' in the deepest parts of Baerdid. Creatures twisted by magic and greed, the restless spirits of miners who met a bad end. Some say they're guarding a particularly rich vein of ore, others say they're just plain angry. Either way, if you're spelunking, keep your pickaxe handy and your prayers whispered.
Grimhold: The mountain fortress-city carved into the heart of the Iron Mountains. It serves as the seat of the High King and a symbol of dwarven resilience.   The Everpick Mines: These vast mines, worked for generations, are a source of Baerdid's wealth and a testament to dwarven skill and determination.   The Deep Gate: A heavily guarded passage through the Iron Mountains, leading to the vast network of underground warrens that crisscross the western plains. The Deep Gate is a vital link between the mountain and hill dwarves, and a key defensive position against any Sharapovan invasion.
Formation: (unknown) Pre-Sundering
Government Type: Monarchy
Imports: agricultural; timber
Exports: With their arrogance and fear of losing control, Baerdid keeps their exports tightly restricted. They only trade with New Aerith and Irenaught wityh case-by-case exceptions with other nations (never the Empire of Sharapov), ensuring their technology and knowledge remain out of reach of most.Their limited exports include rare metals and gems.
Regional Dialect: Dwarven dialects are like the dwarves themselves: strong, direct, and focused on practicality. Imagine deep voices using harsh consonants to speak in clear, concise sentences. Their language reflects their love of crafting with a rich vocabulary for tools and techniques. Place names and references to history weave through their speech, reflecting their deep connection to their lands and grudges. Unlike some languages, dwarven dialects have fewer variations due to their isolation and traditional ways.
They say the dwarven ale in Baerdid is the strongest, most flavorful brew you'll ever taste. Enough to warm you from the inside out, even in the coldest mountain tunnels. Just be careful - those dwarves can hold their liquor better than any human I know. Don't get in a drinkin' contest with a Baerdid beard, unless you fancy wakin' up with a headache and a missing shoe.

Articles under Baerdid


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