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Goblins of Starhelm

Goblins of Golzect's Throne

  Goblinkind are the most opportunistic of all the races of Aerith, finding and taking what they need to survive. They have learned to thrive in the harsh desert environment that was gifted to them by the Three Pillars, but they can be found in all corners of the earth. They have an amazing ability to evolve into some of the most powerful creatures - Ogres, but only if they survive long enough.   Goblinkind was the fourth Founder Race to come through the Womb of Humanity.   Goblinkind was given the deserts of Aerith as their birthright. Historically, particularly on Starhelm, the Goblins have railed against their rotten luck and their geography has dictated much of their demeanour toward other races. The deserts of Aerith, like deserts of other worlds, provide little shelter, food, or resources, aside from the much sought after oases that pop up.   During Haventimes, the Goblins were constantly trying to expand their regions to absorb their neighbours, as their own resources felt insufficient to meet their needs. As such, Goblins have a keen mind for discerning junk for some people as worth for others. While the largest desert of Aerith is on Abereith, and takes up the majority of that continent, on Starhelm the PuK'tan runs from the north of the continent, like a gash, running southwest past the ruins of Starhelm City, ending in the swamps of the Grippli of the southwest. It is here that the great Goblin nation of Golzect's Throne resides, both above and below the sands.   On Starhelm the Goblins of Golzect's Throne primarily worship the Pinnacle, Golzect, but many will also pay homage to the Magna Prime, Terralin. Their main capital, Golzect’s Throne is in the heart of the PuK'tan desert, but their warrens and tunnels extend very far under the sands, spreading as far as the western side of the Barrier Guard of Denethen, and as far south as the Southguard Plains.   In addition to their above ground nation, it was Golzect who showed them how to survive in the harsh climates of the Undersands, the land below the desert. Taking his cue from the Purple Worms of the desert, and he even managed to tame one to be his mount, Golzect instructed his people to make tunnels, shore up defenses, and find a new life under the sands of the PuK'tan. They made large hive-like caverns to hide from their enemies and eventually built a few cities in the Undersands. Their tunnels reach to many sections of Starhelm but they have not been able to move past the mountains of Denethen’s Barrier Guard. Goblins and their kind can be found in most regions of Starhelm due to their access through the Master Warrens of Golzect's tunnel system.  

Goblins and Warfare:

  Goblins of Starhelm have been bred for combat from an early history. However, since the time of the Fractioning they have moved from combat to warfare. Even at their earliest evolutionary stage, Goblins take up training and arms at the age of six and are fully engaged in combat by the age of eight. They favour distance attacks to weaken their foes, and they have come to be very proficient in the light crossbow and short sword.   All Goblins have been trained to forage, to track, and to repair and maintain their equipment, but to what degree is not entirely concerning for their leaders. Goblins are the shock troops, and the ‘meat shield’ of the Goblinkind army. If a Goblin’s leader is killed they will almost certainly flee, unless they have overwhelming odds against an enemy.   Hobgoblins, on the other hand, are strategic warriors that have seen many a campaign. Their bonds of loyalty to their unit, and particularly their leader is strengthened as they mature. The Hobgoblin unit make up the specialty troops of the Goblinkind army. They specialize in various skills; cavalry, scouting, archery, hand to hand combat, tracking, siege war, and many others. Hobgoblin weapons vary but they tend to use longswords, axes, or even polearms in certain units. The archers use longbows, shortbows, even heavy crossbows as the need arises.   Hobgoblin cavalry is one of the most feared units on the battlefield. Their use of Dire Wolves, Warhorses, and even a unit of Winter Wolf riders is known in the northern Steppes. They will frequently flank units after their missile weapons have had a chance to do their job, and rout any opposition still standing.   The Hobgoblin unit is strong and unified, but does not do well without clear direction and order. If their leader is slain they may appoint another strong Hobgoblin to lead them or they may flee, depending on the circumstances and availability of candidates.   Bugbears, in contrast to Hobgoblins, have advanced well enough to know that what they need is personal power to survive. They get their power from those below them and they know enough to keep those warriors happy with their situation. Bugbears will fight fiercely to protect their unit, but at the same time they may fight another Bugbear or rival unit to gain an upper hand. This can sometimes lead to defeat on the battlefield as units do not always cooperate well with each other. However, in order to survive most Bugbears have become master tacticians, and always have an escape planned for them and their unit. They are usually surrounded by a personal bodyguard of their own selection, typically six to eight Hobgoblins of great skill and loyalty. It is an honour for a Hobgoblin to be selected and the competition can sometimes be deadly.   A Bugbear captain, called a KatKuar, will frequently control roughly one hundred and twenty soldiers, the majority being Goblins, and also including a specialized unit of Hobgoblins. numbering about twenty. This is in addition to their personal bodyguards. Veteran Bugbears command easily one thousand or more troops and often speak other languages like Common or Elven. They love attacks just before dawn when the sky is red.   Most Bugbears use metal weapons and armour most often claimed from the spoils of war. They use equipment that was once used by enemy leaders and proudly let others know how they have come to attain those items. Propaganda is often a Bugbear’s best recruiting tactic.   The Ogre Warmasters are at the top of the Goblinkind military chain. They control armies under them, and continually look for ways to better the Goblin race, which typically means taking over enemy territories. They are brutal and skilled killers, but their greatest strength comes from their intelligence and wisdom. Being the oldest of Goblinkind, these brute creatures have a cunning and patience that is equal to any Dwarf, or Elf.   Many Goblins or Hobgoblins have never even seen their Ogre leader, but they follow them just the same. Legends and tales are regaled through the troops about their leader’s great accomplishments and near god-like power. If an Ogre is slain in battle entire armies may be routed and disperse.


Major language groups and dialects

The Goblin language is often harsh and gutteral, with a lot of hard G, K, P, or T sounds.  It is not a pleasant language to hear but it is definitive and simple to learn.  Many will learn it as speaking with Goblins in their own language can be easier in many cases.  Less confusion leads to better interactions.

Culture and cultural heritage

The structure and hierarchy for the Goblins of Golzect's Throne is typically determined by the evolutionary stage of the Goblin in question.   Goblins make up the lower rung of the evolutionary stage and also the bulk of the species. As most Goblins are young, not having matured enough to pass on to their next evolutionary stage, they are often vying for power amongst each other. As such, any long-lasting form of leadership is rare, but not unheard of. There have been instances of Goblins, who have not yet matured to be Hobgoblins, ruling over larger groups of their kin. Only in the most rarest and extreme of circumstances will a Goblin have any kind of authority over a Hobgoblin.   Prior to the Fractioning, the Goblins of Golzect's Thone were a varied and versatile member of common society. While many took to brigandry and violence to take what they felt was owing to them, more turned to commerce as a way of obtaining the resources they so desperately craved. The Goblin merchants were well-known for making good deals for items that others felt were not valuable at all. However, it was not long before the traveling Goblin was sought after to bring in interesting items from all over the continent, spreading culture and commerce where they went.   All that changed after the Fractioning. The coming of the Witch Queen, and the army of her Orcs forced the Goblins of Golzect's Throne to adapt once more to be able to stave off their utter destruction. Their primary functions shifted from commerce and resource management to war and breeding.   The increase of breeding was crucial to the Goblin survival and much attention was put to producing offspring as quickly as possible.  The Goblin Hive, a network of underground tunnels, is well guarded from invaders. Their Hives range from one hundred Goblins to over ten thousand and extend to the north, south, and west of Starhelm. Dedicated birthing units were created deep in the warrens of the Undersands, including inception, birthing, fostering and raising of many children, and then quickly off to war.   They were taught the art of war by the age of six, and they were also trained to craft weapons and armour. Even to this day, Goblins are fully capable of fighting at seven years of age and often form into small raiding bands for training.     When reaching the Hobgoblin stage, they begin to separate themselves from their former comrades. They form friendships with likewise Hobgoblins and daily military rituals and procedures become their sole existence. A troop of Hobgoblins trains together, lives together, and fights together. They are usually ruled by a senior Hobgoblin sergeant or a Bugbear captain, and a great honour is bestowed on the ones chosen to be their leader’s personal guard. Usually four to six are chosen for this hotly contested title.   In times of peace Hobgoblins maintain this discipline in whatever task they are responsible for.  Whether it is war, training, commerce, maintenance, or any other specialized function, they form the same type of units.   Seldom do Bugbears treat each other well and outside of military or economic needs they do not interact with others of their kind very often or for very long. They are usually rivals that compete for troops and glory on the battlefield. Bugbear captains, called KatKuar, control large groups of forces and are responsible for the everyday well-being of the Goblins and Hobgoblins under their command.    In times of peace, Bugbears continue with their specialized training or function, but are most notably trying to evolve into the coveted stage of Ogre.  Whatever task they are doing requires their utmost dedication in order to prove their worth.  Glory on the battlefield is the most common, but not the only way to achieve notoriety.    Unlike Hobgoblins, who often mistreat their underlings, a Bugbear is loyal to his troops or underlings, and is a well-respected leader. Each Bugbear is out to advance his unit in particular, but is also strongly motivated by his own lust for power. The balance between the two can sometimes be a problem for them.   A Bugbear who has finally achieved their own personal power and managed to keep themselves alive for long enough will evolve into an Ogre. Finally maturing beyond the narrow focus of the individual, the few Ogres in existence are concerned with the Goblin race as a whole. It is for this reason they do not compete with one another for power. Where Bugbears never interacted with each other, Ogres, being so few, recognize the strength in unity. They form bonds with other Ogres to help strengthen the Goblin race and meet a few times a year in an Ogremoot.   While they do meet and help each other in times of need, each Ogre Warmaster is responsible for a section of Starhelm and bringing the Goblin agenda to bear on the area and populace surrounding it. There are four well-known Ogre Warmasters, and they are treated like kings by their charges. There exist more Ogres, and they have varying degrees of power and focus, but these four make up the ruling faction of the Goblins of Golzect's Throne.  A fifth Warmaster has emerged in Golzect's Throne with the departure of Melchinoopo, but Taktar is not an Ogre (yet).  He is still waiting for his time to evolve and most assume it will be very soon.

Shared customary codes and values

Goblinkind traits will mature as they do, and the differences in the stages can make them seem almost like separate races. Where Goblins tend to be mean, selfish, and petulant, easily distracted with shiny things, Hobgoblins have matured enough to take on a bigger picture. While both Goblins and Hobgoblins are very warlike, Hobgoblins have experienced enough to know how to fight more effectively. They develop more discipline, they follow rank more, and they are fierce warriors. They will frequently bully their younger cousins, or use them as fodder for their military campaigns but they don’t throw them away needlessly. They will utilize their surroundings, both in war and ‘peace’ effectively. As with their Goblin counterparts, they will always look for ways to take advantage of a situation. That is how they survive to be Hobgoblins, and then Bugbears.   When a Hobgoblin reaches the age where he becomes a Bugbear he has been fighting for a long time and has usually seen many victories and defeats. Bugbear captains rule their Hobgoblin units through fear, and intimidation, but they also engender a lot of respect for having lived long enough to become a Bugbear. While Goblins and Hobgoblins fear their Bugbear captains, they are fiercely loyal to any of their kind who last long enough to evolve. Bugbears tend to be more vicious than their Hobgoblin cousins and have learned to fight most effectively using their increased size and grip.   Ogres have reached a near-pinnacle of evolution for their race. Their size having increased so much allows them to rule over larger groups of Goblins without much fear of losing their position. They have lived long enough to see the world as a larger picture and they look to see their race successfully navigate themselves through it. They treat their lesser cousins as a king does his subjects. They do not engage with the rank and file very often and they feel they are above petty concerns.

Average technological level

Starhelm Goblins have a standard technological level for the continent.  They do not put a lot of attention or effort into increasing technology, but they do enjoy finding new and interesting weapons, armour, or war machines.  They trade for what they need and make do with basic tools and items.

Common Etiquette rules

Goblinkind typically feels like they have been overlooked or dismissed, so it is proper, when dealing with a Goblin in any diplomacy or relationship situation that they feel like an equal.  Any assumption to their intelligence, worth, or acumen is taken as an affront and they react quite poorly.

Common Dress code

Goblin clothing is used for practical purposes mostly, and they do not take part in many elaborate ceremonies involving fancy dress.  Even when they are taking part in diplomacy in other lands they dress simply, with a few adornments.  They particularly like meaningful items that remind them of past victories, on or off the battlefield.  Jewelry, fineries, and shows of wealth are not particularly important to Goblinkind.

Art & Architecture

The Goblins of Golzect's Throne, and their kin live both above ground, in the desert sands, and below in what they call the Undersands.   Above ground they are ever-searching for oases in their desert homes, and resources to trade, pillage or steal.   While they are above ground their homes are temporary, easily transported from one area to the next. Built of hides, animal bones, and sinew, these simple shelters are serviceable if not comfortable. Goblins are crowded close together in tribes, each one trying to steal the best spot, or the finest equipment.   Hobgoblins are more martial and organized, keeping to their units. They pick the most strategic location and are quick to move as conditions change.   Bugbears, being much fewer and spread out, take the best shelter, the best equipment, and fight to make sure their units are the best cared for.   Ogres live like kings above ground, typically in large encampments or permanent structures that are easily defended. Their goal to enhance all of Goblinkind does not prevent them from enjoying the fruits of their long life.   Below ground, the Goblin race is a little different. They have created warrens of winding tunnels that stretch as far west as Avandar, as far north as Denethen’s Helm, and as far south as Brightbough. Their tunnels go east as far as the Barrier Guard but they have not been able to penetrate that mountain chain yet. These warrens contain many of the female Goblins, hidden away to give birth to the next generation of Goblinkind. Permanent settlements have sprung up in these tunnels, as larger expanses of land are discovered or mined out.   The settlements of the Undersands contain mud, brick, and stone buildings, built upon each other at odd angles. To the casual observer it looks like some of them may topple onto each other, with haphazard architecture seemingly to blame. However, upon closer inspection the Goblins have done an excellent job of shoring up their homes to withstand many tremors, attacks from enemies deep in the earth, and erosion. The lack of resources keeps the Goblins from living in the Undersands permanently, as well as their firm belief that they deserve a better life above ground.   Goblin warrens and homes are trapped often, and extensively, sometimes to their own detriment. Many a Goblin has been killed accidentally by his own trap, or the trap of his neighbours or family.

Foods & Cuisine

Goblin food is plain, and utilitarian.  It is used for sustenance and for feeding armies and large populations.  They trade food more often than enjoy it.  However, if the Goblins of Golzect's Throne get a chance to truly sit and partake of a good meal they relish the opportunity.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Goblins of Golzect's Throne are very tactical in their treatment of their young. They are both hopeful and disconnected from their offspring, waiting for a time when they can contribute and be less of a burden.  After birth, each Goblin is inspected for quality of health, and given a quick prayer to Golzect to ensure prosperity.  Even those that might not seem healthy are given the opportunity to improve, evolve, and get better, in order to contribute even more.  Goblins do not waste anything, including their young.

Coming of Age Rites

After the Fractioning and the coming of the Witch Queen and her Orcs, the Goblins of Golzect's Throne were forced to become extremely martial in order to survive.  By the age of 6 the Goblin child has taken up arms and a ceremony called Golzect Guthara (Golzect's Gift) is performed, giving the child their first weapon. They are to treat the weapon as an extension of themselves and should never lose or disrespect it. They are encouraged, however, to take up a better weapon as soon as they have earned one, from a fallen enemy is best.   By the age of eight they are fully conscripted into the armies and sent off to fight, or better their circumstances in some way.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Very few Goblins are given any funerary rights, or official ceremonies to celebrate them. Very loyal units of favoured commanders might perform their own individual ceremony, but they are usually quick and to the point, celebrating the great deeds of their fallen leader. Ogres who die, on the other hand get a grand ceremony, in Golzect's Throne, and they are remembered in song, carving, and retelling of deeds for weeks. This does not happen very often as not many Ogres exist and very few live short lives if they make it that far.

Common Taboos

Discarding of things needlessly is considered taboo to Goblins in general, but particularly of Golzect's Throne.  Being opportunistic in nature, they can usually find something of value, or trade with other creatures that might find more value in the trade.

Common Myths and Legends

The tales of the Oni (aka Trolls) are told and shared amongst Goblinkind.  The legendary creatures, blessed by the Pinnacles of each Aspect, are extremely recluse, and rarely engage with society.  The most infamous of Oni is the enemy of Tristan TruArc, the famed swordsman and bard of the Barrier Guard, and founder of the League of Swords.  The closest known Oni to Golzect's Throne however, is Ogzegu the White Troll located in the Ice Peaks of Pierion.  His neverending battle with Frostbite, the ancient Drakon is a tale of brutality, perseverance, and patience.  It is a favourite amongst the more northern tribes of Goblins.

Historical figures


The Starhelm Pinnacle of Goblinkind is the most referenced and respected figure in Goblin society for the denizens of Golzect's Throne. They revere him, respect him, and honour his accomplishments in deeds, art, and most often through oral traditions. He taught them how to survive well in their harsh environments and gave them a respite from the desert above ground to find refuge in the Undersands. He is tactical, strong, and very protective of his Goblins. He is also petty, sullen, and takes offense easily.  Being born in the desert and finding hardship and lack of resources, Golzect was always looking for ways to better himself and his community.  He practiced war often, but also found ways to bring people together, utilize their strengths, and think tactically in all things, including commerce, diplomacy, and resource management.  His approach to life was passed on to the Goblins of the PuK'tan and they have continued to foster the petty, sullen, and sensitive nature of their revered leader.  Goblins of other continents do not share this same attitude about their lot or their neighbours.  

Grimtak the Devourer

The unifier of the Goblin tribes rose to his height of power shortly after the Fractioning and the Witch Queen's Orc invasion. He protected his entire species from being wiped out and instituted many practices that are still around to this day. His death came at the end of the Goblin/Orc war where he defeated many Orcs on his own, but his ultimate sacrifice came when he destroyed the Orc war machine Kug'ktar (Death Digger).  Goblin defense relied heavily on their ability to come in and out of the Undersands in tactical raids, hit and run, and avoidance.  Kug'ktar prevented this and was responsible for many Goblin deaths and threatened to breakthrough to Golzect's Throne.  With the destruction of Kug'ktar the Goblins rallied and shortly after decimated the Orce army.  He is revered second only to Golzect.  

Ogre Warmasters (current)

  Sargut - He is the oldest of the current Ogre Warmasters and has an extensive military career. He was responsible for taking the harbour-fortress of Brightwave from the Avandians, and was equally responsible for losing it to them recently. He is growing tired of war and leave much of the day to day to his lieutenant. He has since moved to the east side of the continent, so Melchinoopo can exact his revenge on the Avandarians of Brightwave.   Melchinoopo - The youngest and most recent member of the Ogremoot. A brilliant merchant that was given charge of Golzect's Throne and the warrens. He was determined to secure a trade route from Essillion to Avandar that went through the PuK'tan but was thwarted at the last minute. His anger at Essillion, and particularly the Harmbringers Mercenary Company fueled his change of tactics. He now is determined to bring Brightwave back under Goblin control and destroy Avandar.   Navandark - The most reclusive and brutal of Ogres. Navandark has made a home in the Helm of Denethen and has a large fighting force of Goblins under his command. He harries the denizens of the Helm frequently, paying particular attention to the Dwarves. He is a spellcaster and favours cold spells.   Basselwip - The Warmaster of the East. His excellent military mind and ruthless cunning, combined with patience and tactics makes him the most formidable opponent to the people of the Vale of Lutien, and the Northguard Plains. He has even managed to successfully raid Hollow's Point and steal away with the very powerful and sought-after Scales of Korgobonthonor.   Taktar - The Warmaster of the Warrens. While Taktar is technically not an Ogre yet, he will evolve soon. With the departure of Melchinoopo the task of leading Golzect's Throne fell to him and he has taken full advantage of the situation. His martial intentions have now engaged the conscription of the dwellers of Golzect's Throne, and many are trying to escape that fate. He is looking to amass a large army very quickly to bring Goblinkind back into the world in a position of power.


Beauty Ideals

Goblinkind does not really put much value in beauty, but more in functionality or relevant use.  They like to have better things, but they have learned to settle for whatever they can reasonably get away with.  Some successful merchants have found they enjoy playing the part of an elite member of society, but most just dress for the task at hand.

Gender Ideals

Goblins view gender with practicality and sometimes disinterest.  If a member of their society can provide for themselves or help others provide then they are valued.  If they are a drain on resources then they are of little interest.     Goblins recognize that both males and females are responsible and necessary for the reproduction of their species, and as a culture they appreciate and value the contributions that breeders make.  Both genders look for the opportunity to become breeders as a way of being rewarded for their maturity and contribution to the community.
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