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New Aerith

A Flickering Flame of Hope

(language convention French)

A Legacy of Grandeur and Tragedy

New Aerith is a nation haunted by the ghost of its predecessor. Founded on the ruins of the once-mighty Aerith Empire, it carries the burden of both its ancestor's glory and the cataclysmic Sundering that nearly shattered the world. Many consider New Aerith to be a mere shadow of its former self, struggling to reclaim a title it feels it doesn't truly deserve.

People and Culture

Inspired by Ideals: New Aerithans are driven by a deep-seated desire to be a beacon of hope and nobility. Their culture emphasizes diplomacy, scholarship, and the pursuit of knowledge. They are a people who believe in the power of human potential and strive to create a better future for all.
  Haunted by the Past: Despite their idealistic outlook, New Aerithans grapple with the weight of history. The Sundering, believed to be partly caused by the arrogance of the old Aerith Empire, casts a long shadow. Many citizens are haunted by a sense of guilt and a determination to learn from past mistakes.
I heard the ghosts of the old Aerith Empire wander the streets at night. They say they whisper warnings about repeating past mistakes.


A Meritocracy in the Making: New Aerith is a young nation still defining its social structure. The concept of a meritocracy, where individuals are valued for their talents and contributions, is taking root. However, remnants of the old order persist, with noble families vying for influence and power.

Geopolitical Landscape

A Fragile Alliance: New Aerith boasts a unique alliance with the elves of the Sharian Bryralei Forest. This unlikely friendship is based on mutual respect and a shared desire for peace. However, the alliance is still young and faces suspicion from other nations who view the elves with distrust.
  Strained Relations with Neighbors: Despite their noble aspirations, New Aerith has a strained relationship with its neighbors. Baerdid, the dwarven nation, sees New Aerith as idealistic and naive, while Irenaught views them as arrogant and undeserving of their name. The Empire of Sharapov sees them as weak and ripe for exploitation.
"New Aerith? More like New Arrogance! They think they can just waltz in and reclaim their old glory? They need to learn some humility."
(Dwarven merchant in Baerdid)
Yearning for Recognition: New Aerith desperately desires to regain its former status as a dominant force on the continent. However, their small size, limited military, and the shadow of the past make international recognition a long and arduous climb.

Points of Interest

New Aerith City: Built upon the ruins of the old capital, the city itself is a testament to the nation's ambition. Grand boulevards adorned with elegant statues line the streets, while scholars and artists bustle through public libraries and theaters. However, beneath the surface, remnants of the old city lie hidden, serving as a constant reminder of the past.
  The Shadowed Citadel: A colossal, imposing structure on the outskirts of New Aerith City, the Shadowed Citadel is a stark contrast to the city's elegant architecture. Its dark stone and imposing towers seem to draw shadows around it. Originally intended as a fortress to protect the new nation, it was abandoned after the initial years due to the lack of threats. Now, rumors circulate about strange occurrences within its walls. Some say it houses secret experiments, others whisper of ancient evils lurking within its depths.
  The Aerithian Academy: A crown jewel of New Aerith, the Academy is a center for learning and scholarship. It attracts scholars and mages from around the world, dedicated to preserving knowledge and uncovering the secrets of the past.
  The Whispering Woods: Located on the border of New Aerith and the Sharian Bryralei Forest, the Whispering Woods is a place of eerie beauty. The trees are old and gnarled, their leaves whispering in a constant, unsettling rhythm. Legends speak of ancient spirits dwelling within the woods, and some claim to have heard the echoes of the Sundering.
  The Sunken Abbey: Off the coast of New Aerith, the ruins of a once-grand abbey can be seen during low tide. The abbey, swallowed by the sea during the Sundering, is a poignant reminder of the cataclysm. Its spires, now covered in barnacles and seaweed, still reach for the sky, a ghostly monument to faith and hope.
Formation: 700 PS
Government Type: Monarchy (the Aethelred royal line currently under King Aerion Aethelred)
Imports: finished goods and maufactured items, building materials, luxury goods
Exports: agricultural products, livestock, timber, re-exported goods
Regional Dialect: The accent of New Aerith is known for a certain flair. Listeners often pick up on the rolled "r"s, similar to Tamre. Pronouncing consonants can be stronger, and some may be softened like "t" turning into a "ty" sound. Vowels can be distinct, with shorter "a"s and "i"s closer to "e." The way they pitch their voice can also be flatter, making questions sound like statements sometimes.
It may be a small nation, but New Aerith gives me hope. They're trying to do things differently, learn from the past. Maybe they can actually make a difference.

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