Golzect's Throne Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Golzect's Throne

City of Sand
large Goblinkin city

The city of Golzect’s Throne is the capital of the Goblin race, though it is still only one of a large number of Goblinoid settlements that stretch above ground and underground throughout much of the northern and western parts of Starhelm. While it is situated below the sands of the PuKtan Desert, it has many access points to the surface, and to other parts of the continent. The topside cities of the Goblins are closer in appearance to the traveling barbarians, or the semi-permanent villages of other races, but the underground cities of the Goblin race tend to look similar in construction to Golzect’s Throne.  


Golzect’s Throne is dry, somewhat cold, and the air can become stagnant at times. Vents through the sands to the air above give some reprieve but they can get clogged often and need constant maintenance. Occasionally windstorms race through the tunnels and can stir up some dust and debris but typically they are harmless.  


Golzect’s Throne is technically ruled by four Ogre Warmasters, who preside over areas of Starhelm, but in reality, it is run by Melchinoopo, the newest and youngest member of the Ogre Warmasters. As Golzect’s Throne is ruled as a stratocracy, most decisions made are from a military standpoint. Their hierarchy is based on the level and prestige of the battles one has fought in.   The rule of the city is broken up into two sections - the Horde, and The Warrens.   The Horde follows standard Goblin procedures, with the rank and file Goblins doing most of the hard and unsavoury labour, the Hobgoblins form the majority of the professional military, the Bugbears lead the armies, and the Ogres lead the Goblinoid race. Various captains, sergeants, and corporals help maintain the order of the city and keep the army ready for combat. The support structure functions with a similar hierarchy to keep consistent with the rest of the units.   The military is officially ruled by the four Ogre Warmasters but the current head of the military in Golzect’s Throne is a Bugbear named Taktar. He rose through the ranks very quickly, showing a great balance of fury, skill, and intelligence. He is not as large as many of his peers, but he has a knack for surviving, and taking advantage of even the slightest opportunity. He is responsible for enacting Melchinoopo’s dictates in expanding and retaking the lost Goblin lands from the Witch Queen. Taktar is aware of Melchinoopo’s tenuous hold on his position and he does a fine job of propping him up when necessary, but also ingratiating himself to the other Warmasters.   The Warrens takes care of the non-military aspects of the city, most importantly the children, and the necessities of life. The Warrens also look after the structural integrity of the tunnels and mazes that lead into and out of the city; the architecture and intrinsic strength of the materials; and the cultural needs of the city, including all religious needs. It is currently led by a Hobgoblin woman named Mekletek, who is well beyond her breeding years, but has a keen understanding of the politics of Golzect’s Throne. She has the ear of Melchinoopo and is encouraging him to give more resources to The Warrens and the children. She can sometimes be at odds with Taktar, but she holds her own in quarrels and debates, though sometimes not without personal injury to herself.  


As in all Goblinoid society, the age and evolutionary stage of an individual determines their ranking in the social structure. In Golzect’s Throne a very large section of the population is Goblin, and they perform all manner of jobs, both in the Horde and in The Warrens. Goblins continually vie for power in order to survive to the next level, resulting in short term thinking, and chaotic behaviour. They are the most immature of the race and it shows in most of their interactions. While there are instances of Goblins who have yet to mature into Hobgoblins ruling over their kin, most just fight for whatever scraps of wealth or stature they can muster.   Goblins that form part of the Horde do not typically stay in Golzect’s Throne for very long, being sent off to do battle in all parts of Starhelm. There are those that return but the majority of them either die or evolve into Hobgoblins and continue to wage war. A select group will always be set aside to help with the defense of the city.   The Goblins of the Warren perform a variety of functions, ranging from general labour, to forming part of the Tunnel Delvers Alliance, and all manner of job in between. The Warrens covers the large strata of Goblin society so it is likely that a Goblin of The Warrens can rise rapidly through the ranks to a position of respect, while their kin continue to struggle.   Goblins are fully capable of reproducing between the ages of six to eight and often produce four or more offspring. Since most Goblins die at a young age through war or misadventure, they mature faster than most other races. As the only stage of Goblinkind able to reproduce, the Goblin Hive of Golzect’s Throne is quite large in size and number. It is a network of underground tunnels that is extremely well-guarded from invaders. At any given time, the Goblin Hive has over seven thousand Goblin children, and can range as far as ten thousand. Female Goblins are very well protected as they are the only ones capable of keeping the race alive. They are afforded much respect and typically gather food and care for the young and wounded; that is until they reach beyond their breeding years. Once they cannot give birth anymore, Goblin females can evolve into Hobgoblins. Female Hobgoblins have a very difficult road ahead of them and most of them do not survive their time in the military. Some stay behind and help with raising of the children but most do not last that long. It is very rare for a female Hobgoblin to evolve into a Bugbear but it has been known to happen in the past In Golzect’s Throne there are a large number of female Hobgoblins than in most other Goblin settlements, and they perform other Warren functions, as well as sometimes becoming full-fledged priests of Golzect.   The Hobgoblins of Golzect’s Throne are typically there to train, or to provide support to the defense of the city. It is common for a Hobgoblin to rotate their posts, so they don’t typically stay in the city for too long. Many Hobgoblins can be found at the Killing Grounds practicing their skills or doing drills. Some retired Hobgoblins make excellent drill sergeants and they can find a home in the Killing Grounds or as elite guards.   The Bugbears of Golzect’s Throne are fewer still in number than their Hobgoblin lessers. They take even higher positions of power and might lord over guards, the city defenses, retired captains, or even high priests or tacticians. The head of the Horde in Golzect’s Throne is a prime example of a Bugbear who has catapulted himself to a position of power. As is standard with Bugbears, they are often jockeying for position and do not always work well with each other. Since Melchinoopo’s rule is suffering a bit from his overextension of duties, he has not been able to instill the proper amount of fear into his underlings. Once he gets a handle on his people and his objectives, the fighting amongst the Bugbears of Golzect’s Throne will cease.   The ruling of the city is officially done by the four Ogre Warmasters, but Melchinoopo has recently taken over from the previous Ogre, who met a grisly end at the hands of a Witch Queen Death Knight. He has been tasked with preventing any more loss of land from the Witch Queen and to retake some land back. He is charged with keeping The Warrens secure, with an eye to growth, and he needs to run the city smoothly. It has been a rough start for him, but he is starting to get a handle on things. He is very concerned with his status at the moment and is easily distracted, making it a time for those in the city to take advantage of his lack of control. He is very dependent on both Taktar and Mekletek to keep things going while his is concerned with other things.  

Crime and Law

While there are great opportunities for crime in Golzect’s Throne, and some are even looked upon favourably, any disruption to the structure or safety of the city is dealt with immediately and with prejudice. The structure of the ranks and social status typically keeps the population in line from any egregious acts, but those that are deemed dangerous to the city are usually the recipients of the Killing Ground training.   Melchinoopo has the ultimate say within the city, but the other Warmasters can overrule him if they feel it is detrimental to the success of the Goblin race as a whole. They have yet to exercise that, but they are looking very closely at how Melchinoopo is managing his affairs. If they feel he cannot do the job they will take decisive action.  

Post Fractioning

Golzect’s Throne was a bastion of security for the Goblins during and after The Fractioning. The Goblins of the upper cities and settlements were affected far worse, but The Warrens of Golzect’s Throne was a key factor in saving the Goblin race.   The PuKtan Desert had much land destroyed by the explosion, and the years that followed saw the Witch Queen pummel them with an army of Undead. The Goblins fought back the only way they could; the quick propagation of their race. They were already a military race, but the fierceness and unnatural forces arrayed against them proved to be quite staggering. They held off the Witch Queen and her army for a long time, all the while replenishing their diminishing numbers. In the end the Witch Queen could not overcome the Goblins and the Hive of Golzect’s Throne was a prime factor.  


The military of Golzect’s Throne is vast, advanced, and mobile. They prepare for every contingency, including incursion into The Warrens, the Hive, or The Depths. There are a large number of guard posts, barracks, unit posts, and war halls in Golzect’s Throne. The current leader of the military is Melchinoopo, but he is often away, leading forces against the Witch Queen’s minions, leaving the rule of the army to Taktar. The Goblin army of Golzect’s Throne is quite happy with Taktar’s leadership and they know he understands what it takes to secure victory. The Goblins that are out with Melchinoopo respect the rule of the Ogre and are gradually warming up to his leadership.   There are numerous guard posts, and patrolling guards that make the rounds through the Hive and The Warrens, ensuring nothing threatens the children of the city. There is a lot of responsibility placed on the heads of the Hive Guard and great honour is bestowed on those chosen. Wandering The Warrens is not looked on as favourably and may Goblin scouts have gone missing, or just left while patrolling the network of tunnels to and from the city.


The city of Golzect’s Throne is divided into four main sections: The Upper Layer, The Core, The Depths, and The Warrens.  
The Upper Layer
The Upper Layer is made up exclusively of houses built into the side of the cavern wall, and the majority of the residents are Goblins or low-level Hobgoblins. The homes can contain a large number of Goblins, and some of them stretch back far into the cavern wall, providing more room than it would appear on the outside. The architecture of The Upper Layer is haphazard and uneven, but surprisingly structurally sound. There have been some accidents to be sure, as enthusiastic Goblins tried to increase their home size without consideration for their neighbours, but these get resolved very quickly (and usually lead to more space for the surviving Goblins). Some Goblins run small businesses out of their homes but none of them are wide-spread and typically only supply those in and around their immediate area.  
The Core
The Core has fewer homes, slightly bigger, and also houses the four Ogre Warmaster homes. While most of the Ogre Warmasters do not stay in Golzect’s Throne, their homes are nonetheless maintained and ready for them when they choose to visit. If any Ogre is killed or replaced their home becomes available for their replacement. The residents of The Core are generally important Hobgoblins and Bugbears, aside from the Ogres and their staff.  
The Depths
The Depths holds the main portions of Golzect’s Throne and does not hold any homes or residences. It consists of a few businesses, like the Tunnel Delvers Alliance; a great deal of military buildings, including the Killing Ground; The Ragehome of Golzect, the temple to their god; and most notably The Throne, the centre of government in Golzect’s Throne.  
The Warrens
The Warrens and Hive are a network of tunnels that lead into and out of the city. There are two main tunnels that lead into the city and they are heavily guarded both inside and outside the city. Many guards and patrol constantly roam The Warrens and Hive ensuring the safety of the people there, most notably the children of the Hive. There may be smaller tunnels that connect less traveled sections of the city, but they are well hidden and can change over the years. The Hive is where the children of the Goblins are born and cared for and every Goblin knows that it is the Hive that saved their race from distinction. The rate of Goblin birth has decreased over the years, but it is still quite high. The brutal upbringing of Goblins leads to a lot of early death, so their population does not endanger the rest of the continent.   Within The Warrens, nearer to the city is a giant dump heap of refuse, where the city deposits its bodies, waste, and other detritus. A giant Otyugh named Ooliyamph resides in the heap and helps the city keep itself from becoming overrun with garbage. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement and the people of Golzect’s Throne show it great affection.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
It is rare for anyone on the outside to visit Golzect’s Throne. Occasionally the Fallen may send some representatives but typically the Goblins do not allow visitors. The shops of Golzect’s Throne are most often used for The Warrens but there are some rare shops that sell to topside cities. Goblins almost never sell weapons to outsiders; they consider it arming the enemy. If they ever do sell weapons to others, they are of inferior quality to Goblin weapons, therefore only the most frugal or desperate tend to buy them. Some mercenary groups may buy Goblin weapons in bulk to start, but they upgrade as quickly as possible.   The Killing Ground is the centre of Golzect’s Throne military. It consists of the barracks, the training fields, the armoury, and the prison (such that it is). The rest of the building is similar to other cities military buildings, with the exception of the prison. Goblin prisons typically hold prisoners for a few days before they are led out into the Killing Ground to be used as practice for all manner of troops. It is extremely rare for anyone to survive their time in the Killing Ground, but it has happened. Those that survive are free to go and are violently escorted out of Golzect’s Throne to make their way across the PuKtan. Those extreme few who survive tell awful tales of Goblin ‘hospitality’. Goblins prefer to let a few survive just to spread the word. Ragehome is where the warrior-priests of Golzect reside and provide service to The Warrens and the Horde equally. It is run by Akertak Bloodthief, a Bugbear of great presence. He is said to be a favourite of Golzect and may be close to evolving into an Ogre soon. He is fierce and a big proponent of Goblin resourcefulness and tenacity. He prefers to help others dig deep into their own abilities and persistence to solve problems. He is often known to withhold any healing or aid, instead guiding his people to survive on their own, as is the Goblin way. He conducts the daily rituals of Golzect, and he sometimes gets a bit enthusiastic, much to the dismay of Goblin adherents.   The Throne is the centre of Goblin government in the city. Melchinoopo is expected to spend a great deal of time here but in reality, the most prominent members of The Throne are Taktar and Mekletek. In the centre of The Throne is a large throne that symbolically is reserved for Golzect himself. None can sit in the throne for penalty of death, even Melchinoopo. It is visible from anywhere in the main chamber and has four Bugbear guards at all times. Taktar and Mekletek often argue for the city, but they usually come to terms with each other eventually.   Also, within the city, in The Depths, is the Tunnel Delvers Alliance, a group of Goblin architects and tunnelers that pride themselves on the strength and practicality of their work. They are responsible for the maze of tunnels that flow in and out of the Warren and Hive of, not only Golzect’s Throne, but most of the western part of Starhelm. They also place great interest in finding lost things in their digging. They have uncovered numerous relics and artifacts and many of those items make their way back to the city. Many, however, make their way to buyers from all over, looking to secure ancient pieces of loot or culture. The Tunnel Delvers Alliance is currently run by Bagjon Captooth, a veteran Goblin who has not evolved into a Hobgoblin yet. Many say he could, but he is willing himself to stay a Goblin. He feels his uses as a Tunnel Delver far outweigh his need to evolve. Many cite that Golzect agrees or he would have evolved by now.     City Ruler:   Sites:
  • The Throne – government centre
  • The Killing Grounds – military centre
  • Ragehome (Golzect) – Akertak Bloodthief (m/bugbear)
  Notable Merchants, Shops and Places of Interest:   Neighbourhoods: Notable Personalities:
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Characters in Location
Region:  Twilight Interior (PuKtan Desert)   Population:  626,104   Racial Breakdown:
Dominant: Goblin
Minority: Hobgoblin; Bugbear
Group: Ogre
Individual: Folkar
Singular: Giant Otyugh   Form of Government:  Stratocracy   Notable Inhabitants:  Melchinoopo; Navandark; Basselwip; Sargutt; Taktar   Notable Locations:  The Throne; Ragehome; The Killing Grounds; Tunnel Delvers Alliance


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