Brightwave in Aerith | World Anvil
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Brightwave is a coastal town on the mainland, situated across the strait from Avandar. It was a location of great contention and until recently, the ownership of it went back and forth between the Humans of Avandar and the Goblins of the area. Not too long ago, the forces of Avandar reclaimed the hotly contested town and port harbour and have made great strides to secure its borders. On the Day of Reclamation, a deep red light shone in the air, revealing the great warrior, Wainwright Pearlhammer, who fought back the Goblin incursion, managing to defeat the Ogre Warmaster who originally took the town, sending him into a mass retreat.
  Currently, there are over 35,000 guards and soldiers in the town, intent on securing Brightwave and the surrounding lands. With the help of their newfound Grippli allies, the threat of Goblin invasion has been greatly reduced, though not totally abolished. Other enemies make assaults on Brightwave though, including the Undead of the Witch Queen, The Fallen, some Lizard Folk, and the occasional barbarian tribes. Much pride and respect is afforded the protectors of Brightwave, and the recognition of their hard work and sacrifice is paramount in the minds of Avandarians and the people of Brightwave. The current leader is Lord Marshall Wainwright Pearlhammer, a middle-aged man, who is rarely seen in public outside of his ceremonial armour. He is a kind, but disciplined man, who always leads from the front. Whenever Brightwave is under attack Lord Marshall Pearlhammer gathers his men and meets the enemy head on. The soldiers under his command would all willingly lay down their lives for him and the city. Becoming a part of his regiment is the highest honour a soldier of Brightwave can achieve.
  While Brightwave has obvious importance because of its connection to the mainland and Avandar’s point of entry, it serves a more important, and mystical purpose. The Blood Red Zayphosian Gem of Bruges, a powerful artifact, is secured behind Brightwave’s walls. The few people who know of its existence make sure to keep their knowledge secret. The Council of Avandar, the High Clerics of Bruges, Curceon, Vocerix, and Lord Marshall Pearlhammer all know of the gem’s existence. A handful of extremely loyal guards are aware of a great treasure they protect but they are not aware of the true nature of what they guard.
  Most assume the constant attacks on Brightwave are due to its value as an entry point to the mainland for Avandar, and its value as a harbour. While that is a benefit of controlling Brightwave, the real reason so many attacks occur at Brightwave is a result of the Bruges gem drawing conflict and battle to it. The enemies of Brightwave are not aware of why they are attracted to Brightwave, and the soldiers protecting it are not aware of what they are protecting. Bruges’ will continues to encourage conflict and conquest in the area, however. The Grippli are unaffected by the draw of the gem; their interest is in helping to secure the area and to gain friendship with the Humans.


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