Kurst Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Kurst are crossbreeds of Fallen and other races, resulting in a transfer of the Fallen curse. Not all races will successfully crossbreed with Fallen and may not produce a Kurst or subsequent type but the most common variants are Maleun (Human), Duergar (Dwarf), Svirfneblin (Halfling), Folkar (Goblin), Kalabor (Grippli), Quali (Dragonborn). If an Elf is subjected to the Fallen curse they will turn into a Fallen instead   The Fallen, in their bitterness, target the Founder races particularly and the Kurst of Aerith each display different qualities based on their parentage. The people of Starhelm are a little cautious around Kurst but they are not automatically shunned. However, the inclusion into society can be a little tough for Kurst.   The physical qualities of Kurst vary greatly, with some having different-coloured skin, hair and eyes take on different sizes and shapes, and some have an aura about them. Most of them hold the general qualities of their primary race with subtle or obvious differences. There is a great variety of Kurst appearances making them very individual and unique.   Traits derived from their parent races are typical in most Kurst with some additional traits acquired through the Fallen curse. The individual nature of Kurst provides a great variety of traits shown throughout the race. Aside from that, most Kurst share a sense of seclusion and loneliness as they are not wholly accepted into society.   There is no central Kurst society and they integrate as best they can into existing culture. Cities will hold a greater population of Kurst but only because of the larger population mix. Stonebridge and Hollow's Point has the greatest population of Kurst but they do not hold any particular niche in society.   Kurst will share allies and enemies with their parent races as per their location and circumstances. Most people will keep Kurst at arm’s length, recognizing the different and somewhat peculiar nature of the Fallen curse.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Kurst tend to take base traits of their parent race, with a mix of varied and odd quirks of physical manifestations of their Fallen curse. Each creature afflicted with the curse will react in different ways, some growing tails and horns, others having different-coloured eyes. No two Kurst are alike, even if coming from the same parent.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Ears often get pointed; hair turns white; and in some cases their features get sharper (ears, teeth, even fingers). The brow ridge will often get pronounced and become sharper as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Kurst learn to speak, read, and write Common, plus their parent language

Racial Features

Kurst mature at about the same rate as their parent race, but they tend to live a few years longer
Average Height
Same as parent race
Average Weight
Same as parent race
Average Physique
Kurst size is the same as their parent race
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically the skin turns darker, ashier, or grey


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