Stonebridge Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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City of Festivals
large cosmopolitan city

Stonebridge is a very historical city on the continent of Starhelm that was created very soon after the Elves arrived. It was originally a diplomatic city designed to help relations between the Dwarves and the Elves, and as such, it is a mixture of Dwarven and Elven ideals and design. The original architecture of the city combines the Elvish treetop homes, adapted with Dwarven craftsmanship, making many of the older houses historic sites. It is rare to find families living in them, instead they are repurposed for public use. Its citizens pride themselves on how diverse and inclusive their city is. All races are allowed in Stonebridge, even Fallen and Goblins can enter the city, but are usually watched closely by the city guard.  


Stonebridge is an incredibly open and multicultural city. It is the Stonebridge way to make sure that everyone in the city feels accepted and is considered an equal. The people in the city love to celebrate and throw festivals whenever the opportunity arises. Currently, there are at least 12 festivals of various sizes that occur in the city during any given year. Many of the citizens from the surrounding towns, villages, and sometimes even further visit the city when these festivals are on, swelling the population even more.   Innovation and creation are important to the people of Stonebridge, particularly when something new is brought to the city to make life better. The Gnomes in the city love to modernize anything they can; not just to make life more convenient, but in some cases just to prove that they can. Thanks to that trait Gnomish inventions can be found all throughout Stonebridge, including quick start streetlights, or houses with doorbells. Sometimes Gnomish enthusiasm can overwhelm other races, but the city is typically better off for it. One such project involved installing a giant clock tower inside the Council Tree, which caused a lot of contention from the Dwarves and the Elves in the city.   Just recently a large community of Firbolgs entered the city, raising quite a few eyebrows, as Firbolgs tend to stay around where Giants are, and there are no known giants in the area. Stonebridge accepted them quickly into their ranks and it was not long before they secured a seat on the council. Stonebridge’s proximity to the Scar of Fire means a lot of trade with the Efreeti in that city. The coming and going of Fire Genasi and Azer is not uncommon, and many of them eventually stay in Stonebridge permanently. The Azer, in particular like traveling to Stonebridge as they are generally accepted, even if they are escaped Azer. The government of Stonebridge does not acknowledge the existence of any ‘escaped Azer’. Any Azer in Stonebridge is considered free and as such, can enjoy the benefits of citizenship.   Kurst also enjoy coming to Stonebridge. They are more accepted in Stonebridge than anywhere else on the continent, but people are still cautious around them. Being so near to Exandar, many Kurst fled their oppressors and tried to make a life in Stonebridge, if only temporarily.   The taverns and inns of Stonebridge are often filled with merchants, travelers, and adventurers. Bartenders and innkeepers are always ready with a story, rumours, or opportunity to share with those visiting their fair city.  

Crime and Law

Crime in Stonebridge is not terribly violent or heinous, typically focused around robberies or houses of ill repute. The Union of Shadows has presence in the city, but Stonebridge was not historically their main source of income. Most recently that has changed as the Black Talon was driven out of Essillion and fled south to Stonebridge. While the crime rate has not dramatically risen yet, the council is very keen to increase their security to keep the citizens safe.   Stonebridge tends to be a haven for people on the run, and most can blend in with the various races and economic backgrounds present. Many come to Stonebridge to escape the law of the place they fled from, including a lot of rogues and criminals. The Shadowfox Gang, a group of criminals connected to the Shade Walkers Guild is made up of many of these fleeing rogues.   The laws of Stonebridge are an amalgamation of ancient Dwarven and Elven laws. The Dwarves provide very strict laws, with a lot of structure, and not much wiggle room. It is clear, concise, and very black and white. The judgement, however, is open, free, and Elvish in nature. The judge and jury, in a Stonebridge trial, decide what would be a reasonable and fair punishment. They come to their decision after hearing facts, seeing proof, listening to circumstances, and weighing in on moral issues. Many children who steal food, or people who steal medicine to keep themselves or loved ones alive, are often given light, or no punishments. The Union of Shadows will often use children in their crimes; if they are caught, they are not punished as severely. The Union trains these children to appeal to the morals of the judge and jury and to show great remorse. The children of the Union make excellent actors.  

The City of Festivals

Stonebridge is a city that loves its festivals, and they have many each year. Most festivals have a similar style and feel, with some slight variations, depending on the theme. A hallmark of their festivals are the food stands, amusement games, shops, and stores.


Stonebridge was formed between Dwarves and Elves, and each race demanded an equal say on how the city should be run. As Stonebridge grew, so did the need to include the more prominent races that made up the bulk of its population. Every race in Stonebridge is considered for a seat in the government. Every 2 years a census is conducted to determine the racial breakdown of the city, and any race that has 5% or more of the population is allowed to have a seat on the Stonebridge council. Each council member has an equal vote on matters of the city, and if there is ever a tie a vote is called. A race other than one represented in the council is randomly selected, and in turn selects a chosen representative to break the tie.   Any race that comprises more than 25% of the total population of Stonebridge is allowed to enact one decision without the need to go through the normal bureaucracy. If all the other members of the council contest the action, the decision is vetoed and is not sent through.   Most recently the Firbolg have just joined the council, thanks to a large community that has recently made Stonebridge their home. The Firbolgs are very concerned with ensuring the city acts in good faith to the people of their city and that the city thrives in a positive and healthy way. The Halflings, on the other hand, just lost their seat on the council, and many Halflings are showing a growing animosity toward the Firbolg that, to the Halfling’s eyes, usurped their seat.   The current census results are as follows: (Gnomish 31%, Dwarvish 12%, Human 12%, Elf 10%, Goliath 9%, Fire Genasi 7%, Firbolg 6%, Halfling 4%,Tiefling 3%, Azer 2%, other 4%)


The military in Stonebridge is not unlike those found in most large cities. It is well protected within the city thanks to the city guards that roam the streets, helping those who need it and protecting any in trouble. The militia and city guards are well run and rarely need any assistance from the military forces of the city. Stonebridge has a small military force that is mostly used for defense of outlying areas or aiding friends and neighbours. They rely on the same aid from their allies in helping to defend their city from any external attacks. The head of the military is Gale Windcrest, an Air Genasi who has worked her way up the ranks over the past fifteen years proving herself many times over. She is a kind woman who has only gotten kinder after her many years of service. When people ask her why she joined the military her response is always the same - “I joined so I can protect the weak, not kill the strong, and I intend to do just that.”


Post Fractioning
The Fractioning did not affect the city of Stonebridge as much as it did other cities and towns due to a protective barrier that the Fallen had built over the city of Exandar. This barrier had taken a lot of the destruction created from the fractioning and only destroyed the outer walls of the city and about half of the older buildings in the city, but all in all the city was safe. It took about a year to fix the walls and replace the missing houses with more modern ones. After the Fractioning, the people of Stonebridge took in a lot of families that survived, but had lost their homes. The Goliath and Human population rose quite a bit, ultimately giving the Goliaths a seat on the council.


Stonebridge is located in between mountain, forests, and a giant crater where the Fallen city of Exandar landed. The city uses all the resources around them, even managing to find a vein of adamantine. In the forest they mostly harvest lumber and, where they can find it, Moonsteel.   The Bertuk River is a large river that flows through the entire city. The city has built two gate bridges that prevent smuggling or escape through the river. It was recently named after Tyana Bertuk, a gnomish priest of Aquios who managed to put out a major forest fire just outside the city, using the river as his source of water. This not only saved the forest, but it was also the spark that encouraged the Firbolg to join the city. The river itself is filled with aquatic animals and you will often see people with paddle boats spending time in the river, or sitting on benches by the riverside.   The city itself is very modern and current, benefiting from Gnomish inventions like easy-light streetlamps, and well-made cobblestone roads. They are trying to develop the apartment housing that Avandar has invented, but so far they have not been able to replicate it. The city is filled with taverns, inns, shops, parks, and shrines, spread out across the city. While Stonebridge is not broken up into sections or districts, like many other cities, there are some major areas or structures within the city. The Festival Strip, The Council Tree, the Military Compound, the Temples of the City, and the Stonebridge Historical Homes are all prominent areas of the city.   Stonebridge has pleasant warm winds that blow north from the jungle and ocean. The winds are cooled by the mountains and the forest trees of the Elves. It has some of the best temperatures on Starhelm, neither getting too hot, or too cold.  
The Festival Strip
The Festival Strip is the area behind the river. This area is where festivals are held, and is home to the biggest attraction in Stonebridge - the Mounted Tempest, a circular structure with different wooden mounts.  
The Council Tree
Council Tree is the oldest structure in the city.  
The Emporium
The Emporium is the large shopping center on the first floor of the council tree.  
The Military Compound
The Military Compound is a large, walled-off area near the southwest of the city. The compound holds the barracks, armoury, and prison of Stonebridge.  
Stonebridge Temples
There are six temples in Stonebridge, dedicated to Lyradell, Zayphos, Denethen, Morthos, Tereale, and Janosis.  
Stonebridge Historical Homes
There are six original Stonebridge houses  left in the city, with most of the original buildings being destroyed during The Fractioning, or old age and disrepair.  
Shops, Inns, and Other Places of Interest
Stalwart Mule is the largest and most popular tavern and inn in the city. The tavern is a two-storey building with five levels of basement. It is owned and run by Visasha Orokai, a no-nonsense Goliath, who has put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making the Stalwart Mule what it is.   Stonebridge Museum of invention is a large building that goes through the history of inventions throughout Starhelm.   The Carabas Hall of Gambling is a large building in the south west of the city. The building is brand new and takes up an entire block. There is an inn, a tavern, a dance hall, a gambling hall, and a house of lady favours. The owner is a Tabaxi named Tora Carabas, that wandered onto Starhelm from her home on Sangor through the Beastlands.   Hardy Times is a large tavern found in the Festival Strip that is quite popular, especially during festivals. It is a three-floor tavern with a large outdoor sitting area.   The Coin Exchange is a bank and coin exchange for the city, located next to the The Military Compound for added security. The large stone building is also a beautiful landmark in the city.   Fokmar's Mining House is a large general store located on the edge of the city by the Barrier Guard. The store specializes in tools and equipment related mostly to mining, as well as being a League of Miners shop.   The Meteor Shower is a small magic shop and observatory, run by a female Magma Genasi named Comet Earthengrasp.

Council Members
Gildree Gallowspint (m/gnome), Head of the Council, Gnomish council representative
Elric Greenshoe (m/human), Human council representative
Vishta Moonquill (f/elf), Elvish council representative
Goldrik Rorintroll (m/dwarf), Dwarvish council representative
Ganthara Beartamer (f/goliath), Goliath council representative
Pyre Ashengrey (f/fire genasi), Fire Genasi council representative
Pemma Tearleaf (f/firbolg), Firbolg council representative
The Emporium
The Council Tree
The Festival Strip
The Coin Exchange
The Platinum Bough (Lyradell) – Exanra Petalblade (f/elf)
The Emerald Anvil (Denethen) – Rangod Wrathhammer (m/dwarf)
The Shining Feather (Zayphos) – Albrecht Gallmoss (m/tiefling)
The Hourglass Cradle (Morthos) – Petunia Everquill (f/firbolg)
The Dawnlight (Tereale) – Lister Goldenlute (m/gnome)
Parchments Binding (Janosis) – Hylda Lindle (f/gnome)
Winds Call (Anamare) – Breeze Airhollow (f/air genasi)
Giants Cradle (Annam) – Lingdol Furyhands (m/firbolg)
River’s Call (Aquios) – Puntila Pearlscale (f/triton)
Everchange (Atrapon) – Hailden Everface (?/doppelganger)
The Maze (Baphomet) – Brutus Barehorn (male/ minotaur)
The Topside (Borch) – Riz Greytail (f/krysin)
Battle’s Wall (Bruges) – Andrew Foreheve (m/human)
Silver Shield (Curceon) – Luthur Applecrown (m/human)
Elemental Touch (Drakova) – Renth (f/dragonborn)
The Pallet (Dranaden) – Darla Honeypetel (f/human)
The Matron’s Hut (Erswetz) – Fizbog Bluetoe (m/grippli)
The Script (Gnurich) – Henry Glassquill (m/human)
Tunneler’s Way (Golzect) – Buzzeye (f/hobgobblin)
Merchants' Purse (Greegis) – Kat Yellowbin (f/gnome)
The Calm Breath (Hiatea) – Halat Greenstone (m/firbolg)
The Purple Phoenix (Ignis) – Anna Truearm (f/gnome)
Stone Shell (Ilbrendar) – Vraz Platinumborn (m/dragonborn)
Dancer’s Hall (Josefan) – Grace Dancepetel (f/human)
The Hardy Chisel (Kleio) – Patrick Dusthammer (m/human)
Open Shadow (Leftis) – Ambush Blackhand  (m/smoke Genasi)
Roads' Rest (Lutien) – Patty Palerust  (f/halfling)
Green Grove (Miriam) – Jarret Gravetouched  (m/gnome)
The Gilded Boot (Parfin) – Carrdin Fastfoot (m/human)
The Palace Gate (Pristell) – Hellena Sunkiss  (f/human)
Skies' Peak (Syranita) – Parrek Purplepatch (m/aarakokra)
Sturdy Steps (Terralin) Handrak Firebarrel (m/goliath)
The Violet Gavel (Vocerix) Huewit Whistlegrip (m/human)
  Restaurants, Taverns & Inns:
Stalwart Mule – Inn (moderate)
Hardy Times – Tavern (inexpensive)
The Bullpen – Tavern (cheap)
The Silver Spoon – Restaurant (expensive)
The Lucky Lady – Inn (expensive)
Parfin’s Stool – Tavern (inexpensive)
The Watering Hole – Restaurant (inexpensive)
Carry’s Club of Cooking and Cards – Tavern (cheap)
The Sleeping Dragon – Inn (expensive)
The Wary Traveler – Inn (moderate)
The Horizon Line – Inn (moderate)
Left Eye’s – Tavern (cheap)
The Cats’ Platter – Restaurant (expensive)
The Carabas Hall of Gambling – Casino (expensive)
  Notable Shops, Merchants, and Places of Interest:
Stonebridge Museum of Invention - museum of invention
Fokmar's Mining House - general store
The Meteor Shower
Giants Heart (Firbolg Enclave)
Greenside (Firbolg Enclave)
Treehill (Firbolg Enclave)
Ash Side (Azer Enclave)
Tree View
Cheap Bridge
Beggars Strip
Small Wedge
North Claw
South End
Red Path
Top side
Gamblers Glide
Shade Side
Gate Side
Short Side
Tall Side
Stone Wall
Tavern Pass
The Clockwork
Shop Top
  Roads and Thoroughfares:
Goldpath Road
Miners March Street
Shady Lane
Petalfall Trail
Clockwork Path
Treeroot Pass
Blackvine Road
Paver's Path
Raindrop Road
River Street
Festival Lane
  Notable Personalities:
Visasha Orokai (f/goliath), owner of the Stalwart Mule
Tora Carabas (f/tabaxi), owner of the Carabas Hall of Fun and Gambling
Howard Frostamber (m/human), curator of the Stonebridge Museum of Invention
Shifty Pete (m/gnome), leader of the Shadow Fox gang
Blue Branch (f/treant), Treant found within Lily Gardens
Jillian Glintgold (f/dwarf), owner of Fokmar’s Mining House
Comet Earthengrasp (f/magma genasi), owner of the Meteor Shower
Bunz Gitterdew (m/halfling), head banker of the Stonebridge Coin Exchange
Madame Shelia Duphrount (f/tiefling), head mistress of the Duphrount School and Orphanage
Gale Windcrest (f/air genasi), leader of the Stonebridge Military
Founding Date
383 AE
Large city
‌Dominant: Gnome
‌Minority: Dwarf, Elf, Human, Goliath, Fire Genasi
‌Enclave: Azer, Firbolg
‌Group: Tieflings, Halfling, Goblinoid
‌Individual: Aarakocra, Fallen
‌Singular: Tabaxi, Treant
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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