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The Silent Sentinels of the North

(language convention: German)
Keep your voice down, friend, and your eyes peeled. We're talking about Mordeth, a place where shadows hold secrets and whispers turn to screams.

A Nation Shrouded in Secrecy

Mordeth, a nation steeped in stoicism and efficiency, stands as an imposing bulwark against the northern dangers. It is a land of rigid order, unwavering duty, and a deep respect for tradition. Mordeth keeps itself aloof from the wider world, focusing its energies on guarding the north against the ever-present threat of The Maeg Anri, a legendary cult of wizards said to have birthed the Demonic scourge that led to the Sundering.

People and Culture

Duty Above All: Mordethan society is built on a foundation of unwavering duty and an almost stoic sense of responsibility. Citizens are raised with a deep respect for authority and a strong work ethic. Individual needs are often seen as secondary to the collective good, fostering a culture of self-sacrifice and unwavering loyalty to the state.
  Masters of War: Mordeth boasts a formidable military force, renowned for its meticulous discipline and unwavering resolve. Their soldiers are trained from a young age in the art of war, utilizing a blend of powerful magic and unwavering physical prowess. Their tactics are known for their efficiency and ruthlessness, leaving little room for error or theatrics.
  Forbidden Knowledge: Magic in Mordeth is a closely guarded secret, viewed with a mix of fascination and fear. While some powerful mages exist within the nation, their activities are shrouded in secrecy. The average citizen knows little of magic beyond the legends of The Maeg Anri, fostering a sense of unease and suspicion.

The Maeg Anri and the Whispers of Darkness

Eternal Vigilance: For generations, Mordeth has stood as the bulwark against The Maeg Anri, a supposed evil cult of wizards who are blamed for creating the monstrous demons that plague the world. The Mordethans take their duty very seriously, maintaining a constant watch on the northern borders and fiercely repelling any demonic incursions.
  A Fractured Alliance: Mordeth has a strained alliance with the Emberhold Confederacy, who also share a border with the north. While both nations are ostensibly united against The Maeg Anri, Mordeth views the Emberholdians as flashy and self-serving, more interested in projecting power than true vigilance.
  The Dark Whisper: A dark rumor swirls around Mordeth – a suspicion that their commitment to guarding against The Maeg Anri is a facade. Some whisper that Mordeth no longer seeks to oppose the dark magic of the cult, but rather to learn from it, to harness its power for their own ends. These whispers fuel mistrust and paranoia, painting Mordeth as a potential threat as much as a guardian.

Points of Interest

The Obsidian Gate: A colossal fortification of black stone, the Obsidian Gate marks the northern border of Mordeth and serves as the first line of defense against The Maeg Anri. It is said to be imbued with powerful wards that hinder magic.
  The Silent Halls of Lore: Deep within the capital city lies a vast library known as the Silent Halls of Lore. Here, under the watchful eyes of cloaked scholars, are said to be kept forbidden texts, including some rumored to contain knowledge of The Maeg Anri's dark magic.
  The Nighthawks: Mordeth's elite special forces unit, the Nighthawks are shrouded in secrecy. These highly trained warriors and mages are tasked with the most dangerous missions, venturing deep into the north to gather intelligence on The Maeg Anri and eliminate any demonic threats that breach the Obsidian Gate.
Formation: 400 PS
Government Type: Oligarchy
Imports: food tsaples, finsihed goods, raw materials, salt
Exports: ore, timber, furs and pelts
Regional Dialect: The accent of Mordeth has a few signature sounds. Instead of "w," they often say "v" (like "vater" for water). Consonants are pronounced with more force, and the "d" at the end of words can disappear. Vowels can differ slightly, with short "i" sounding closer to the Common "e" and long "o"s sometimes shortened. Their intonation might be flatter, making statements sound like questions.
The soldiers of Mordeth are known for their stoicism and grim determination. But some bear a chilling mark, a faint black sigil branded on their flesh. A mark some say signifies their pact with darkness, a constant reminder of the price they pay for their vigilance. Others whisper it's a sign of corruption, a slow transformation into something monstrous. One thing's for sure, the Mordeth soldiers are a grim lot, and their marked visages inspire both fear and respect.

Articles under Mordeth


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