League of Miners Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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League of Miners

The symbol of the Miners is old Dwarvish script for M.L. Finding it on a building or a person reveals them to be affiliated to the Miners. Approaching a person with this symbol requires some finesse to not reveal the miners as a real organization. The proper greeting to another miner is 'Ah my fellow brother (or sister if female) the Forge of Time has molded you well since we’ve last spoke.' Through conversation you will be invited to a building for further conversation. This location is a miners safe house and direct conversation can be had. If you are in trouble and a quick escape is needed the greeting becomes, 'My Denethen brother (or sister if female) the Flames of Luck have dwindled'. The league member will quickly bring you and any allies to a safehouse. This greeting should only be used in dire circumstances, and while being informed of your reasons for a quick escape a higher member of the miners will judge your reasons and decide if it was worthy for being used. If they deem it unworthy you are given a slash, both on your person and on your name. Five slashes removes you from the Miners.   Due to how secretive the miners are revealing their existence is greatly frowned upon especially to non dwarves, but they understand that exceptions can be made in dangerous or important situations, but if you reveal them to too many people you will have consequences, potentially removal from the organization.
Guild, Craftsmen


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