Denethen Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Den – ah-thin)

The Mountain Master


Denethen is the Dwarven Pinnacle and considers himself the older brother of the other Pinnacles. Dwarves were the first through the Womb of Humanity and as such are the elder statesmen of the Founder Races. He represents Dwarves first and foremost, but anything related to mountains is also in his domain.  


Denethen teaches his people that hard work and diligence serve the whole clan and the race as a whole. Dwarves are only as strong as their weakest link, so the job of the church is to make strong people everywhere. Family is extremely important and the Dwarven race should be considered one extended family. Dwarves strongly believe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the priests serve to exemplify and cultivate that attitude. The strength and fortitude of the mountain extends to all who embrace its power.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Each of the Dwarf clans has a major temple to Denethen but most Dwarven halls, meeting places and households have at least a small shrine dedicated to their god. Forgehome still has a great temple to Denethen called the Anvil of Creation.  

Relations with other gods:

Denethen was very close with Alucar of the Humans, and Lutien of the Halflings, until Alucar was destroyed in The Fractioning. He took on a fatherly role towards the Humans and tried to help the Shards of Alucar make their way in the world. Kleio the Artificer appreciated Denethen’s guidance and Denethen imparted much of his wisdom to Kleio. The two have engaged in many conversations about crafting, building, and mining. Curceon and Denethen also get along very well and Denethen sees much of his lost brother in him. The people of Essillion, in particular have a fondness and respect for both Curceon and Denethen. Baphomet of the Minotaurs and Denethen share many of the same traits and they get along well with each other, even though the races sometimes step on each other’s toes from time to time.   Terralin and Denethen get along well but their relationship is a little odd as Denethen used to worship her when he was mortal and now, they are more like peers. They both value the essence of the earth, but Denethen is more focused on the mountains.   The Pinnacle who shows the greatest animosity toward Denethen is Golzect. The Goblinkind god has forever been jealous of the older Pinnacle and his people choose to take it out on the Dwarves of Starhelm.  


Denethen appears as a sturdy Dwarf, armoured in mail studded with gems of all sorts. His appearance changes from an Earth Dwarf to a Stone Dwarf depending on his mood or his audience. His lengthy beard is braided in numerous sections, with streaks of grey shot through his black hair. His Great Two-handed Dwarven Warhammer ‘Soul Crusher’ is always at his side.  

Other Manifestations:

A new vein of precious ore is said to have been blessed by Denethen. A golden glow accompanied by an echoing drum shows the mountain god’s favour. A broken pick or hammer signifies his displeasure.
Divine Classification
Starhelm Dwarf Pinnacle


Dwarves. Mountains, Secrets Beneath the Earth. Gems. Hardiness, Steadfast Devotion


Hammer and anvil beneath a cutaway mountain


Lawful Good

Typical Worshippers: 

Dwarves. Miners, Crafters, Stonemasons, Guardians


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