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Aerithian Cosmology

Aerith, originally Haven, sits on a Prime Material plane, created by The Three Pillars as they completed their Primal Dance. Surrounding Aerith are the four Elemental planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, and access to those planes is difficult but possible. The Ethereal and Astral planes encircle the Elemental Planes, with the outer layer containing the planes of Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, and Neutrality.   Uniquely, the Feywild and the Shadowfell do not exist outside of Aerith, as they do on other worlds. Instead, the Feywild exists in pockets of the natural world within Aerith. On Starhelm, the most notable examples are in Aspenshield Forest and Brightbough Forest, but passages to those realms can also be found in Cha’lla, and other heavily natural regions.   In opposition, the Shadowfell can be found in the Underdark and parts of the Undersands, and crop up in a similar fashion to the Feywild. Abereith also has a few portals that lead to the Shadowfell.   It can be difficult to avoid or navigate through those realms but those that are good at it are in great demand and can make a good living guiding others through the Feywild and Shadowfell.

The Six Aspects of Aerith

After the Ascension of the Dragon Lords the world of Haven was fragmented into six separate Aspects representing different parts of the universe. The elements are all represented as well as the division of the magical energies that were used to create the world.  

Aerithian Aspects



While in the Air Aspect one can find themselves feeling lighter and possess greater maneuverability. Flyers enjoy the benefits of the Air Aspect as they are able to increase their speed by 10’. Even falling is easier in the Air Aspect as any height less than 30’ will reduce any damage by half.   Divine practitioners like Clerics or Paladins can Channel Divinity to command Air Elementals or turn other Elementals.   Air, Cloud, Dust, and Smoke genasi, increase both their high jump and long jump by 10ft.  


Those in the Earth Aspect are more solid and sturdy, particularly objects made of earth, stone, and metal. As such, they gain a +1 bonus to AC, damage, as relevant, and gain an increase in durability by 10 extra points.   Divine practitioners like Clerics or Paladins can Channel Divinity to command Earth Elementals or turn other Elementals.   Earth, Dust, Clay, and Magma genasi, can add their proficiency bonus to their unarmed strikes.  


Heat and fire have greater strength in the Aspect of Fire. Light produced by flames has a greater range of 10’ for both bright and dim light, and any damage produced by fire spells increases by 1d4 points.   Divine practitioners like Clerics. or Paladins can Channel Divinity to command Fire Elementals or turn other Elementals.   Fire, Magma, Smoke, and Steam genasi, are able to survive in extreme heat without problem.  


Those in the Water Aspect feel the nurturing power of water more easily. As such they gain the benefit of being able to hold their breath underwater for an extra 5 minutes. Natural swimmers in this aspect also increase their underwater speed by an additional 10’.   Divine practitioners like Clerics or Paladins can Channel Divinity to command Water Elementals or turn other Elementals.   Water, Clay, Cloud, and Steam genasi can breathe in both air and water.  


  The Arcane Aspect bristles with arcane energy, which permeates almost everything in it and people are more attuned to the magic around them, when a spell is cast or the effect of a spell is noticed, you can make an intelligence (arcane) check, the DC= 10+ the spell level, if you succeed you learn what spell was cast and at what level, once you do this you can’t do it again until the start of your next turn.   Arcane spellcasters, such as bards, sorcerers, and wizards, are more powerful in this aspect and gain access to more spells than usual; bonus spell slots equal to half their proficiency bonus (rounded up).  


Divine energies concentrate heavily in the Divine Aspect and many gods and powers exist within that realm. Your connection to the divine extends even if your belief doesn’t, while you are in the divine aspect, as a reaction you can say a prayer to the divine and give yourself advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once you say this prayer you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.   Divine practitioners such as clerics or paladins gain an ability called a Divine Grace. Each god and power has one unique to them and their followers.


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