The Three Pillars Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Three Pillars


The Three Pillars are the creators of the universe and oldest beings to exist. They started their Eternal Dance in the Umbra and from their dance sprang the Tree of Magic. They created the living beings of the universe and the world on which they live. Few people worship them, but they are recognized by the world as the creators.  


Balance in all things is integral to the universe. Maintain the balance in everything you do. The natural elements of the world should be revered.  

Major Centres of Worship:

There are no major temples to the Three Pillars, but most Druids and their Circles serve as holy ground for the creators of the Universe. Some places maintain small shrines to the Three Pillars, but they are few and small. While the Womb of Humanity  is not technically a temple, the recognition of the greatness of the Three Pillars and the respect for their work is prominent amongst those few who know of it and serve to protect it.  

Relations with other gods:

The Three Pillars neither like nor dislike any of their creations. They are far above the rest of the world, including the Sovereign Beings, and rarely interact, outside of making extremely rare proclamations.  


The Three Pillars can appear as anything they want, and their natural forms are incomprehensible to mortal minds.
(pronounced the three pill-ers)
Ruled Locations


Force, Movement, Time


Three menhirs surrounded by a broken three-parted circle



Typical Worshippers:



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