Avandar is an island city off the west coast of Starhelm. Originally part of the mainland, Avandar was a prime hub of innovation, travel, trade, and culture for the west part of the continent. When it was still less than a century old the main part of the city was separated from the mainland after the Fractioning, creating great turmoil and upheaval. The people of Avandar were pushed to their limits in order to survive and had to persevere many hardships. Through the tumultuous after-period of the Fractioning, the hard-working and determined people of Avandar were able to turn the city into what it is today. The people of Avandar don’t see shame in asking for help, believing that the only way a city can succeed is by working together with a common goal. Even through their hard work and determination, Avandarians also know the importance and joy that comes from art, play, and other pastimes. The city is currently going through an artistic renaissance as they are no longer fighting for their very existence. Their past suffering reinforced their need for beauty, culture, and an environment in which they can relax.