Havenguard Chain Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Havenguard Chain

This northern section of the Barrier Guard goes from the top of the chain, including the oldest surviving Human city of Essillion, all the way down to the Stone Dwarf city of Forgehome located in the middle of the mountain chain. The people of the Havenguard Chain typically get along with each other, particularly the Dwarves, Humans, and Goliaths of the region. The Dwarves are considered the undisputed rulers of the area, and most give them their due, with some few exceptions.   As Havenguard is one of the oldest and consistent places on all of Aerith it is well steeped in history and tradition. The Dwarves prefer law and order and like to consider themselves the guardians of the land, the culture, and the history of the mountains. They consider pacts, agreements, and promises to be sacrosanct and look very poorly on those who shirk their responsibility or their word. As such, the majority of inhabitants in the Havenguard share that view as a whole. Individuals vary, of course, but the typical makeup of the region is one of order and tradition.   The Summitshield clan is the Earth Dwarf guard of the northern section, located just south of Hollow’s Point. Shalehaven is ruled by the Heartfirelan and is considered the first Earth Dwarf clan to have separated from the Dwarf kingdom. It’s line has never failed.   The northern section of the Havenguard chain, near Essillion is still guarded by the Morigak clan and they ensure the mines of Essillion are kept safe by any danger from deep beneath the earth.
Included Locations
Population: Majority – Dwarves; Minority – Humans, Gnomes, Goliath; Lesser minority – Minotaurs; Large group – Krysin; Small group – Stone Giants


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