Azdurok Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Azdurok is home to the Fallen of the north and is constantly at war with those around it. They specialize in hit and run tactics, fear-mongering, and spreading false rumours, as well as intimidation. The leader of the topside city is Quarion Darkheart and he is very good at his job. He greatly enjoys sowing dissent, and capturing and releasing prisoners to spread fear amongst his enemies. He concentrates his standing army toward Aspenshield, but he makes a great presence among the people of Hollow’s Point, Essillion, Meadowspring, and the Dwarves of the north. Raiding parties on the villages and farms of the Vale are random and often during the night. Attacks on the Dwarves typically occur underground but sometimes he performs pincer attacks topside and from below to really throw off his enemies.   The underground city of Azdurok, led by Lucan Shadowstone, is typical of a Fallen city with twisted and dark architecture, but it is a far more practical city than Narfindel or Exandar. It is also blessed with a vast series of large underground caverns that hold lakes and rivers to the outside. While Quarion is fond of spreading rumours of their ship capabilities they are truly just starting to get some sea travel ready. The logistics of underground ships is troublesome but Quarion and Lucan are working hard on devising a strategy to extend their caverns and riverways. Lucan is excellent at bureaucracy and getting things done at the civil level, while Quarion is very strategic and effective at harrying the topside enemies.


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