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Conclave of Magic - Home of Possibility

The Conclave of Magic is one of the most powerful organizations on Aerith. Founded after the Ascension they have spent over twenty-five hundred years protecting the balance of magic, and teaching those with the promise and drive to learn. Over the years many people have travelled to the Island of the Conclave, known as Jazun, and have stayed, starting their lives and families there. Madina, a city attached to the island, was created to accommodate all the people who currently do not live in the school.  


The weather on the island of Jazun is completely controlled by the Communal Branch of the Government; they determine what the optimal weather and climate is, and then the Transmutation Root changes it accordingly. Most of the time it is a nice, cool, sunny day, but they will sometimes change the weather to have it rain, or snow, to allow for a wide variety of crops and plant life. On occasion the Kraken’s temperament may affect the weather with lightning or inclement weather, but these are not terribly damaging to the island.  


The Conclave of Magic started out as an organization to maintain the balance of magic and teach magic to those willing to learn. Over the years the Conclave has grown to the point where it is recognized by every other nation on Aerith as its own sovereign nation, with its own form of government, and laws for their citizens. The Conclave devised a three-branch system as the basis of their government, which includes the Academic Branch, the Communal Branch, and the Tribunal Branch.   The Academic Branch focuses on maintaining the balance of magic, and for educating the students of magic across all of Aerith. They are responsible for the students at the school, including determining the curriculum, assigning sleeping arrangements, maintaining the school grounds and halls, tasking students for missions, and any other school-specific responsibilities. Though this is officially the responsibility of the Authorities, they are usually more focused on maintaining the balance of magic than they are on the minutia of the day-to-day workings. However, they typically assign their Savants to handle this part of the job.   The Communal Branch focuses on the physical aspects of the island and cares for all those who live, learn and work on it. This includes those who are not part of any Root, such as guests, agents, students that have not chosen their Root yet, as well as the Jazunian citizens that live in the city of Madina on the island. In addition, this branch is in charge of ensuring the physical infrastructure of the island and the buildings that lay upon it are well maintained.   The head of the Communal Branch is the Custodian, who has the final say when it comes to matters of the island itself. Though it rarely happens, the Custodian can overrule an Authority if they strongly believe the Authority is not acting in the best interest of the island or its denizens. The current Custodian is Farrela Glitterhope, a Half-Avariel who was born on the island centuries ago. Her mother was an Elf and her father is an Avariel, and was also the previous Custodian, but retired after Farrela’s mother passed-away. Having been born on the island Farrela has had no nationality other than being part of the Conclave. She sees the island and the Conclave as her true home, and she puts her entire heart and soul into her duties.   The Tribunal Branch focuses on the laws, codes, and contracts that the Conclave must deal in, both on Jazun, or in other parts of Aerith. On Jazun, the Tribunal enact and enforce the laws of the island, ensuring fairness and justice to its denizens, while maintaining the balance of magic. Outside of Jazun, they work with the local government to abide by and understand their laws and customs, in order for the Conclave agents to easily interact with the populace and influence their acceptance of Conclave dictates when it comes to the balance of magic.   In addition to the many agents the Conclave employs, the Tribunal can also support these agents with contractors that possess a wide variety of skills and resources. These contractors are not full-time members of the Conclave, but they work under the auspices of the Tribunal and its direction. Contractors can be as small as an individual, or as large as an entire mercenary company, depending on the need. The Tribunal may also retroactively award contracts to previously completed missions if they feel it is appropriate for their needs.   Members of the Tribunal are required to give up any existing citizenship or loyalty to any other nation and swear fealty to Jazun alone. This also extends to students at the school, and any Root they might belong to. This separates the Tribunal from any former influences that might affect their impartiality.   The Tribunal consists of hundreds of members, but a high council of three, called the Triumvirate, oversee this branch. The Triumvirate’s power is large and far reaching, and in certain, but rare times the Triumvirate can override decisions made by the Magus. The current Triumvirate consists of a Minotaur named Runa Goldhorn, a Dwarf named Brankus Foamtankard, and a Tortle named Tibor.   Leading all three Branches is the Magus, who technically oversees all aspects of the Conclave of Magic, though they rarely intercede. The running of the city, the island, and the bureaucracy are left in the hands of the Custodian and the Tribunal. The Magus is more concerned with maintaining the balance of magic for all of Aerith.   Working as intermediaries between the Tribunal and the school, Mission Chancellors play a vital role. They can be either a member of the Tribunal, or a member of a Root, but not both. They have the authority to send members on missions, and assign teams as they see fit.   In the city of Madina there are different leaders for different parts of the city. The Mayor, the Crofter, the Captain, and the Abbot, all head up a specific and important aspect of the city. Though these leaders work under the Custodian, they are left to make most major decisions regarding the day-to-day workings of their jurisdiction.   The Mayor is Haldis Bagsly, a fourth generation Jazunite Halfling woman, who loves the city. She has never left or has had any want to, content to spend all her life in the city. This has given her great insight on how to best aid the Custodian on what Madina needs.   The Crofter is a Human male named Marcus Copperfield, who has only recently joined the city of Madina, having come from Starhelm a few years ago.   The Captain is a male Triton, originally from Dovak, named Aegis Dromeda, who escaped from his wrongful sentencing and fled to the Conclave to prove his innocence. After successfully doing so, he decided to stay on and help at the harbour, eventually becoming the Captain.   The Abbot is a Primordial Dao, Terra Sturdyhand who was drawn to the island after its creation. She fell in love with the people there and eventually took up the mantle of the Abbot.  


Being at the centre of the world has influenced the society of Jazun in a unique way. As the conflux of all the Aspects of Aerith, the people of Jazun come from various backgrounds, are influenced by cultures from across the globe, and accept differences like no other culture. Due to the draw of the school and the Conclave of Magic, Jazun sees a wide variety of travelers to her shores. Students hoping to learn, experienced adventurers wishing to aid in the Conclave missions, or visitors just looking to experience a new life all make their way to Jazun.   As the number of visitors grew, so too did the number of residents. Those in charge needed to make long-lasting changes to the way they functioned, with so many people on the island. Magic seemed to work at first, but eventually they realized that they could not just magic away their problems, and they soon adapted the island to be able to grow crops, raise livestock, and find housing for all the residents. The city of Madina is the result of those efforts.   Madina is self-sufficient, and while they have an extremely close relationship with the school, they often act in their own interests and on their own accord. They trade with merchants, set up missions to help the city specifically, bring in entertainment, goods, and provide services to their citizens and guests.   The incredible variety of visitors to Madina has given the people a great acceptance of differences, and they tend to judge people on actions first. The general tone of the city is welcoming and inviting, while maintaining a level of security to ensure inherent prejudices from guests do not interrupt the daily workings of the city.   Their closeness to the school has warped many citizens’ perceptions of magic and how rare and powerful it can be on other continents. Magic is seen as a common thing, a resource to be used as one would use a tool or machine. This can result in some culture shock for natives of Madina when they visit other cultures. The closest to their culture for magic is in Sangor, where the Arcane Aspect resides. The residents of that land have a greater appreciation for the common use of magic in everyday life. Understandably, magic shops are more common here, and one can find most types of items on Madina to help with everyday life, as well as some more intricate and complicated items. Any magic items brought into Madina will be confiscated unless the express permission of a curator, or a Savant (or higher) is provided.   With so many differences coming together in one place, the people of Madina will often seek a way to stand out from the crowd. They prefer to stand out with history and culture, not with displays of power or wealth. Ancient and historic forms of dress can often be seen, as well as hairstyles, or makeup.  

Crime and Law

After the Conclave became its own nation, they had to devise their own laws and a system to uphold them. The Tribunal was formed, and they created all the laws on Jazun. In addition, they have the authority to arrest and prosecute those who break the laws on Jazun, including students from other nations. The Tribunal works out of the Tribunal Tower, a tall building at the center of Madina where the offices, prison, and courts are located.   Most of the laws on the island are similar to ones found all over Aerith, but they have a much more detailed law system for considering the standards and practices of spell work and magic. While there aren’t many laws that dictate what can or can’t be done with magic, and even the practice of blood magic and sacrificial magic is allowed, albeit heavily observed and restricted, the only form of magic that is expressly forbidden is karmic magic. The attempt to change the fate of yourself and others is strictly monitored, and punishments are quickly enforced. The Conclave has determined that the laws of magic as dictated by the Three Pillars is not something that can be changed. Too many people have gone mad trying, and some have even come close to weakening the Roots of Magic. After the Fractioning of Alucar, it was decided that nobody, even gods, could not attempt to go against the fundamental structures of balance and the universe. Alucar’s attempt to promote his bride to a god was met with the ultimate failure, and the impact on the rest of the world was massive. Many nations have agreed upon the Conclaves laws regarding magic and have given the Conclave jurisdiction to enforce and arrest people who break their laws of magic.   Once someone has been arrested with crimes against magic the Tribunal steps in to charge the criminal and make sure they pay for their crimes. Most punishments involve monetary reimbursements, time served in community service, or performing a specific task for the Tribunal. Anything more serious might involve a prison sentence in the Tribunal cell tower. While it is rare, some who have proven to be such a blight on the fabric of magic, have been sentenced to be petrified and kept locked away in the Vault, along with the most powerful and dangerous of items, to be left isolated and forgotten.  


The island doesn’t have a formal military, but instead is protected by the Conclave. They have no need for a standing army, and it has never happened that someone comes to the island looking to conquer or raze it, for fear of retribution from the Conclave.  


Jazun is a 500-mile diameter rock that was built by the first Transmutation Authority and the second Magus Hialdrim Steelrune, a master Transmuter. Hialdrim was able to build the foundation of the island that has lasted for over 26 centuries. The actual towers and buildings on the island were crafted by all the original Conclave members. 500 years after the founding of the Conclave, when Jazun became their own nation, the Transmutation students all came together and increased the size of the island to accommodate for the new city that was about to be built. In addition to the foundation, they also grew a forest at the back of the island, and farmland on either side of the new city. Currently the island is broken up into three parts; the school, the city; and the Viridian Forest located in the back of the island.  

The Conclave of Magic

The Conclave of Magic originated as an organization to monitor and protect the use of magic across the world, and quickly became a centre of knowledge and study. The main school of the Conclave is located on the island of Jazun and contains fifteen distinct buildings that make up the entire school. The buildings and their contents are interesting enough, but the architects of this school and the geography of the placement of buildings has created the most intricate and powerful of arcane glyphs. The end result is that Jazun appears and occupies both equator poles simultaneously.   The fifteen buildings of the Conclave School of Magic are broken down into two different types – School Halls, and Functionary buildings. The school halls consist of The Abjuration Hall, the Conjuration Hall, the Divination Hall, The Enchantment Hall, the Evocation Hall, Illusion Hall, the Necromancy Hall, and the Transmutation Hall.   The Functionary buildings represent specialized functions of the school, and have varied purposes. They consist of The Transcendent Halls of Taruz; The Grand Library of Darrendor; The Prestigious Alchemy Lab of Grendrim; The Magnificent Dueling Hall of Idrell; The Transportation Hall of Derm; The Exalted Workshop of Thordur; and The Illustrious Menagerie of Alyriana.  
The School Halls
The School Halls are eight towers that represent each of the schools (or Roots) of magic. Each hall contains the classrooms where lessons are taught, and the living quarters for the members under that specific Root. While each are similar, and serve the same purpose, they each have their own differentiating properties, school colours, and mascot. The living quarters for each of the halls are split into eight levels, as follows:
  • Level 1 is the common area, where the members congregate to relax when they have available time, and do not want to be involved with the rest of the school. It is an open area, equipped with comfortable couches, tall bookshelves, fireplaces, light refreshments, and ample lighting.
  • Level 2 through 6 are the sleeping quarters, ascending upward by Conclave rank.
  • Level 2 is for the Apprentices, and are simple, yet functional rooms. It is rare for people to be at this level for long so there is no need to for much difference to each of them.
  • Level 3 is for the Mages, and where the majority of the Conclave members are. Many members will spend their entire lives at this level, and as such they tend to personalize their rooms.
  • Level 4 is where the Masters’ rooms are located. One of the perks of becoming a Master is that the Conclave will create a personalized room for you, equipped with all manner of amenities, and specialized individually for each Master. This allows Masters to keep to themselves if necessary, or desired.
  • Level 5 is for the Grandmasters quarters, and is similar to the Master level except far grander. In addition to the personalized rooms, these quarters also come equipped with transport doors that allow Grandmasters to quickly travel to public areas on Jazun.
  • Level 6 is for the Archmagi of the Conclave. These rooms are more than just simple quarters, they are small apartments. They have access to a bedroom, a dining room, sitting room, kitchen, and office, and some even have a guest room (for those more social Archmagi).
  • Level 7 is reserved for the Savants of the Conclave, and the level simply houses a single ornate door for each Savant. These doors lead to a special demi-plane that houses a magnificent multi-floored mansion, keyed specifically to the individual Savant. The key to these doors are worn as rings by each Savant, and can be accessed by any door they designate.
  • Level 8 appears as Level 7, with the exception that only one exquisitely ornate door can be found. This level is for the Authorities of the Roots of magic. The door on this level follows the same rules as those on the Savant level, with the only difference being the size and amenities of the Authority room is grander in scale and scope.
  Abjuration Hall: Abjuration Hall’s colours are blue and silver, and their mascot is the Shield Guardian. This hall is quite small, compared to the others, and is often overlooked. It is, however the most protected hall, owing to the fact that the students housed there are constantly practicing and honing their skills to the benefit of all who live there.   Conjuration Hall: Conjuration Hall’s colours are yellow and onyx, and their mascot is the Blink Dog. This is one of the livelier, and populated of halls, as many familiars, unseen servants, and various other summoned creatures can be found assisting students and staff alike. Many portals and magic doorways are located at different points to allow quick and easy access to other parts of the building.   Divination Hall: Divination Hall’s colours are purple and gold, and their mascot is the Couatl. The biggest thing of note about this halls is there is an open telepathic field that covers the entire hall, allowing any member to contact any, or every other member in the tower.   Enchantment Hall: Enchantment Hall’s colours are pink and platinum, and their mascot is the Siren. The Enchantment Hall seems standard, though members found within the hall often get a good night sleep, as the mystic elements soothe and ease stress.   Evocation Hall: Evocation Hall’s colours are orange and emerald, and their mascot is the Phoenix. Though they are asked not to, many evocation students will often practice their magic inside their rooms, which at times has caused substantial structural damage. Over time this has made it necessary for the Conclave to reinforce the building, for fear of it falling down around them. In addition, many wards and glyphs have been placed to protect the students, staff, and the building in case spells go wrong. This makes the Evocation Hall the sturdiest of school halls.   Illusion Hall: Illusion Hall’s colours are indigo and bronze, and their mascot is the Displacer Beast. While structurally speaking the Illusion Hall might be the same as all the other halls, it doesn’t appear that way. It often changes its appearance, depending on the mood of the Authority or the Savants in charge. Each month one lucky student is given the privilege of deciding the hall’s appearance for the day, and it is considered a great honour. Each individual’s room will always look completely different from one another, even at the Apprentice level.   Necromancy Hall: Necromancy Hall’s colours are black and ruby, and their mascot is the Ghost. Except for its inhabitants, there is no real difference in structure to the Necromancy Hall. Unsurprisingly, there are many (mostly) harmless undead that roam the halls, either as past students or teachers, or just wandering spirits that have either died in or near the school, that have found themselves drawn to its location.   Transmutation Hall: Transmutation Hall’s colours are turquoise and obsidian, and their mascot is the Treant. The design of this hall is quite different to the others. The top of it is open and accessible to all the Transmutation students, and it contains a full lush garden. In the centre of the garden is an ancient Treant named Kodama, who was awakened soon after Hialdrim passed away. Kodama tends to the garden and makes sure that all the plants and flowers are safe and healthy.  
The Transcendent Hall of Taruz
The Transcendent Hall of Taruz is the centre building of the school, and is the largest and busiest building on the island. This building is where the mess hall, the lounge areas, the administration offices, the Magus’ office, and the Vault are held. The hall is named after Taruz Stormbringer, a copper dragonborn and the first Evocation Authority of the Conclave. Taruz was the great granddaughter of Drenkal, though that was a closely guarded secret at the time.   The mess hall is a massive multi-floored section of the tower that can hold thousands of people, and typically does. It isn’t just open to the students, but to everyone that is on the island. The food is created by old magic used at the creation of the school, when it was a lot more difficult to create cooked food on the island. While it has become much easier to provide and cook food, the old magic is still alive and active. The unseen servants on the island can now cook any type of meal, from simple staples, to elaborate and intricate dishes from far off continents. This allows those students who crave a familiar meal to indulge in some home cooking while at the island. It is also quite popular to those travelers who just don’t want to venture outside their comfort zone. The majority of the mess hall is occupied by large, long tables perfect for family style gatherings, but there are some separate rooms if the open concept is not to your liking.   The lounge area is a multi-level part of the hall designed for students to relax, throw parties, and just have a good time, or blow off some steam. One of the floors on the lounge area has rooms that can be reserved by students or citizens of Jazun equipped for private functions, small gatherings, or even solitude if one so desires. The room can be changed on both the fashion and dimensions to suit anyone’s needs.   The administration offices are typical bureaucratic offices used for the upkeep and maintenance of the day-to-day dealings of the school. Many students work here part time, or as interns to help with their classes, or just to give back to the school in some way.   At the top of the building is the Magus’ office. It is a grand office, where the Magus works, studies, and sleeps. Whenever a new Magus is appointed the interior of the room changes to match the current needs, but certain features of the office are always maintained. These are the Umbral Well, the Globe of Ghenesh, the Golden Doorway, and the Six Crystal Coffins The Umbral Well is a powerful source of power that taps into the endless magic found in the Umbra. Much of the magic of the school is powered by the Umbral Well, and if need be the Magus can tap into the power directly to greatly increase their own magical capabilities.   The Globe of Ghenesh is probably one of the most important artifacts the Magus has. The globe shows how balanced magic is in the universe, in real time. It also allows the Magus to attune themselves to the universe and see who or what is tapping into the Tree of Magic, and where they are while doing it. The Globe was created by Ghenesh Yarjerit, the third Magus of the Conclave, and an extremely powerful Diviner. While on his death bed, Ghenesh gave his remaining life force to finish his ultimate creation.   The Golden Doorway is a spectral door that glows with a golden light. The Magus can call upon its power to instantly teleport anyone they need to its location, or can teleport the Magus to anywhere in the world. It is very rare for the Magus to teleport anyone to its location, but it has happened in the past as the need for time became a factor.   The Six Crystal Coffins were gifted to Drenkal by Lyle Tosscobble at the creation of the Conclave. Consistent with Lyle’s penchant for drama, nobody knows what is in the coffins, or what their purpose is, only that they need to be protected by the Conclave, and that one day they will open to keep Aerith in balance.   The Vault takes up a majority of the Transcendent Hall. It is where all the things that are too powerful to let loose on the world are kept. This includes magic items, criminals, monsters, and secrets of the world. The Vault is made up of four distinct and separate parts, the Higher Vault, the Lower Vault, the Mind Maze, and the Core.   The Higher Vault is the entrance to the rest of the vaults and where the Conclave’s immense coffers of wealth are kept. Piles of gold, gems, and treasures as far as the eye can see occupy this large room. This vast amount of treasure is guarded, unsurprisingly, by and ancient red dragon named Alrundor the Flame Eater. Alrundor is a personal friend to the current Magus, and he loves his current position as the Vault Guardian. He rests in a constantly growing pile of treasure, rarely has to fight opponents, and he is allowed to eat whatever he wants (with the exception of sentient beings). In addition to the Vault Guardian the treasure is also heavily enchanted to teleport back to the Vault if it leaves without express consent, trapping the would-be thief in the vault as well.   The Lower Vault contains the items that should not be used in everyday activity, but are still accessible if the need arises. Corrupting or sentient items are most commonly held here, as well as some other cursed items. Reaching the Lower Vault is challenging in itself. The vault is closed off by a heavily worked and intricately crafted Rocksteel door, making it virtually unbreakable. If that wasn’t enough, it is protected by an anti-magic field, and can only be opened by Alrundor, or a creature of his same power level pushing it open. Once past the door the next impediment is a spiral staircase under the same anti-magic field, trapped with all manner of non-magical traps. Finally, once in the Lower Vault proper, the interior is guarded by Penildos, a Gynosphinx who has been Vault Guardian for as long as there has been a Lower Vault. She is fastidious and extremely detailed, ensuring that nothing is taken from the vault without the proper authorization.   The Mind Maze is a psychological hell, where the worst magical criminals are kept. These evil or maniacal creatures either cannot be killed, or the harm they would cause if they were killed is too great, so they are petrified and kept in the Mind Maze. While there they believe they are in an empty, circular hallway, and are forced to think about every wrong choice they made. The hallway will only allow you to continue on if you genuinely accept the error of your ways and seek to atone. This will continue for every wrong choice you made, keeping most people inside the Mind Maze forever, eventually turning mad in a never-ending loop of bad decisions. A very select few have made it out of the Mind Maze, having bettered themselves and being allowed to move on to a productive life in the world. Even these people are carefully watched over by the Conclave, but so far it has proved effective. The Magus, or all eight Authorities working together, are the only ones who can bypass the Mind Maze to get to the Core. All others need to work their way through the Mind Maze to move on to the lower level.   Having made your way through the first three layers, the final layer of the Vault is the Core. This is where all the worst and most dangerous magic items, creatures, villains, or secrets are kept, keeping them away from the rest of the world, to be lost to time and memory. The only way to access the door to the core is for a 9th level spell of each root to be cast on to the door. The is normally done with the eight Authorities, but if needed the Magus can step in for three of them if the circumstances are dire enough.  

The Grand Library of Darrendor

The Grand Library of Darrendor is the greatest collection of arcane teachings and is the second-best archive on Aerith (behind the Archive in Forgehome). The books and tomes in this library can teach anyone almost anything if they are determined and patient enough. This fifty-floor library holds the Archive, sections containing extensive volumes of research notes, literature, or general reading materials, and finally study halls.   It was named after Quincy Darrendor, a human who was the first Divination Authority. Quincy was a dear friend of Drenkal, who could easily see through the Magus’ disguise, despite being blind. This Library was very close to Quincy’s heart because he cherished books and he was quite saddened when he lost his sight and was unable to read the books he loved so dearly. The Archive of the Library takes up a full twenty floors. There are many students whose job is to acquire and write the books that fill these floors. These include the missions that the Conclave have taken part in, their success or failure, and various details including, but not limited to the weather, the political shifts, any other significant events, and the learnings gained from the entire experience. Most often, but not always, these students are from the Divination Root.   Filling another five floors above that is where all the research notes are kept. Massive and extensive volumes of pages upon pages of all the notes that have been written by students of the Conclave, or of research that has been acquired through other sources.   Above the floors of research notes are another fifteen floors of collected literature and general reading material. The Conclave has a wide and varied selection of both fiction and non-fiction books for both students and citizens to enjoy.   The Final ten floors of the library contain the study halls. Many unseen servants roam the halls, assisting students by gathering books or research materials, fetching refreshments and food for long nights or days studying, and even to bring exhausted students to the beds provided for those that fall asleep in the library.   The Librarian of the Grand Library is Eddalax, a beholder.  Eddalax dreamed its existence into the previous Librarian about seventy years ago, accidently fusing them together. Eddalax firmly believes that they are the Librarian now and takes that job very seriously. It took some decades, but eventually Eddalax learned not to disintegrate students that were breaking the rules. Stories abound and many newer students are too fearful of the library for the first few months after they first arrive.  
The Prestigious Alchemy Lab of Grendrim
The Prestigious Alchemy Lab of Grendrim is where all the alchemists, and potion makers work. It is filled with every type of spell, alchemical, or potion component once could think of, and it is always on the hunt for unknown or strange ingredients. It is named after Grendrim Gallywud, a great Gnome and the first Necromancy Authority. He was a potion maker extraordinaire, and he can still be found as a ghost that teaches advanced potions.   Though not as tall as the other buildings that surround it, the Alchemy Lab is still quite large. Only five floors are aboveground, with the other twenty floors below the earth. The aboveground floors are for theory and note taking. No real alchemy is performed aboveground.   The first five floors belowground contain the component storage facilities. The first-floor houses plants, followed by biological components, then inorganic materials like stone, gems, and metals. The fourth level holds liquids and gases, while the fifth level is a catch all for all components that do not fall under the above categories.   Floors six to thirteen are where the laboratories are housed. Each lab is a single room that can fit no more than two people in it, but an observation area on the outside allows for onlookers to view and check progress. Safety is a very important aspect of this building, in keeping with the many dangerous and deadly things stored or worked on there.   The final seven floors are where the Conclave experiment with the potions and products they have created. These floors are all open, and heavily warded and guarded to protect against any mishaps. The further down you descend the more heavily guarded and protected are the levels.  
The Magnificent Dueling Hall of Idrell
The Magnificent Dueling Hall of Idrell is used as both a training hall for practice and a place for sport. It’s named after Idrell the Great, an Avariel woman that was the first Abjuration Authority. She is a daughter of Lyradell, and is still alive, but events with the founder of the school forced her to leave. After Drenkal was revealed for the Drakon that he was, it was Idrell who brought him to the Avariel for his execution. She could not, in all good conscience, remain at the school after that. She currently sits on the throne as the Queen of the Avariel, after Lyradell’s departure.   The Dueling Hall is one of the most popular spots for many students at the school. Dueling is a very popular sport and pastime for the Conclave, and every year, on the anniversary of the Ascension, there is a favourite duel held. It is a duel between the Magus and the eight Authorities. This duel has been a tradition since the founding of the Conclave, with much betting on the outcome. Currently, the win ratio is 1224 to 1148 in favour of the Magus, with 54 ties. While this might be the most popular duel, it is certainly not the only one, and duels happen almost every day, with professional duels happening weekly. The rules for dueling are simple – you can only use magic, you can’t kill or seriously injure your opponent, and a victory is declared when one’s opponent is knocked out of the ring, or declares a forfeit.   The hall is fifteen floors tall with the main arena on the top floor, open to the air. The first five floors are the practice chambers, rooms that can be altered to practice any type of magic in a safe environment. The rooms can summon simulacrum of creatures to practice magic against, without endangering the caster, or injuring and killing the creatures.   The other ten floors are the dueling stages. Each dueling stage is open to allow for any types of spellcasting, but the stands that are on the edge of the stage are under an anti-magic field, so any wild or stray magic doesn’t affect the observers. It also prevents people watching from interfering with the current match.   The top of the hall is the Grand Stage, a massive stage that is three times the size of a normal dueling stage, and has much more seating for onlookers to sit and enjoy a match.  
The Transportation Hall of Derm
The Transportation Hall of Derm is where all the teleportation circles in the Conclave are located. It is named after Derm Orden, a Dwarvish conjurer who was an expert in reverse summoning. Reverse summoning is a difficult form of summoning that instead removes creatures or objects and sends them to a different location. As rare as it is now, during his time it was practically unheard of. Derm himself created this type of magic, and there are still many to this day that can’t fathom how he did it.   The majority of the tower is just blank stone rooms with a locked door and a teleportation circle on the ground. Hundreds of these rooms are in the tower that go to each of the different teleportation circles around Aerith. In addition, the tower has meeting rooms, and special doors that are linked to each Mission Chancellor that creates a portal to their office.  
The Exalted Workshop of Thordur
The Exalted Workshop of Thordur is where magic items are crafted. It is named after Thordur Aldaro, the greatest Minotaur tinkerer the world has ever seen. She also had such a mastery of illusions that she could trick people into thinking that a simple hallway was a vast labyrinth. She was very fond of infusing her inventions with illusions.   The workshop is split into two parts: the Clock, and the Foundry. The Clock is where all the automatons and clockwork items are made, and you will often see clockwork creatures walking the hall. The Foundry is where all the magic items are researched and crafted.  
The Illustrious Menagerie of Alyriana
The Illustrious Menagerie of Alyriana is where all the magical creatures and beasts are kept. It is named after Alyriana Anstorma, a human woman from Starhelm, who was an expert of enchantment magic, particularly when charming animals. She would also dabble in animal fusion, with her most popular creation being the cockatrice, a mixture of a chicken, a bat, and a basilisk. She was quite proud of her creation but when she spread them across Aerith without the Conclaves permission she was removed from the Conclave.   The Menagerie is home to dozens of magical creatures, that are split into three categories; endangered, researched, and cultivated. Endangered creatures are kept to ensure they don’t go extinct, or to increase their breeding. These creatures are rarely used for magical components and none of the components used can be to the detriment of the creature. For example, you can’t take a Caladrius tongue, or Cerberus fang, or an Amarok’s saliva, or an Adarna’s feather.   Researched creatures are ones that aren’t endangered, but are ones that have either recently been created or discovered, or creatures that not much research has been done on. Finally, there are cultivated creatures, which are ones that are well known and in abundance. They are used for many things, including mounts, components, training, and more.  
The Tribunal Tower
The Tribunal Tower is found in the center of the city proper, and in fact the city itself was built around it. The tower is made up of three towers built in a triangular design, with bridges connecting all three of them together, meeting in the Triumvirate Chamber, where all three Triumvirate meet. Each tower is eleven stories tall and has its own specific purpose.   The first tower, known as the Cell tower, serves as the prison for the island, and is run by Runa Goldhorn. She sits on the top level, looking down on all the prisoners. Each ascending level of the tower is afforded more security as the danger of the criminals increases.   The second tower, known as the Court Tower, is where all the court rooms on Jazun are located. Tibor runs the courts and oversees all the important cases. She is the only person on Jazun who has the authority to send someone to the Mind Maze. The Third Tower, also known as the Congress Tower, is where all the organization work is done for the Conclave of Magic. It is run by Brankus Foamtankard, but he is rarely in the tower, as he is traveling all over Aerith, conducting business with other nations, cities, and organizations.  

The City of Madina

The rest of the island is the city of Madina. It is broken up into five parts: the Housing District, the Visitors Hall, the General Market, the Docks, and the Farmlands.  
Housing District
As the name would imply the Housing District is the part of the city where all the homes are situated. Though the majority of the Housing District is found in the city proper, there is a fair amount of housing found in the Viridian Forest, and the Docks. The housing in the forest is for those who prefer to live in a natural environment, rather than in a simple house. Elves, Gnomes, and Dragonkin are the most common inhabitants that live in the Viridian Forest, though occasionally others prefer to get away from an urban setting.  
The Visitors Hall
The Visitors Hall is a city-owned inn, and meeting center. It is a twenty-floor building with the first five floors as banquet halls, meeting rooms, and recreational rooms. The other fifteen floors are rooms for the inn. It is run by Myrtle Blackwater, who used to live in Merkanti on Abereith. She decided to hop on a ship and leave that city, before she found her way to Madina. She stayed on the island for a couple of days, which turned into months, and then finally decided to stay permanently.   Near Visitors Hall is the Hall of Gods, a massive, multi-deity temple that holds shrines to every known deity and power on Aerith. It is a five-floor building, with the top floor dedicated to a shrine of the Three Pillars. Below that are shrines to each of the Sovereign Beings, then shrines to each of the Pinnacles. Beneath that are shrines to the Shards of Alucar, and Luminare Primes, and finally an open prayer area for any and all to enter and pray to whomever they wish. The Hall of Gods is run by Archbishop Terra Sturdyhand, a primordial Dao, who was drawn to the city after the mass creation of earth after the city expansion occurred. Terra has a strong connection to the Magna Prime Terralin, whom she was named in honour of.  
The General Market
The General Market is the most popular part of the Island for both the students at the school and citizens of the city. There are many taverns, restaurants, and shops that cater to a variety of nationalities and cultures. You can try food or buy products from anywhere across Aerith. Some of note are the Swans’ Little Parade, The Tipping Chalice, and the Gem Horseshoe. The Swans’ Little Parade is an extremely fancy restaurant, where each person has to buy their own menu. Each menu is completely different from any other menu in the restaurant.   The Tipping Chalice is a popular restaurant in the city. While it may be new, it has gained in popularity very quickly, though nobody knows why. It is owned by Bartleby Pollystock, a Gnomish man who was born on Dovak. He came to the island to bring authentic island food to the city, and he is famous for his gyros, a common meal found in Dovak.   The Gem Horseshoe is a seven-floor general store and magic shop, with the first five floors being the massive general store. Each of the floors are broken up into the five continents that make up Aerith, as follows: floor 1 is Starhelm; floor 2 is Dovak, floor 3 is Cha’lla, floor 4 is Abereith, and floor 5 is Sangor. Each floor feels like the continent it represents, and shoppers can get a sense of what it is like to frequent an establishment in that culture. Clerks default to the native tongue (or tongues) of that land when speaking with someone, or they can easily talk in Old Starhelm, which is common amongst all of Aerith. The top two floors are the magic shop, and the Gem Horseshoe is the only one in Madina that has a Curator. The Curators Syndicate is a Starhelm organization that has found its way to Madina, and ensures the tracking and control of magic items across the lands. Madina’s Curator is none other than the head of the Curators Syndicate Marcus Antonio Cerulean Kardaio, from Avandar. While he rarely spends time curating items anymore, most of his time is spent trying to impose Curator policy across all of Aerith, which is proving to be more difficult than he hoped.   The most famous part of the general market is the Five Bite Trail, a pub crawl that goes through the entire city. The pub crawl is popular amongst students at the school, but some visitors to Madina enjoy the crawl as well.   The first tavern on the route is The Mages’ Respite. This tavern was the first to be opened on the island, so students could have a place to go to get away from the school, and magic in general. Over the centuries the reputation of the Mages’ Respite has grown, and the idea of an escape from magic has become so popular that the entire tavern is protected by an anti-magic field. While doing the Five Bite Trail, it is required to have a Firebrew ale, before continuing on to the next tavern. This signature drink is a deep red ale that is lit on fire before being served.   The second tavern is the Snake’s Venom, owned by a Yuan-ti family named Scaledfist. The current owner is Baltar Scaledfist, and he loves encouraging patrons to try the Snake Venom Shot, a powerful snake venom that has been diluted with alcohol. Though there have been some near deaths, if one is on the Five Bite Trail, take a shot is a must. Many stop their crawl right after this shot.   The third tavern is Bitzy’s Buttered Biscuits. Bitzy’s is a Halfling tavern, known for their warm interior and hardy food, in particular the buttered biscuits. It is said that even one biscuit is able to leave the most gluttonous Halfling full. While on the Five Bite Trail, having one of Bitzy’s Bashers is required. Her strong mix of five secret ingredients is sure to leave the drinker in need of a meal just to see straight again.   Fourth on the trail is the Falling Goldfish. This lively and rowdy tavern offers a free drink to those who can surprise the bartender with a tale. After twenty years it is very rare to find someone who can make good on the offer. While on the Five Bite Trail, you have to do the Gold Coin Chug. A stein filled with a powerful liquor, contains a gold coin at the bottom. You must chug the entire stein, and show the gold coin between your teeth at the end to prove you have gotten to the bottom. Those that managed to surprise Merissa the bartender can bypass this part of the challenge.   Finally, the fifth tavern is the Drunken Dwarf, and the last on the Five Bite Trail. This large tavern and inn is one of the only ones on Jazun that isn’t really for travelers, but more for the drunk that can’t find the door at the end of a night. To finish off the Five Bite Trail, you have to get the Five-Pointed Star, a flight of five ales that will usually break a person at this stage of their challenge.  
The Docks
The Docks are broken up into two parts: the Land Docks and the Undersea. The Land Docks are a simple multi-dock network with a basic boarding house available for travelers. The boarding house is rarely used because most will travel to the Visitors Hall, but the boarding house will hold people, livestock, and any crates and supplies that are being offloaded or onboarded. The Undersea is where all the citizens of Madina that prefer living underwater are located. Currently, about five percent of the population of the city is living in the Undercity, mostly Triton and Merfolk, but some Sea Elf and elementally blessed Water Genasi also live here. Aegis Dromeda lives in the Undersea, making sure that the people who are out of sight aren’t out of mind. The fishing of the island is done by the denizens of Undersea, and they are not your typical fishermen. They herd and breed the fish, much as a farmer might breed livestock. No fishing boats or above ground fishing is done on Jazun.  
The Farmlands is where all the crops and livestock are tended to. After the expansion of the city, this was how the citizens were able to survive and thrive. The fields grow all sorts of crops, and since the weather is controlled by the Conclave, it allows many different types of crops to flourish. Various vegetables, fruits, grains, and livestock can be grown or cared for in the Farmlands. The changes in climate from farm to farm can be unsettling for those not used to it.  
The Viridian Forest
The Viridian Forest was created at the same time as the city. It is a completely artificial forest, having no connection to the Beastlands at all. Druids, Rangers, or those with strong connections to nature tend to avoid the Viridian Forest. All the animals and creatures of the forest are simulacrum, with no real soul or connection to the natural world. Others that live in forests do not mind it so much, as it still looks like a regular woodland setting, so Elves, Dragonkin, and Forest Gnomes feel more at home there.   Leaders:
  • The Dragon Queen (Magus)
  • Tibor (Triumvirate)
  • Runa Goldhorn (Triumvirate)
  • Brankus Foamtankard (Triumvirate)
  • Farrela Glitterhope (Custodian)
  • Edga Wallcarver (Abjuration Authority)
  • Lyan Gatemaster (Conjuration Authority)
  • Marissa Foresight (Divination Authority)
  • Tempest (Evocation Authority)
  • Glitter (Enchantment Authority)
  • Orion (Illusion Authority)
  • Tranquil (Necromancy Authority)
  • Iswalz (Transmutation Authority)
  • Haldis Bagsly (Mayor)
  • Marcus Copperfield (Crofter)
  • Aegis Dromeda (Captain)
  • Terra Sturdyfist (Abbot)
  • The Transcendent Hall of Taruz
  • The Grand Library of Darrendor
  • The Prestigious Alchemy Lab of Grendrim
  • The Magnificent Dueling Hall of Idreil
  • The Transportation Hall of Derm
  • The Exalted Workshop of Thordur
  • The Illustrious Menagerie of Alyriana
  • The Tribunal Tower
  • The Visitors Hall
  • The Hall of Gods – Terra Steadyfist (Female/Primordial Dao)
  • Three Point Star (the Three Pillars)
  • The Glittering Dawn (Zayphos)
  • The Shells Craddle (Illbrendar)
  • Weather’s cry (Drakova)
  • Pyro Fortuna (Ignis)
  • Aros Fortuna (Anamare)
  • Ocea Fortuna (Aquios)
  • Earthen Fortuna (Terralin)
  • Compra Fortuna (Janosis)
  • Deciv Fortuna (Atrapon)
  • Birtha Fortuna (Tereale)
  • Passen Fortuna (Morthos)
  • The Sturdy Mine (Denethen)
  • The Flowing Path (Lutien)
  • The Adapting Tunnel (Golzect)
  • The Bonded Marsh (Erswetz)
  • The Graceful Tower (Lyradell)
  • The Ambitious Road (Flane)
  • Warrens Pass (Borch)
  • Structures Grace (Baphomet)
  • The Storm’s Wrath (Annam)
  • The Sky’s Song (Stronmaus)
  • The Fire’s Forging (Surtur)
  • The Frost’s Hunt (Thrym)
  • The Stone’s Craft (Skoraeus)
  • The Hill’s Feast (Grolantor)
  • The Farm’s Aid (Hiatea)
  • Ocean’s Glory (Persana)
  • The Frogs Respite (Ramenos)
  • The Golden Egg (Semunya)
  • The Platinum Nest (Syranita)
  • The Blood Mist (Yeenoghu)
  • The Fighting Pit (Bruges)
  • The Collosum (Curceon)
  • The Gallery (Dranaden)
  • The Scribe Hall (Gnurich)
  • The Market (Greegis)
  • The Wedding Hall (Josefan)
  • The Mine (Kleio)
  • The Bed (Leftis)
  • The Guardian (Mirriam)
  • The Inn (Parfin)
  • The Throne Room (Pristell)
  • The Court (Vocerix)
  Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
  • The Swans Little Parade – Restaurant
  • The Tipping Chalice – Restaurant
  • The Mages Respite – Tavern
  • Snake Venom Tavern – Tavern
  • Bitzy’s Buttered Biscuits – Tavern
  • The Falling Goldfish – Tavern
  • The Drunken Dwarf – Tavern and Inn
  • The Visitors Hall – Inn
  • The Boarding House – Inn
  Notable Merchants, Shops and Places of Interest:
  • The Gem Horseshoe – Magic Shop and general store
  • Farmlands
  • General Market
  • Land Docks
  • Undersea
  • The Viridian Forest
  Notable Personalities:
  • The Dragon Queen (f/elf), Magus
  • Edgar Wallcarver (m/dwarf), Abjuration Authority
  • Lyan Gatemaster (m/gnome), Conjuration Authority
  • Marissa Foresight (f/human), Divination Authority
  • Tempest (f/air genasi), Evocation Authority
  • Glitter (m/aarakocra), Enchantment Authority
  • Orion (m/human), Illusion Authority
  • Tranquil (f/fallen), Necromancy Authority
  • Iswalz(m/grippli), Transmutation Authority
  • Farreka Glitterhope (f/half-avariel), Custodian
  • Runa Goldhorn (f/minotaur), Prison Triumvirate
  • Tibor (f/tortle), Court Triumvirate
  • Brankus Foamtankard (m/dwarf), Congress Triumvirate
  • Haldis Bagsly (f/halfling), The Mayor
  • Marcus Copperfield (m/human), The Crofter
  • Aegis Dromeda (m/triton), The Captain
  • Terra Sturdyhand (f/dao), The Abbot
  • Alrundor Flameeater (m/red dragon), Higher Vault Keeper
  • Penildos (f/gynosphinx), Lower Vault Keeper
  • Eddalax (f/beholder), Librarian
  • Kodama (f/treant), Transmutation Gardener
  • Grendrim Gallywuld (m/gnome ghost ), Alchemy Teacher, Former Necromancy Authority
  • Myrtle Blackwater (f/human), Visitor Hall Administrator
Population: 127,650 (30,000 students)
  Racial Breakdown: Majority: Human
Minority: Dwarf, Halfling, Goblinkin, Grippli, Elf, Dragonkin, Minotaur, Genasi, Gnome, Goliath, Krysin, Tabaxi, Aarakocra, Triton
Group: Giants, Fallen, Dryad, Gnoll, Kenku, Merfolk
Individual: Dragons, Living Dead, Tieflings, Devils, Hags, Treants, Doppelganger, Lizardfolk, Gith, Naga, Yuan-ti, Primordial Genie
Singular: Beholder, Mind Flayer, Aerithian Genie, Sphinx, Half-Avariel, Kraken
  Region: The Conclave Island (found where the longitude and latitude meets on both sides) Jazun (jha-zoon) Full name Jazirat (jha-zeer-at) altawazun (all-ta-wa-zoon): Translated Island of Balance is ancient draconic
  Notable Inhabitants: The Dragon Master (Magus), Edgar Wallcarver (Abjuration Authority), Lyan Gatemaster (Conjuration Authority), Marissa Foresight (Divination Authority), Tempest (Evocation Authority), Glitter (Enchantment Authority), Orion (Illusion Authority), Tranquil (necromancy Authority). Iswalz (Transmutation Authority), Farrela. Glitterhope (Custodian)
  Notable Locations: The Transcendent Hall of Taruz; The Grand Library of Darrendor; The Prestigious Alchemy Lab of Grendrim; The Magnificent Dueling Hall of Idreil; The Transportation Hall of Derm; The Exalted Workshop of Thordur; The Illustrious Menagerie of Alyriana
  Form of Government: Three Branches headed by the Magus


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