Bentgrass Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Bentgrass is a typical Halfling village run by a talkative but not very savvy elderly Halfling named Gob Applebottom. Gob loves to talk and people genuinely like him, but he is not the smartest Halfling, nor is he the best leader. He does know how to make himself heard, however. Bentgrass has him officially as the leader as he is the only one who really wants the job. The people of Bentgrass do not concern themselves overly much with politics or the outside world. They are content to farm, fish, smoke, eat, and live comfortable lives.   The one person in Bentgrass that keeps the town safe is Meredith Bellfast. She is an unassuming Halfling woman that goes mostly unnoticed by the townsfolk, but she is shrewd and a successful businesswoman. She has secured the services of a mercenary company to guard the outskirts of the town from any of hostile intent but to keep their presence relatively hidden from the people of Bentgrass. When they do have to come into town they take the guise of merchants, or farmers of the outlying areas. Nobody in Bentgrass really questions why they do not get attacked; they just enjoy their comfortable life.


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