Ilbrendar Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ilbrendar is one of two Dragon Lords to have formed after The Three Pillars finished their Celestial Dance. He represents law in all its forms, the creation of things, and the pure essence of divine magic.  


Never take actions to provoke another, always be definitive and up front with how you act. Regrets have no place in your mind, for even what might seem like a bad decision will have good effects in the future if your intent is true.  

Major Centres of Worship:

The Island of Ilbrendar was the carapace of Ilbrendar when he was on the material plane. The Carapace is a holy island for the worshipers of Ilbrendar. The island is an ever-changing environment and landscape. The Carapace floats around and gives shelter to shipwrecked sailors or hungry animals.   On Starhelm there is a natural cropping of standing stones that Dragonkin have transformed into a meeting place for worshipers of Ilbrendar.  

Relations with other gods:

Drakova, the Chaotic Dragon Lord of destruction, fire, and air, is sister to Ilbrendar and his fiercest adversary. While their relationship is very confrontational, the two of them trade blows back and forth with no desire to truly destroy the other. Their followers, however, do not always share their feelings and might take it upon themselves to rid the world of the other. Outside of Drakova the two Dragon Lords do not interact with other beings overly often.  


Ilbrendar appears as a large Dragon Turtle, with a large forest on his back. His metallic skin and the island on his back will sometimes change colour depending on his mood and what he is doing at any particular time but it is usually Platinum.  

Other Manifestations:

When an explorer is lost, they might see golden footprints on land or a school of golden fish leading them to safety. When someone creates something new, they will often hear the winds carry a whisper of good fortune. Ilbrendar cannot leave the Umbra or his battle with Drakova but if he does, he will often project his essence to his shell and travel for a little while, before he heads back to continue his fight.
(pronounced Ill-bren-dahr)
Ruled Locations


Law. Lawful Dragons, Dragonborn. Divine Magic, Water, Earth, Metals, Creation


Dragon Turtle silhouette



Typical Worshippers: 

Dragons, Dragonborn, Divine Spellcasters


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