Kathra Rureinhold Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Kathra Rureinhold

The Durzok of the Rureinhold clan is a calm and wise woman with long, fiery-red hair, which is often braided neatly down her back. She is never seen in public without The Forgeanvil; her warhammer crafted by Denethen himself and gifted to the head of his church many centuries ago. She spends a lot time deliberating before she decides, and she rarely takes rash action. She is the head of the Church of Denethen, which means she has a lot of responsibilities and spends most of her time there. When necessary, she sends her daughter Tora to deal with the city and work with the other clan heads. Tora loves the responsibility, and spends most of her time studying and learning so she can be a great asset to her mother and her clan.
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