Bogbrook Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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City of Friendship
small Grippli city

The city of Bogbrook is the most modern and populous of Grippli settlements. It is the only real city of the Grippli, but it is still small by comparison of other cities on Starhelm. Situated in the Quicksilver Bog, it enjoys a connection to the Humans of Brightwave and, by extension, Avandar, as well as the Elves of the western Brightbough Forest.   Most recently they have entered into a treaty to assist the Humans with their recapture of Brightwave and they are now enjoying the great success of that endeavour. Their acceptance of modern technology, new ways of working the land, and creating permanent structures has advanced the people of Bogbrook tremendously.   The inclusion of the Swamplight School in Bogbrook has brought a lot of foreign interest also to her borders. The worshippers of Gnurich have taken a big chance on expanding to the swamps but so far, they are seeing a lot of interest. The school has increased its population every year since its founding, about five years ago.  


Bogbrook shares the same climate as most swamps, albeit a lot warmer than their northern cousins. There is much moisture, dampness, and rain within Bogbrook, but the influence of the Humans and Elves have shown the Grippli how to make shelters, more permanent structures, and recycling of the water for other uses. It can get very humid in the summer months, but the spring and fall are more temperate. Winter brings some cooler weather, but it is still relatively comfortable in Bogbrook.  


Bogbrook, as all Grippli settlements, is ruled by a matriarchy. The biggest difference between the rule of Bogbrook over other Grippli tribes is the presence of the Swamplight School and the treaty with Avandar. Foreign influence of the Grippli in Bogbrook is much greater than anywhere else on Starhelm. The current Matriarch is Melanor Blotcheye, a cunning and forward-thinking Toxic Grippli who has managed to balance the needs of the Grippli with the needs of the foreign interests of the Humans and Elves, in particular. She makes much greater use of her council than other Grippli settlements, and she even has Humans and Elves visit to provide advice or counsel. Melanor’s rule is probably the most hotly-contested for any Grippli leader, but she is up to the task. She has secured many allies, secured her council, and shown much success against the encroachment of the Goblins, Lizard Folk and the Bullywugs. She has many detractors though, mostly outside the city, that are looking to topple her from Bogbrook.  


Grippli are an inquisitive and resourceful race that like to experience life. They recognize their physical limitations but do not make excuses for them. They embrace diversity in all forms, but none more so than the people of Bogbrook. It took a bit of time for the citizens of Bogbrook to accept the presence of so many foreigners but once they embraced their new way of life their success in the region expanded greatly. The Goblins, Lizard Folk, and Bullywugs were not prepared for the new tools and tactics used against them and quickly fell back to their own regions. Buoyed by their success Bogbrook increased their diplomatic relations with the Elves and Humans, sharing knowledge and providing protection for Brightwave.   The typical Grippli in Bogbrook is happy with the changes, giving them a chance to experience new things, but there are some that long for the old ways. The city has become too big for those looking to the past and they have chosen to leave. Some form their own smaller tribes but there is a growing contingent of Grippli who wish to stop the foreign influence and return Bogbrook to its former place in Grippli society.  

Crime and Law

Grippli society has typically not needed any help in protecting itself. The tribe always looks after itself and any crime, which is rare, is handled quickly and definitively, usually resulting in banishment. Bogbrook, however, has become very large and cannot effectively police itself as it did previously. Melanor has formed some guard units to help patrol the city, guard her council, and protect the citizens from dissidents. The Grippli Guard contain Toxic and Treetopper Grippli but they both serve different functions. The Toxic stay on the ground, protecting the citizenry and the council, patrol, and guard the city. The Treetopper serve multiple functions, including messenger service, subterfuge, spies, and tactical support.  

Post Fractioning

With the exception of the Halflings of the Vale, the Grippli probably made out the best after the Fractioning. Their hereditary lands increased, and began to join together. The swamps of the Western Shore began to take on more prominence in the region and the Grippli’s power increased along with it. Those that were around early after the Fractioning showed patience and wisdom and let the changes of the land and societies play out. Right now, the city of Bogbrook is benefiting from the choices made in those early days to put themselves in a position of extreme growth and security, allowing the Grippli to truly take their place in the world stage.  


Bogbrook was not historically military in nature, and they have managed to strike a good balance between their social and military progress. Most recently however, they entered into a treaty with Avandar to help them retake Brightwave. The Grippli are excellent at hit and run tactics, laying traps, using their terrain to excellent advantage, and being very resourceful on the battlefield. During the retaking of Brightwave, Bogbrook provided a much-needed distraction to the Goblin armies and they were able to help the Humans navigate through the swamps. Grippli do not form armies, as such, but there has been an increase in Grippli soldiers, specialists, scouts, and sappers with the Human forces at Brightwave. Grippli forces patrol the swamplands and are excellent runners for information or supply chains.   Within Bogbrook the Grippli have been forced to hold a standing guard called, quite simply The Grippli Guard. These patrols are made up of both Toxic and Treetopper Grippli, but their functions are specific to their skill sets. The Toxic Grippli patrol the ground, making sure visitors and the members of the Swamplight School are protected. The Treetoppers take to the trees to ensure the safety of those below, perform subtle reconnaissance, and provide high-ground advantage to any forces below. So far, they have been successful, but forming these squads within the city goes against most Grippli instincts. It may not be able to sustain itself for long. The Grippli Guard may require Human and Elf support to maintain the safety of the growing New City.   In the surrounding countryside the Grippli are supported by a group of Rangers called the Fleetfoot Rangers. They are led by a wood elf named Alain Featherfoot, who ensures the surrounding areas around Bogbrook, the Swamplight School, and Quicksilver Bog in general are free from danger. Some Grippli have recently joined the Fleetfoot Rangers and they have proven to be incredibly beneficial to the group.


Bogbrook is unique to other Grippli due to the foreign influences, and this is reflected in their geography. There is still a more predominant Grippli feel to the city, the structures, and the sites, however, nearer to the Swamplight School are cobblestone roads, more permanent structures, and even some outdoor lighting.   The city can generally be broken down into two unequal sections; the True City, and the New City.   The True City As long as can be remembered Bogbrook was a centre for Grippli gatherings and safety. The centre of the True City is dominated by the Matriarch’s Hut, and is surrounded by a series of advisors’ huts. It is the seat of government for the Grippli and is also considered holy ground due to the proximity of the temple to Erswetz.   True City starts on the east end and is separated from New City by a low wall of moss and dirt. An arbor gate of moss and vines, called Moss March Arbor, serves as the entrance/exit between the two sections of the city, though it is not guarded. Most of the roads here are dirt or just worn paths through the soggy marshlands around them. Burrows are not terribly deep in Bogbrook, and many also reside in huts above ground. Treetoppers prefer to make their homes in the trees and many vines can be seen hanging from tree to tree. Most non-Grippli do not spend too much time in True City as it can be hard for them to navigate. There are the occasional vine bridges that carry people from tree to tree, but they are not heavily maintained as most Grippli would just leap from branch to branch, using the vines as support. Those that visit are usually accompanied by Grippli who can show them the way, and they most often just go to the Matriarch’s Hut to visit Melanor.   The Matriarch’s Hut is quite large and is situated atop a mound that rises out of a surrounding swamp lake. Paths to the centre of the mound exist at uneven intervals and the other huts lie on more solid bits of island masses. Melanor Blotcheye sits on a throne of wood and moss when greeting guests or other dignitaries. She can also be seen wandering the room or greeting visitors up close and personal. She is not fond of showing others her superiority nor does she like being subservient. She works at creating a sense of equality, where both sides can gain something out of it. She has the largest council chamber in all the Grippli settlements and often invites non-Grippli advisors to help her with making some decisions. She maintains the Grippli way, and ensures that all know her word is law; however she is very intent on making as many people happy as possible. Her most trusted advisor is Plangt Burblespeak, and he has mastered many languages, though not without a very noticeable Grippli accent. Melanor and Plangt see eye to eye on almost all issues but they are both smart enough to know that varied and contrary opinions will result in the best decisions. Plangt is most often the one interacting with the dignitaries, emissaries, and visitors before introducing them to Melanor.   The Golden Flies temple is the only permanent temple to Erswetz on Starhelm. In other Grippli lands the worship of Erswetz is most often done in the Matriarch’s Hut, in makeshift shrines, or around the central pit. Situated near the Matriarch’s Hut, the Golden Flies temple has its base deep into the marshland and rises out of the lake. Small stone outcroppings from the lake make a path, albeit a slippery one, to the front door. Most Grippli traverse it easily, or swing their way over to the open foyer. The head priest of the Golden Flies temple is a Treetopper Grippli named Lartch Flysmear, and is often found concocting strange elixirs, potions, and salves within the temple. Many come to him for aid in fighting diseases, curing the sick, or best practices in finding strange remedies. He is constantly covered in mashed insects, plants, mud, and other Grippli ingredients. He often appears to be only half-listening as his mind races with interesting and new ideas on apothecary issues. He is very welcoming though, and the Grippli trust him with their lives.  
The New City
The New City, as the name suggests, has only been around for a few decades. With the treaty signed with the Avandarians and the presence of the Swamplight School, this area of the city has seen some modernization and attempts to civilize it. Many Grippli of Bogbrook embrace the future and the new gadgets that they can play with, but there are some that rail against what they consider the poisoning of the Grippli way.   Situated further west, towards Avandar, New City’s roads are cobblestone, the buildings are more permanent structures, some of the swampland has been drained to make room for the non-Grippli to live, and there are even some lamplights that illuminate the city streets. While New City is smaller in size than True City, it has great importance for the success of Bogbrook on the world stage of Starhelm.   The Swamplight School is the most prominent structure in New City, and it rises higher than the Matriarch’s Hut, which is distasteful to many Grippli. Melanor does not have any ego about this and encourages her people to be understanding about the need for others to express themselves differently. She reminds them that Grippli do not need to rise their structures to the sky, they have what they need with their families and friends on the ground or in the trees.   Presided over by the Most Learned Talon Milquist Turnbuckle, the Swamplight School serves as a library, school, and temple to Gnurich. It is the first of its kind in this type of environment, and it specializes in alchemy, botany, healing elixirs, and the natural world. Turnbuckle would like to see his influence on the Grippli extend to their whole city, but he is content now to see New City flourish. There is talk of other schools or businesses opening up in New City but for now it is only the Swamplight School.   Most visiting dignitaries, which are relatively few, will stay in New City and there are huts set aside for them. Some also stay at the school, which can have a more ‘civilized’ feel. Visitor huts are stacked close together, but there are some Grippli that have embraced the new way and build or live in sturdier huts in New City.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
There are no real shops, inns, or other businesses in Bogbrook at the moment. Talk of a new Wizard Academy, a school for alchemy and botany, and a mercantile school coming to Bogbrook has increased of late. Milquist Turnbuckle is very eager to expand the scope of his school and is trying to convince them to join him in Bogbrook and work towards forming a university. That dream is still years away from being realized but he continues to work towards it with the help of the Matriarch.     Matriarch:
  • Melanor Blotcheye
  • Matriarch’s Hut
  • Swamplight School
  • Moss March Arbor
  • The Golden Flies (Erswetz) – Lartch Flysmear (m/treetopper grippli)
  • Swamplight School (Gnurich) – Most Learned Talon Milquist Turnbuckle (m/human)
  • True City
  • New City
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
  • Swamplight Road
  Notable Personalities:
  • Plangt Burblespeak (m/grippli), head advisor to Matriarch
  • Alain Featherfoot (m/wood elf) – leader of the Fleetfoot Rangers
Included Locations
Region:  Quicksilver Bog (Western Shore)   Population: 12,347

Racial Breakdown: 
   Dominant: Grippli (Toxic and Treetopper equally)
   Minority: None
   Group: Elves, Humans, Gnomes (Swamplight Students)
   Individual: None
   Singular: None   Form of Government:  Matriarchy   Notable Inhabitants:  Melanor Blotcheye; Most Learned Talon Milquist Turnbuckle; Alain Featherfoot   Notable Locations:  Swamplight School


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