Barrier of Brightwave Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Barrier of Brightwave


The Barrier of Brightwave is a group of elite soldiers who defend the harbour fortress of Brightwave. Ever on guard, the Barrier of Brightwave have defended the city against some of the worst assaults and were key in the reclamation of the port. While not all members of the Barrier of Brightwave are Guardians of Curceon, many prominent members are.   Lord Marshall Wainwright Pearlhammer leads the main forces and is a very popular leader. He has the loyalty of his people and all are willing to lay down their life in the defense of their duty. It is said that when things are at their most dire one of the members can be found with a glowing red light turning the tide, typically the sign of Curceon granting them favour.
Military Order
Purpose: Defenders of the port of Brightwave   Membership: Guardian Clerics, Soldiers, Paladins   Base of Operations: Brightwave   Symbol: A red wall with the rising sun behind it   Important Members: Wainwright Pearlhammer (Lord Marshall)


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