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Empire of Sharapov

The Iron Fist of the South

(language convention: Russian)


Sharapov sprawls across a vast grassland dotted with towering, steel-plated towers and dense, evergreen forests. Mighty rivers like the Volkhov cut through the landscape, a source of both trade and hardship as the river swells in the winter. The harsh climate fosters a land rich in natural resources – timber, iron ore, and precious gems – but unforgiving to those unprepared.


Strength and Stoicism: Sharapovans are a people toughened by the heat and humidity of their land. They value strength, discipline, and stoicism above all else. Their culture revolves around military prowess, expansion, and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.
  Xenophobia and Racism: Sharapovans see themselves as the superior race, viewing non-humans with suspicion and distrust. This leads to a strong prejudice, particularly against the nearby dwarven nation of Baerdid. Open conflict is a constant threat on the Sharapovan-Baerdid border.
  Scientific and Magical Advancements: Despite their harsh outlook, Sharapovans are surprisingly innovative. Their resource wealth fuels research in alchemy, engineering, and even arcane magic. The empire boasts grand academies and research outposts, pushing the boundaries of knowledge – often through unethical experimentation.


Rigid Hierarchy: Sharapovan society is a strict hierarchy. At the top sits the Emperor, an absolute ruler with complete control over the military and political landscape. Below him reside the Boyars – powerful nobles who command vast estates and private armies. The commoners are a mix of serfs, tied to the land, and skilled laborers who fuel the empire's war machine. Slavery is legal in Sharapov, with non-humans and those deemed criminals often forced into servitude.
  The Sharapovan Military: The Sharapovan military is a well-oiled machine, feared throughout the land. Their soldiers are trained from a young age in brutal combat techniques and unwavering loyalty. Heavy infantry clad in thick furs and wielding massive axes form the core of their forces, supported by archers skilled in using enchanted bows.
  The Cult of the Aurochs: The primary religion of Sharapov revolves around the Aurochs, a mythical giant black bear seen as a symbol of strength and resilience. The Aurochs are appeased through offerings and sacrifices, further fueling the militaristic spirit of the nation.

Geopolitical Landscape

Expansionist Ambitions: Sharapov has a long history of conquest and expansion. They view surrounding nations as potential threats or vassals to be absorbed into their empire. This ambition often brings them into conflict with neighboring states, particularly the dwarven nation of Baerdid.
  A Fragile Alliance: Despite their xenophobia, the Sharapovans maintain a tense alliance with a few human nations. This alliance is usually based on mutual defense against a larger threat, but it can easily crumble when Sharapovan expansionist desires come into play.
  Internal Tensions: While the Sharapovan military is strong, the empire faces internal dissent. The harsh living conditions, rigid social structure, and treatment of non-humans breeds resentment among the lower classes. Rebellions and slave uprisings are a constant threat to the empire's stability.

Points of Interest

Velika Stolica (Grand Capital): The Sharapovan capital is a sprawling metropolis built on the banks of the Volkhov River. Imposing fortresses and grand palaces dominate the skyline, a testament to the empire's power. Beneath the surface, a network of secret dungeons and laboratories holds the dark secrets of Sharapovan research.
  The Iron Gate: A massive fortress guarding the only pass through the southern branch of the Iron Mountains known as Wind’s Wall, the Iron Gate is a symbol of the empire's might and a constant source of tension with the dwarven holds of Baerdid.
  The Obsidian Citadel: Hidden deep within a remote forest lies the Obsidian Citadel, a research facility rumored to be the birthplace of some of Sharapov's most unethical magical advancements.
Formation: 450 PS
Government Type: Totalitarianism
Imports: luxury goods, finished goods, services
Exports: natural resources, agricultural products, manufactured goods
Regional Dialect: The Sharapovan accent as a few giveaways. The most famous is the rolled "r," like the Gaels. Consonants are firmer, and some are softened like "ty" instead of "t." Vowels are shorter and "w" sounds might be replaced with "v" or "oo." Additionally, their intonation is flatter or less varied in pitch.


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